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  1. vtatvrider

    Icy Hot Jerk Off Session And The Craigs List Sex Doll.

    well at least shell keep her mouth shut about your grows.that alone is worth 1900 bucks!!!
  2. vtatvrider

    Anyone Make Maple Syrup??

    last year i tapped 20 trees,made a gallon of syrup,and with 1 turkey fryer man was i busy,i put all my syrup into pint containers and sold it to my coworkers for 5 bucks a pint.i then took that money and bought more propane to continue boiling.maple syrup is like gold in my state,you can sell...
  3. vtatvrider

    Anyone Make Maple Syrup??

    this year it will be 3 year 20.the year after that 40 or 50.its addicting.
  4. vtatvrider

    Anyone Make Maple Syrup??

    dude,look for a book called," back yard sugaring" it will tell you all you need to know about hobby maple syrup production.i made a gallon in a turkey fryer last year.if ya got any questions let me know i can prolly help you can make syrup from any type fo maple tree.but sugar maples are...
  5. vtatvrider

    Advice For Dealing With The Ex-Girlfriend

    id love to here the story about the lesbian and the 2+4
  6. vtatvrider

    Youtube is the Devils payground......

    what strain are they smoking?
  7. vtatvrider

    CFL's and what ones to buy

    you could just go to home depot and get an hps flood light and remote ballast it.sometimes you can find them real cheap if you shop around.
  8. vtatvrider

    Anyone know of a low odor strain

    i tried some and they looked all fucked up. grew like shit. and oh boy did they stink.iv heard that from several people.i guess the genetics are bad from what iv heard.
  9. vtatvrider

    Anyone know of a low odor strain

    do not grow nl autos from nirvana they stink to high heaven.also alot of people have trouble getting them to auto flower.
  10. vtatvrider

    Need advice from Micro-grow experts.

    hey is it possible to heat the shed or maybe put some kind of electric heater in the box its self?
  11. vtatvrider

    --FIRST GROW-- Homemade, Aeroponics/Deep Water, 2x 1000w HPS, 47 Plants

    NO MISTER BOND I EXPECT YOU TO DIE.sorry i had to say it.kick ass gro bro i wish i had the space for something like that.grow on
  12. vtatvrider

    busted? my apartment was inspected =(

    you should have taken all the plants and made hash out of them instead of just throwing them out.(this is assuming you would have had the time)acctually on second thought i would have gotten that shit out of the place someone said before you can always grow again.
  13. vtatvrider

    Would this look suspicious....?

    i know a guy who did this exact thing,cops went there looking for a stolen car.could see tuns of weed hanging from the cealing drying.BUSTED idiot should have put some curtains in the windows lol.just saying cover all the bases and then cover them again.good luck to you bro.
  14. vtatvrider

    Question about suspicion...

    if you have relatives who are lawyers i would speak to them about the matter.if you have nosy neighbors theres really nothing you can do about it unless they trespass or harras always have to be careful how you handle neighbors dont forget you have to live next to them.imo i would speak...
  15. vtatvrider

    Would this look suspicious....?

    what if the landlord stops by unexpected
  16. vtatvrider


    welcome,hope your likeing it so far.happy growin
  17. vtatvrider

    12/12 How long until harvest?

    my last harvest was 2 la confidentials 12/12 from seed under a 70w hps,it took exactly 76 days,they were roughly 12 inches high in 1 gallon pots.
  18. vtatvrider

    to yall RC ers

    dude pack a bowl,leave this shit alone.
  19. vtatvrider

    What Can We Do?

    want to know why its illegal watch THE UNION
  20. vtatvrider

    Tips on Bow purchase?

    keep in mind recurve bows are shot by instinct,compound bows have sights,its much easier to shoot a compound bow than a recurve.when you draw back a 50 pound recurve your holding 50 lbs.compound bows have a letoff,my compound is set for 70 lbs when i draw it back im only holding 30 lbs.hope this...