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  1. CrazyJohn91

    seeds shipped from my friend-question?

    K but like they wont come to your house and look for more plants and make you go to court and everything. I wants to order online after a few months but i have 4 plants growning right now and idk if evilmogan does but if they would come to our house it would suck especially cuz im 17 and still...
  2. CrazyJohn91

    seeds shipped from my friend-question?

    What would happen if they caught the package with his address on it?
  3. CrazyJohn91

    Pollinated Females, What to Do?

    Alright i have a question, are you guys saying that if you can see that the plant started growning seeds lets say you see one of the seeds growing and there is no more will there we only one seed in your weed or more?
  4. CrazyJohn91


    Well now i have them inside but you see the winter is coming and i live in middle of nowhere in a loghome and the electic likes to go on and off here so idk why else i could use as a light for them with no electric.
  5. CrazyJohn91


    O so your saying i dont have to worry about the temp at night unless it is freezing????
  6. CrazyJohn91


    Ya its probably a hermie. I think i have one also because i have this ball things on my plant but they contain a seed and the white pistils turned brown but i don see any pollen sacks or yellow bananas.
  7. CrazyJohn91

    Help Me Revive her Please

    I thought nicotine was so bad for the plant? You have to wash your hand after you smoke and you can't smoke cigs near them cuz they will die or something.
  8. CrazyJohn91


    Alright thx + rep
  9. CrazyJohn91


    Alright thx just wanted to make sure that i shouldn't have it get under 60 degrees Farenheit. I saw this article today or something that said the lowest temp a marijuana plant could be in was 30 degrees faranheit.
  10. CrazyJohn91

    in need of a pic of a HERMIE

    Well you can cut off the polen sacks and try to keep up with it and you might be able to get seedles weed. I think i have a germie also.
  11. CrazyJohn91


    What is the coldest temperature a marijuana plant can be in?
  12. CrazyJohn91


    Lol wow i would've figured they would like crap ass cop thing.
  13. CrazyJohn91

    Need help with grow box

    Alright dude thx alot for the info, im going to google ngb grow cabinet
  14. CrazyJohn91

    Keeping the heat In???

    Ya i have the same problem, what i do is put the plants in a big box and close it make sure there id no holes for the light to go through and shine a chicken light on the box for the heat
  15. CrazyJohn91


    Alright, I use MG
  16. CrazyJohn91


    Thats it, they dont arrest you or drag you out to court?
  17. CrazyJohn91


    What will happen if they catch the pachage with the seeds and my address on it?
  18. CrazyJohn91


    It might be then water ya. i gave it water like 2 days ago and its still pretty wet, Today i gave it some blood meal i thought that might work. So then what should i do to take some water out the soil?
  19. CrazyJohn91


    Alright so should i just put new soil in a different po and replant it?
  20. CrazyJohn91


    Alright i will do that, and if you have a american credit card wont the american credit card company sell the info or whatever