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  1. xSwimToTheMoon


    These are actually very good points. I use a fan so tiny it folds up and almost fits in my pocket, but the first few weeks can be iffy. when super young, I like to let them lean toward the light (naturally) then turn the pots once a day so they have to lean again the opposite way. Imo it...
  2. xSwimToTheMoon

    Another sex question

    I was gonna say the same thing, but it actually has some merit now! Lol. keep an eye out dude, any day now.
  3. xSwimToTheMoon

    Help with autos

    Sorry i can't answer your question about supersoil, but have you heard of FF light warrior? It's for seedlings and I use it almost exactly as you described here. Could be a bit better for germing and sprouting than happy frog. Also, starting autos in big pots, I like to "pre-transplant" with...
  4. xSwimToTheMoon


    A little breeze will strengthen it over time. i start with just a few hours. If it's touching the dirt, toothpicks! Get used to improvising lol.
  5. xSwimToTheMoon

    1st Grow in 20 Years

    Score! Yea dude for those seed prices they better be girls. It's good to be watchful no matter what. Your plants are probably a bit larger than mine at 4 weeks. Nice job man, be sure to keep the air moving as they bulk up.
  6. xSwimToTheMoon

    8 Days from seed

    Am I tripping or are there other things starting to sprout around the seedling in pic 2 -3? First time viewing the site on an iPad. Do I has the eagle visions?
  7. xSwimToTheMoon

    thinking auto for 2nd run?

    Heavyweight fast and vast has been on the top of herbies auto flower chart since I've started growing. My father bought a pack of heavyweight massive midgets (I call them M&M) that i germed n kept through seedling for him. It hardend off faster than any plant I've seen before, and preflowers at...
  8. xSwimToTheMoon

    'Fortune Cookie' not so fortunate....... balls!

    Sorry, but I'm just grasping the basics as of now :) I just couldn't help but comment because it's true. I really like those strains, and they're really the only ones I can truly identify.
  9. xSwimToTheMoon

    'Fortune Cookie' not so fortunate....... balls!

    misfourtune? Depends on who you ask. Those happen to be two of my favorite strains!
  10. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is this PM? :(

    Lol if that's what happens with quality control at dispensaries, I can only imagine what I'm overspending for has been subjected to. I highly doubt pm will deter most guys from selling...somehow this makes me feel better lol. even if I smoke some pm, I doubt itl be the first time.
  11. xSwimToTheMoon

    sprouted seed quick question

    I water with a spray bottle when young. I go until the top layer is plenty wet, then I go some more. Dab dry your stems after to prevent damping off :)
  12. xSwimToTheMoon

    Getting the Magic Beans

    Herbies will not show up on your statement at any time. even if you don't opt for the stealth shipping! (Which they are very creative with) I can pm you exactly how they handled my last order if you'd like. It's best to keep thier methods private. :)
  13. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is this PM? :(

    I'm hoping that being a few weeks into flower, I can keep it in check long enough not to lose much if any. In my future endeavors I'll be sure to take plenty of preventitive steps!
  14. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is this PM? :(

    for anyone using the search in future, 48 hours later: Removed the visible pm. Haven't sprayed anything but have %1 milk & baking soda on hand. I have a dehumidifier operating in the room, outside the tent. I purchased a large fan to oscillate across all plants. ~%30 rh and no signs of pm as...
  15. xSwimToTheMoon

    Getting the Magic Beans

    Yes, I've had two successful deliveries. Both since the new year. %100 germination. 12 day delivery to the us.
  16. xSwimToTheMoon

    Getting the Magic Beans

    Ok first thing, awesome name lol. Had me zoned out on it until it made sense. From your desired banks, I would try attitude :). Guys in the us have had plenty of success, and I hear they accept credit cards now (the only way I'd buy) if you have any trouble, try Herbiesheadshop.Com I can...
  17. xSwimToTheMoon

    At 40 days now

    Yea that should happen soon. But expect some to stretch longer, and flower at slightly different rates, with seeds.
  18. xSwimToTheMoon

    Water wieght

    Keep an empty pot filled with dry soil. Eben on days your arms feel uncomfortable, your plants should almost feel the same as your empty pot. that way no matter how your arms feel, you can compare your plants to a dry pot.
  19. xSwimToTheMoon

    So are my girls... dudes?

    Hey dude, it just wouldn't be right if your first grow worked out lol. My first attempt with reg seeds gave me one female at least. I gave her away and bought seeds. you don't want to go cheap, especially with seeds. Unknown seeds that do turn out to be female have higher risk for...
  20. xSwimToTheMoon


    Hmm this helps me understand very well! that just makes sense. I guess it's easy to really belive the seed manufacturers the way they talk about thier seeds. nature will do what it does I suppose. Thank you dude.