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  1. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    The foliar spray is called dutch master liquid increases the photosynthesis rate by 60%, so basically it is making my lighting system 60% more effective which would be important for anyone using CFL's i would think..ill keep posting pics as she gets bigger
  2. H

    Time to flower?? PICS

    height isnt an issue, but the grow space is only 18" wide and this beast is bushy as hell...and my whole lighting system only consist of 2 105w CFL on each side, and 3 105w CFL on top which put out a little over 20,000 lumens...are these lights going to be sufficient for the rest of the grow...
  3. H

    Lighting Question - expertise needed..

    That is a super small resevoir...i have one plant growing with a 2 1/2 gallon reservoir and I have to add water to it every 2 days or it gets to low and nutes get i can only imagine the problem would be magnified if you had 6 plants using the same reservoir....
  4. H

    Time to flower?? PICS

    Hey guys...just wondering if she looks like its time to flower her, or if i should let her keep goin on veg?? my first grow so any advice is welcome! Thanks!
  5. H

    Contorted leaves/discoloring..FIRST GROW HELP! PICS!

    Forgot to mention ambient room temp ranges from about 62-85F, but it may be a 5-10F warmer around the lights
  6. H

    Contorted leaves/discoloring..FIRST GROW HELP! PICS!

    whats up ive read tons of stuff on all the possibilities here, but im still unsure. She is about 5 weeks old still in veg, here is a list of my water/lighting schedule and nutes im using: Lighting- 2 105w 6500k CFL 3 105w 5000k CFL 525w of CFL, should be a little over 20,000...
  7. H

    How much nutes?? First GROW Lotsa PICS!!

    Hey guys...she is about 5 weeks old, born on aug 23. I have her going in a recirculating drip system with hydroton as the medium (4 times a day for 5 minutes). She may be a little short for her age bc i gave her some nute burn around 2 1/2 weeks and she went into shock for a week. I am trying...
  8. H

    New Pics!! hows she lookin?

    you want atleast 4 to 5 different branches coming off the main stalk before you top, make sure your knife or scissors are as sharp as possible and soak them in isopropyl alcohol to sterilize them first, hopefully you will see some clear liquid flood the wound immediately...thats how u know she...
  9. H

    Ordering seeds online?? Help!

    Hey people..trying to figure out if its safe to order seeds online to the U.S.?? If so, is it better to order from BC, than it is Europe? Im not settin up a grow house or anything, only have 2 plants goin now and will prob keep it around there. Just wanted some input from anyone who has ordered...
  10. H

    Small CFL Setup

    hey man, i see you ordered your seeds from you live in the U.S.?? i need to find somewhere good to order from
  11. H

    Is this enough light?? first grow! PICS!

    Hey guys...she is about 5 weeks old, prob going to flower her in a week or 2...but I was just wondering if the lighting I have is enough to use until harvest or if i should add a couple more bulbs. Right now I have: 3 105watt CFL's 5000k multispectrum tubes on top 2 105watt CFL 6500k veg...
  12. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    I have 3 5000k multi spectrum 105 watts on top (tube style) and 2 6500k 105 watts on each side (spirals) about 525watts of fluoro going, when she gets a little bit taller I may add 2 more 105's on each for the pruning, i have taken a couple of small branches off the bottem and...
  13. H

    Is this AK-47?? CHECK OUT THE PICS!

    Hey guys...i got these seeds from a buddy who claims they are ak straight from amsterdam...anyone out there ever seen a baby ak plant? She is about 5 weeks old and super bushy...just wondering what some of you experienced growers think about her, is she healthy lookin? she is my first and only...
  14. H

    My plant just keep getting worse. Pics.

    looks like either pH prob or nutrient burn, try getting some flora flush if you don't mind spending the money. After mine started getting nute burn i flushed her with that a couple of times and after she over came the shock 2 days later she exploded with growth
  15. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    I have about 18" of width with 9' ceilings. Its a bit warm in there right now which is one reason im not doing 24/7 lights, give it some time to cool off until the outside temp starts to drop. I've diluted the water to about 800ppm and have been using Dutchmaster liquid light and it seems to be...
  16. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    How tall should i let this beast get before i switch her to 12/12? I think im goin to switch the watering schedule to 10 minutes 4 times a day, dark period is 11pm-4am so its getting water once while sleeping.... that shouldn't over water her should it?
  17. H

    Bulb too close? Shriveled leaves (picture)

    looks like heat close were the bulbs, and what is the temp in your grow space?
  18. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    I've been keeping pH between 5.8-6.0 changing water every 6 days. The ppm last time I changed it was 987 with pH 5.86. Don't monitor temp of the water, I just use my brita filter out of the sink so its room temp typically. As for the other growing media, there is a very miniscule amount of...
  19. H

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    Hey guys....i've got her on a drip system obviously and i run it 4 times a day for 15 minutes...she is a little over 4 weeks but you can see some of the new foliage looks droopy. Could this have anything to do with me topping 2 days ago and pruning a few lower branches, or is it too much water??
  20. H

    new grower..need expert advice!!

    plain white reflective surface would only be better for a clear type bulb, but if he is goin to be using a clouded glass bulb like a high output fluorescent then mylar or the dull side of tin foil would be a bit better.