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  1. zeppelin

    Travel Plans

    what up riu? So me and my friend have been looking for jobs abroad because we wanna start traveling and since we're broke we wanna make our first destination somewhere where we can work and earn some money so we could travel for a while without having to be strapped for cash. We've been looking...
  2. zeppelin

    Who is going to win the world cup 2010?

    is anyone going to see a match? sadly i'm not :(
  3. zeppelin

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumpalicious :)
  4. zeppelin

    What is your football team?

    i'm a madrid fan, but sadly i've never seen them play.
  5. zeppelin

    Who is going to win the world cup 2010?

    Argentina!! hopefully they get rid of maradona cause he's an awful coach and they'll win it. Messi is just gonna tear it up I can't wait.
  6. zeppelin

    Andy Mckee: Watch this dude

    i was just introduced to this guy last night, unreal skills. it's dope
  7. zeppelin

    Any drummers out there?

    i play drums! i'm in between kits though but my brother brought his home so i'm jammin on his :)
  8. zeppelin

    Sublime Reunited With New Singer. Thoughts?

    sublime is a dope band, and even though bradley died he wasn't the only contributing factor so i think with some fresh blood (no pun intended) it could be good. But I'd like to hear new stuff, remakes would just sound too weird.
  9. zeppelin

    making honey oil from stems and other non-smokeables...worth it?

    thank you very much! i will be trying out this method, hopefully we get some good oil. i'm just curious as to what type of alcohol to let it sit in, perhaps ethanol?
  10. zeppelin

    making honey oil from stems and other non-smokeables...worth it?

    Me and my friends have a bunch of stems and leaves left over from plants and we were gonna try and make honey oil out of it but we've never done it before so I was wondering what would be the best way to go about it and if it's even worth the hassle.
  11. zeppelin

    Your First Joint

    high school volleyball rookie party, my friends bf came over with some weed and about 4 of us smoked a joint upstairs in the bathroom. i didn't know what i was doing so i wasn't really high, but good times nonetheless.
  12. zeppelin

    Is Anyone Else As Stupid As I Am?

    i've actually never broken a pipe or bong yet, i say yet because i know it's bound to happen sooner or later. i have however broken the bowl from my bong umm 3 times now, currently it's held together with duct tape..pretty ghetto. i've dropped my pipe lots of times and it's never broken it's...
  13. zeppelin

    how to roll a blunt

    can you roll a joint? cause you might wanna start there before moving on to blunts
  14. zeppelin

    Opinion Needed: Is it ever okay to sleep with a guy on the 1st date?

    don't think of it as right or wrong in a general sense you have to think of it as right or wrong for you but that being said sometimes you just gotta go for it, nothing wrong with a one night stand also you might find out he's just bad and save yourself the bad sex in the future
  15. zeppelin


    i love bayside. i started listening to them last year, dope band.
  16. zeppelin

    what drug and how many times?

    the only things i've done are weed and shrooms, ate some shrooms on three separate occasions and i couldn't tell you how many times i've blazed never took pills, and i'm not really interested in much else
  17. zeppelin

    Tips For Uni/College

    don't blaze at school, save it for after. it's a lot easier to not wanna study or pay attention when you're baked. also if you need help don't hesitate to ask most people are friendly and will help you, take advantage of any places around campus that will help you out like resource centers or...
  18. zeppelin

    laced weed?

    i've never smoked laced weed or come across it for that matter, it's not something i wanna try either. I dunno everytime i've bought bud it's just bud, even in my early stoner days where i didn't know good bud from bad no one tried to sell me laced weed, i'm pretty thankful for that.
  19. zeppelin

    Grinders vs hands 2 the poll

    magic bullet is amazing for weed, grinds it up in seconds. that's how they should advertise it, not for smoothies and all that stuff but for stoners who want their weed busted up quickly.
  20. zeppelin

    Inglorious Basterds

    I dunno how you can say that about one of the best movies, it was awesome. just not a tarantino fan or what?