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  1. Humboldt

    HOOAH!! CFL Sub Forum Thanks Rollitup!

    HOOAH!! we got the CFL forum, Thanks rollitup! very cool! For those who uses cfls and appreciate the sub forum please give your gratitude to Rollitup for making it happen.. Again thanks Rollitup!
  2. Humboldt

    Humboldt's - 100% CFL Setup!

    This is my current CFL setup, As you can see I have three beautiful girls growing right now and they seem to be doing great, I have more in veg waiting for their new grow room that I'm in the process of building, if interested please visit the following link...
  3. Humboldt

    Additional Forum - CFL Growing!

    I am doing a CFL grow and am having some success with it, also I'm noticing a lot of people attempting CFL grows or are considering it, some are having success using them. I'm thinking it would be Awesome to dedicate a forum strictly for CFL grows or if space is a concern maybe one forum to...
  4. Humboldt

    Pistols browning - 11 days into flowering!

    I'm 11 days into flowering and already some pistols are starting to brown, I don't know if this is normal, looks to me like they are dying and the only thing I can think of is that it's not receiving enough light in that area. I posted this in my journal as well...
  5. Humboldt

    Bug - Insect Identification!

    I'm noticing strange bugs, they are like flying fleas or something, they appear to jump/hop or fly, please see image, I know it's not a very good picture, but an expert eye may be able to tell me what specie of bug this is and if they will harm my plants, If they do what would be the best...
  6. Humboldt

    Brown Patches -Tops Of Plants - Please Help!

    I'm getting worried, a couple of my plants are developing brown patches on the tops, one is a female and it's scarring the heck out of me, I really need some expert opinions ASAP, don't want to lose my girl. I'm thinking it could be the dollar store gift wrap that I used for reflection, here's...
  7. Humboldt

    Cloning Experiment In Progress!

    Well I now have four males and I wanted to practice cloning with the males before messing with my girls, since I do not have any rock wool or rootone etc I'm trying something that I found here on this site, cloning using only water, check it out. I put one clone in straight water and the...
  8. Humboldt

    Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!

    Since things are doing well with my CFL grow I decided to start a journal, rather than keep posting in the newbie section. I'm a Total No0b! and I'm about two months in veg, I have six healthy plants (from bagseed) and a handful that I'm trying to nurse back to life (keep alive) I just found...
  9. Humboldt

    MALE Plant - Identification!

    Ok I got one opinion on this plant and my fear was confirmed, we believe it to be male and I would like some more expert opinions, if you would be kind enough to examine the attached files and let me know if those are balls forming that would be greatly appreciated. Note: Not the greatest...
  10. Humboldt

    Possible Under Watering, Please Help!

    I think I'm under watering my plants, first it's over watering and now this, one of my plants is starting to go limp on me, so far in my first grow the watering has been the most difficult for me, please take a look at the following attachments to help determine if this looks like an under water...
  11. Humboldt

    Insect - Bug Identification!

    Please see attached images and help me determine what type of insect it may be, I found him taking a nap on one of the leaves, he's the only one that I've noticed so far, should I be worried about an infestation? Any help would be appreciated!
  12. Humboldt

    Old School, Power Hitter! Using Sport Bottle.

    Old School, Power Hitter! I was at the thrift store today and saw an old sport bottle, boy did it bring back memories, we used to make power hitters out of them, I just had to buy it. I'm going to show you how you can make your own power hitter the best I can, I had to resort back to my...
  13. Humboldt

    Plants Stopped Growing - Now Growing Moss!

    Ok here's the deal, I had to transplant a handful of starts but I used some cheap organic soil and perlite (see attached images) about a week later or so I noticed that the plants were not growing, I'm sittin here thinking WTF! then some time after I go check on them and now they are growing...
  14. Humboldt


    Hello, I've been posting here and getting some great information and help, I Gotta say this place is Awesome! anyways I decided to stick around and half ass introduce myself. Peace Out!
  15. Humboldt

    Cyber Pals - Growing Buddies

    I'm looking for a cyber growing buddy, somebody that I can share growing experiences with, preferably someone who has recently started a grow, around three weeks to a month, pro or novice doesn't matter. (must be over 18 and trust worthy) I would like my buddy to have access to a camera...
  16. Humboldt

    Black Oil Finger Hash Using Rubbing Alcohol.

    Black Oil & Finger Hash - Using Rubbing Alcohol. Note: This method is not recommended for high quality bud or trim, this method is for making weak weed into a more potent smoke. These methods of making hash works and is effective however if not patient and done right you will waste your time...
  17. Humboldt

    Cheap and Easy Hash Technique!,

    The following is a cheap and easy way to make your own powder hash from your leaf/trim better known as keif (keef keaf ) I came up with this setup one night as I was getting high and eating some Pringles, before I was using a bulky coffee can that required two hands, this setup that I'm about to...
  18. Humboldt

    First Time Home Grower, with questions?

    Hello fellow HOME GROWERS! Like a lot of you this is my first grow, unlike some of you I have medical consent and proof, otherwise I wouldn't be caught dead using forums such as these. (no offense to the forum holder) I ran into some old seeds (have know idea of what kind, or how high) I...