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  1. pinkpengin

    Sprouts still dieing!!!

    ok this is ur end all statement, a. u were suppose to put the root down b. they're right about using the paper towel method but dont "soak the shit out of it" or the seeds will crack open and then die from being overwatered. once you see about a cm of root plant it ROOT DOWN, give it a little...
  2. pinkpengin


    well im not an aerogardener but im pretty experienced and i know enough about growing to tell u that u should take away the foil because ur gonna give those babies heat stroke or leaf burn, even an adult can burn easily under those conditions. Good Luck
  3. pinkpengin

    can i cute clones from my plant that is 1 1/2 weeks into flowering?

    well here's the thing, to clone plants you need a mother, which means you need to have a big stable female that has NOT been flowered. dont flower it because you need it to veg so that the clippings you take from the top of the plant are stable, strong, and ready to flower once they get roots...
  4. pinkpengin

    I'ma NOOB N Got Some ?'s About The Prices PLEASE HELP

    yea spex is right prices vary from place to place because of the quality and what not of the area. so just remember this, 1 gram is usually a ten sac, u need to get urself a scale and learn grams or u will get screwed over, i was lucky because i got started with some pro smokers with great...
  5. pinkpengin

    Wut is the right way 2 cut bud?

    sure! ok so im assuming you didnt top your plant and it has only one main stock, just hack it at the base cut off all fan leaves and tie it to a hanger in your closet or grow space for a day or two to dry, then take it down start at the base first by cutting all unvaluable leaves leftover with...
  6. pinkpengin

    help plz

    ok your problem is that you gave it nutes too soon, for the first 3-4 weeks of life a marijuana plant needs WATER ONLY. this one is already extremely stunted in growth so i would start fresh with a new plant because you also may have already turned this one into a boy by stressing it. when a...
  7. pinkpengin

    flowery or no flowery

    well i know its a bummer but some strains naturally take more time to set themselves into flower mode without the help of certain nutrients. plants hit full bloom when there threshold has been reached with a certain nutrient (p) so i use bud blood after using bud blood for a week straight your...
  8. pinkpengin

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    oh honey to start, your paying WAY too much so dont ever buy seeds from where ever your getting them again, go to thats where i get my seeds they have all the best farms in amsterdam there for guarenteed best prices you can even get 5 FEMENIZED seeds for around 40 bucks or less...
  9. pinkpengin

    ph help

    plain purified water until it comes down to around 6.5
  10. pinkpengin

    help with seedlings

    your doing just fine just keep it water only until they're at least 3 weeks old or you might burn the roots, dont be alarmed if the lower leaves start to yellow a bit as you approach the 3 week mark. yea 1/4 of a tsp is the exact amount for indoor plants remember to use a 20-20-20 formula for...
  11. pinkpengin

    12 days of 12/12..male? female? or too early?

    its definitely too early, i buy fem seeds and when they start to flower the bud comes in just like that a week or so before the hairs show up so just be patient cause even if it is a boy you still have plenty of time to see that more clearly before the pods open.
  12. pinkpengin

    Grow Plan

    well if you mean 16 inches by 16 inches, its definitely not wide enough for the flowering process also if you want to get anywhere close to that goal you need more watts (bulbs) a lot of people dont see that when you look at the yeild online it say m2 next to it that means in a space thats a 3...
  13. pinkpengin

    Retro forte

    hmm i've never heard of retro forte but i use bud blood to start the flowering process because its high in P and its the level of P in a plant that can activate a quicker bloom so whatever is the hightest in P i'd start with that
  14. pinkpengin

    clones question

    well i don't know about the lid but those hard spots are like warts they either get covered in soil and grow roots or they just sit there forever you could even scratch one off real easy but i wouldn't im just saying you could lol.
  15. pinkpengin

    using dehumidifier water for grow?

    hmm thats a good question, if salts or anything have been added to the dehumidifier than i would say no, i suggest going to the store and buying the gallons of purified water for 65 cents.
  16. pinkpengin

    First grow IN progress, few questions

    well it sounds like your all set except no do not use aluminum foil cause its really easy to bur your plants that way especially with the high wattage mh your using and yes i would transplant them out of the crushed rockwool before they get root bound. GOOD LUCK!
  17. pinkpengin

    The Male Buds

    yea cheeese is right your could try to make hash but other than that no cause theres more cbd/cbn than thc, it'll probably just give you a headache ha ha. GOOD LUCK!
  18. pinkpengin

    my first hybird seed grow from the tude and

    lol thats Hilarious me too but i order from what strain do you have there?
  19. pinkpengin

    will my setup produce results?

    yes just remember to only feed it water until its at least 3 weeks old or you'll over fertilize it and it'll be a boy. also may i suggest switching to cfl they are less expenseive to buy and use and it lasts longer; one 26 w cfl (compact fluorescent) puts out as many lumens as the 100 w...
  20. pinkpengin

    what do you do after harvesting? - 2 situations

    no you should definitely chop the whole plant down because each harvest you get off of it will be less potent each time plus you would have to let it veg again for a minute because the only reason it flowers is because it believes winter is coming so it cant flower forever. Good Luck!