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  1. pinkpengin

    Clear specks on Fan Leaves

    do the specks move?
  2. pinkpengin

    Help with a couple things:

    perfectly healthy 3 ft plant could give you alot if you give it enough light it really depends on the strain same with the density its really dependent on the strain. oh in that case yes it seems your plant is root bound not overfertilized so i would just plant it and remove the plastic so the...
  3. pinkpengin

    cloning, no mother plant

    yea im pretty sure if you clone a clone it will just be weaker each time
  4. pinkpengin

    Flushing? i wonder...

    you know i live in Arizona and a quick way to cure is to put the bud in an airtight plastic container and put out directly in the sunlight and the heat draws out the moisture alot quicker, you have to open the lids every 2 hours for a couple days as appose to the normal every 4-5 hours.
  5. pinkpengin

    Clear specks on Fan Leaves

    well it could be THC are you in the flowering process?
  6. pinkpengin

    Wot yous think?

    definitely yea its a little fuzzy so im not sure if its heat stroke or a B deficiency but they look sturdy so i think its salvageable. Good Luck!
  7. pinkpengin

    going up the mountains

    oh i had that problem at thanksgiving, just give it an extra fraction of water for that day and it'll be fine even if the soil gets a little dry it good for roots to dry a bit once in a while. have a good trip!
  8. pinkpengin

    Help with a couple things:

    brow yellow and curling upward sounds like you over fertalized your plant which im sorry to say is very hard to fix, it sounds like you should just feed your plant water and let it ride out the rest of its fowering cycle. its a hard pill to swallow but i got stuck in the same situation and at 4...
  9. pinkpengin

    Did my plant sex itself already? Early hairs!?

    he's right they're not preflowers they're stipules, pre flowers will come in behind those stipules at the internode once you put it on a 12/12 schedule. lots of people mistake those for hairs in the beginning.
  10. pinkpengin

    help me please

    no if you over watered them they would be droopy, if they're not droopy just yellowing im willing to bet its time to start giving them nutes 3-4 weeks old is when they start needing them to develop secondary leaves so find a good 20-20-20 formula and feed them as directed. even though i would...
  11. pinkpengin

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    sorry these are all screwy lol, yea miracle gro soil is bad i jus made my own mixture out of bark compost perlite and peat moss or use super soil but add perlite and bark for better air flow and water retention
  12. pinkpengin

    starting a cfl grow??

    go to wal mart and get there 8 inch clamp lamps they should only be 5-7 bucks each then go to home depot or another popular HARDWARE store and get 3 cfl's at least 20 watts and then all you need to do is go to and read ten biggest mistakes growers make it really halped me in...
  13. pinkpengin

    Is this enough CFL?

    for the best results i suggest going to home depot and getting the 23 watts, three of those will give you a decent harvest. Good Luck!
  14. pinkpengin

    A CFL light ? could not find this answer

    yes you can get the same quality i grow using cfl's and trust me after a certain point lumens mostly affect the yeild not the THC content. but i still get about an ounce of each plant with household cfl's like yours. but i also have bigger cfl's i ordered online that are 105 w which put out as...
  15. pinkpengin

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    ok it looks like the soil is fine just add a more but it is drooping because its overwatered, i would suggest letting the little guy dry out until it seems recuperated then just remeber to stick your finger in the soil and when its fairly dry 2-3 inches down water you plant. and with the bulb...
  16. pinkpengin

    i need some help with my baby plant

    yea those are just overwatered just give it a couple days to dry out a bit and they should stand right up.
  17. pinkpengin

    Flushing? i wonder...

    right you are, it takes two weeks if you want'em to taste good. Good Luck!
  18. pinkpengin

    First Grow Help

    well doctor cannabis layed it out for you pretty good with all the options of the stealth grow so for the soil i highly suggest mixin it yourself. i mix sphagnum peatmoss and compost to start with then i add perlite and bark/charcoal. Good Luck!
  19. pinkpengin

    Starting Grow 2

    wow thats alot of plants for your first grow make sure you have enough light and space for all those.
  20. pinkpengin


    yea and if you wanna but some quality seeds like i do just go to they have the best prices on the net i guarantee it, i bought some great seeds from there numerous times for like 30 and 40 bucks. oh but all the prices are in great british pounds so there is a link to at the...