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  1. dankh

    Passing a drug test with Folgers coffee

    No one mentioned Certo? That stuff is almost full proof, and only costs 2.99. :]
  2. dankh

    Question for you guys who smoke a lot of pot

    Weed has also enlightened me to the joys of paranoia towards the watchful and intrusive government(s) and the absurdity of enslavement of ones life to the buy/sell/buy cycle of survival. Give him my regards.
  3. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    hell ya! we were gonna call it 'pipe of the month' originally but thought it sounded too lame. :d It's randomly generated filler text. All the cool webdevs are using it. :o
  4. dankh

    i was jw..

    Doesn't it make you happy to know that with legalization and taxation marijuana would cost 80 an O just about everywhere you went?
  5. dankh

    F@ck girls

    Follow her to the bank.. :D
  6. dankh

    do u find it hard to conserve weed? i just smoke it everyday until its gone.

    Weed is meant to be smoked. That's all there is to that! :D EDIT: And converted into textiles, medicines, inks, dyes, nutrition, etc.
  7. dankh

    Faded Glassworks

    That's a sexy variety!
  8. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    That's the cover up!! There's a lot of people who don't like going to headshops, who wouldn't want something like this showing up on their CC bill, or showing up in a package that screams GLASS PIPES!! You buying a glass pipe is synonymous with you being sent a glass pipe as part of a club...
  9. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    figured someone would come at me like this. it's a broken page in beta, i'm not advertising shit, i'm looking for help building a website for people who like pipes. sorry if you hate that. ;-)
  10. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    Full on bubblers. I'm having some issue with the flash, but the tiers get you certain amount of glass. Since you're not going through a headshop you're getting a lot more bang for your buck. $25 in glass are your typical pipes, but you might get two hitters, or two spoons, or a hitter and a...
  11. dankh

    been working on this site, tell me what you think..

    hey tokers. my and my glassblowing friend are starting a website called i'm building the site on my own with my minimal skills but it's coming along not too badly.
  12. dankh

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Go sit in a corner and think about what you're investing in. While you're doing that, remind yourself that America isn't the only country on the planet. Go talk to north korea about government control.
  13. dankh

    Ever blow your own mind?

    We were doing whip-its one time and one of my friends told me he believed he could send himself messages in the past from his future self. It's weird you mention scales too, because I'm absolutely fixated with them. Everything is a scale to me.. the human potential for good vs evil, the...
  14. dankh

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself." My advice; don't let others who are blind to the human tendency to evolve convince you of a conspiracy to enslave you. People are people and those who would cry conspiracy are simply too narrowminded and involved in their fears to realize the...
  15. dankh


    hey kids. hope everyone's having a good kick off this week. i've been on a laptop for over a year and i finally got my pc setup again so you'll be seeing more of me. :bigjoint:
  16. dankh

    BUMP If Your As High As Giraffe Pussy

    That's funny as hell.
  17. dankh

    :Joint: Tokin' *preen*
  18. dankh

    Man.. what the hell am I doing..

    Haha, right on. I definitely wish I'd been able to sprout these from the beginning properly. We found an aerogarden in the garage but just the unit, and since the plants had already taken root I had to transplant them and separate them so I couldn't grow them. I'll grab a sponge and clean the...
  19. dankh

    florescents in a closet HELP

    Word! :hump:
  20. dankh

    Man.. what the hell am I doing..

    Well they are because they came from a really bad growing situation. The light was fixed like a foot and a half above them. Should I use the SCroG thing I keep reading about? I don't know if that applies to me or if it's too early to put the plants under that stress.. And when will I be able to...