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  1. J

    Speckled Leaves, Spots turn Brown after Time

    I guess you didn't spray with something and stick em wet back under the lights eh? Probably no reason to spray if you didn't know you had any bug problems... either way, I have seen this type of spotting due to spraying with dr.doom and putting them back under lights too soon afterwards- the...
  2. J

    would led's help or just change the colour in the g-room?

    I would plug it in- it will provide extra spectrum and maybe even some extra lumens too!
  3. J

    I hate being new to this...dead or not?

    While they do look like shit right now,, I think they can be saved with a bit of loving care. As soon as they are erady for a transplant I would get em into some better soil, plant em right up to the first set of leaves burying the lanky stalk and I think you will see them take right off shortly...
  4. J

    Help! First Grow!

    It is difficult to tell for sure with the blurry pic, but the second picture appears to be of a couple of seeds growing- I assume the third pic is of the seeds you have removed, if they didn't just fall or pop right out then they are still immature. The first picture has what looks to me like a...
  5. J

    Light leak during veg caused Hermi?

    I've run into the same problem few times- in my cases have been lucky enough to only have a few random bananas pop out here and there. I cut em off gently and removed em before they popped and just kept a close eye out for the rest of their respective periods. One or 2 plants I did find a...
  6. J

    Leaf Curl

    I think letting the pot dry out better is good idea- do you use a moisture meter? They are super cheap and certainly an asset! Some of my earlier mixes retain water way more at the bottom than others- while the top 3/4's or better get bone dry- yet the plant mimics overwatering symptoms still...
  7. J

    Why do my top leaves curl under during the day?

    The cfls are probably fine where they are- stick yer hand under em ust above your plant and if your hand gets warm enough to cause any discomfort then move em, otherwise they should be as close as practically possible in my opinion. good luck, j
  8. J

    my leaves are light green & yellow

    Close-up picture of fan leaves, do I see evidence of thrips or am I just baked? It certainly does not look happy at all.
  9. J

    Potassium Deficiency?

    Looks like a K def to me. has a picture of a plant that looks almost identical. The calcium def looks more spread out. Good luck.
  10. J

    help name that def.3 weeks into flowering

    my guess is P def or K- but really is hard to judge with seeing in context. Can't use a flash?
  11. J

    holes and deformed leaves.. No bugs.. What could it be??

    Sad to see that happen- they are right it is not a bug prob, I have recently lost a plant in same manner myself- well it would have made it but I yoinked it cause it was attracting pests. I would upcan asap into a balanced mix, after you flush the heck out of it in existing pot with ph adjusted...
  12. J

    Flushin brown spots

    pictures would help on this one- I think I have similar issues on a few older ones myself- not autos but into flower. I think its P or K def for mine, but again some pictures would help. Leaves curling down usually indicative of too much watering or overferting. hope that helps a bit anyway-...
  13. J

    light green/ black/ brown spots on leaves

    Good evening,, not to contradict others advice but I think they are probably alright- the blotching is probably just from putting them back under light while the spray was still drying- I have had thrips for the past year or so now and so far as I have seen from your pictures there is no...
  14. J

    fungus gnats

    I cannot help with that but assume at least it stays on for equiv of a few gens of the buggers? but suspect that many would simply leave it in for duration rather than take the time to try and scoop it all out again!? I wrote cause I think I am having similar issue but am having a hard time...
  15. J

    Diagnose me PICTURE

    I think that one looks well- the starting of a def due to not giving nutes in a while. I have seen similar def patterns as the last picture in #5 on some of mine and friends leaves- I have always thought it is result of not-so-mobile nutes moving in a hurry to places more needed- the appearance...
  16. J

    Water Spray

    I have a high temp and very low humidity, I usually spray after the lights are off and taht bumps up the humidity during the night and also into the morning light hours which they appreciate. On others I have tried spraying multiple times a day, and although to a point they enjoy it after a...
  17. J

    Have A? About My Rockwool And Drip System

    I have a similar problem- just been trying out rockwool lately and have a few kind of neglected since I went and transplanted most of em into sunshine4 mix. However one plant I ended up transplanting into a larger rockwool cube, it has since grown into it and the roots have been growing over...
  18. J

    leaf disease? help

    Have you checked for bugs? Thrips often leave behind a white trail showing where they have been- they are very difficult to spot when they are young, but if you look very very hard between leave segments you may find a nasty surprise! I hope its something else for your sake, but just my 2 c--...
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  20. J

    Inconsistent MH bulb firing....

    Well it took more than a few days to finally get the bulbs tested on another ballast- as I suspected they worked fine so I came back and tried one again in my ballast this morning,, only I first ran the hps in it and warmed everything up prior to installing the halide bulb- anyways it fired up...