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  1. T


    That sounds killer. I made a batch the other night about 6 at 300 for 30mins. I ate every single one! Barely felt a thing. Im going to wait and get some of the natural PB and use a shit load of herb, along with baking it at 270 for an hour. I figure I have to eventually stumble on to a good recipe.
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    Thats what Im hoping to do. I've smoked a hell lot of weed in my time, but never really ate any that did any good. I've heard people say its a great/different way of getting high. If I could get this to work I would almost switch to eating edibles more often than smokin
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    Baking firecrackers at 98 degrees for 24 hours?

    This was the funniest fuckin thing I've read all year.....this is going into my top 5 favorite threads, Seriously I cried after that whole cook the cracker on your balls thing
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    Also I was wondering if it matters if you sprinkle the stuff on top or mix it in with the PB
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    Im about to give it one more shot with the PB/Oil mixture and a ton of herb. So far I think I may have not been using enough herb
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    Stealth Edibles?

    Rawr! How do I make Firecrackers? I keep trying but I dont get any results. By the way I dont care if it smells or isnt "stealthy"
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    Can I use Jif and Oil together instead of Natural PB
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    firecrackers w/ leaf?

    I've been trying to make some Firecrackers all week. I havent been using Organic PB instead I was mixing Jif with oil. I read someones recipe and it said that would work as well as the organic PB. So far though I havent been getting any good results. Anyone have any tips?
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    My First Harvest

    My plants have been in flowering mode for awhile now. Most of my plants have been harvested and are drying as we speak. I had gotten the seeds from a collection that me and a friend had, so the strains are varied and it would be impossible to tell what they are. But to get to the point I have...
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    Upgrading to HID bulbs

    Yeah I think its a kit, but I would rather buy one put together rather than risking an apartment fire
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    Does anyone here use molasses?

    Thanks guys for the great info, I just started flowering so I might go and get some molasses to throw in there. This was my first grow so when I bought my soil I didnt really check out the % of N in it and turns out if was pretty bad. So I dont expect to get much off of these. Anywho thanks...
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    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    I didnt think it would be a big deal, so far my plants have been doing fine with what I've been doing. I just had a problem with nutes and over watering when I first started but their doing fine now and I cant wait to see them flowers pop up. Good luck to you. Real quick have any of you tried...
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    Upgrading to HID bulbs

    Im in the mid west, so it shouldnt be to hard to find a grow shop. so far I've just been hitting up the homedepot, but I think its time for me to move on to a better store
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    Does anyone here use molasses?

    I just found out that you can put Molasses in with water/soil whatever and it supposedly is the secret to great growth. Anyone have any ideas on this one, if so post em. I would also like to try this out, so if anyone could give me some tips, it would be appreciated. Thanks ahead!
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    Upgrading to HID bulbs

    Anyone know of a good place/site to get some indoor Ballasts for the MH and HPS bulbs, I went to home depot but either you had to make the ballast and Im not electrician or the stuff they had for the HID lights were too big like for street lamps and outdoor spotlights
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    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    After reading through your thread, I decided to induce flowering in my girls, but I was wondering if leaving the fan off during its lights off hours would be a big deal. Should I put my fan in(closet) with my plants and keep the air circulation
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    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    I was wondering if I should induce flowering in my girls, too. I noticed that yours were around the same height as mine are now. I was going to wait till they were around a foot or so tall, because my flower pots are some what small, but after reading I think I should go ahead and start now...
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    Help With Clones!

    I agree with this guy
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    When does skunky smell start?

    My plants had a light odor early on in their veg. period.....I just assumed it meant I had some good shit, but its my first grow and Im no expert
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    2'X5' growing closet, lighting question

    That sounds a lot like my set-up, other than the fact that I have my lights hanging and not set vertically. I cant really give you any sound advice since this is my first grow also, I cant say definitely that the earthbox is big enough but it sounds good, and it sound like to me that them 8...