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  1. M

    Electric Company Coming Over

    This is called pretexting -- an innocent-sounding excuse to get inside your residence to inspect it for illegal activities. PS, when you live with marijuana plants, or even just smoke regularly, you can't smell it, because you're conditioned to the smell. But everyone else can. They want to...
  2. M

    Going to order first seeds tonight or tomorrow...looking for advice on picking one

    I would suggest before buying seeds and committing to months of work and waiting without knowing whether the strain will actually help your anxiety or not... you should buy a variety of buds from a few dealers and try as many out as you can. Then you'll know what works for you and what doesn't...
  3. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    No it was a bit too hot in there. I abandoned the effort for the moment until I can get a better location.
  4. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    The intake is the cracks around the large cabinet door, which I usually leave open about 1-3 inches.
  5. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    I have not checked the pH. I don't think it's over-watering, as I'm waiting until the soil in completely dry 1-2 inches down. In any case, at this point I'm going to be starting over when I can afford new soil and some test kits. One of the seedlings completely died over night, and the rest...
  6. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    Not sure what is happening to my seedlings. There hasn't been much noticeable growth above ground lately. The first sets of true leaves are yellowing slightly. On a few of them, the newer leaves are small and are often pointing straight up, while the older leaves are either flat or "twisting"...
  7. M

    Re-Confirm Account E-mails

    Ok, thnx for clarifying.
  8. M

    Re-Confirm Account E-mails

    Me either... figured I'd post here and warn others if they get the same thing. I guess my question now is how did they get my e-mail address, which is not public. Either Rollitup is selling e-mail addresses to spammers, or there was a security breach. Not sure I can trust posting here any more.
  9. M

    Re-Confirm Account E-mails

    I received an e-mail from "" saying that I have to click a link to re-confirm my account on Rollitup, or else my account will be deleted. The link it says to click on is on another domain: - an e-mail marketing site. Looks suspicious to me. Is this a legit...
  10. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    The five seedlings are still chugging along... Second set of true leaves are showing. Gave each of them a little more substantial watering today until it drain out of the bottom, and increased the light by screwing in 2 more of the CFL bulbs. Meanwhile smoking some BC Bud and watching some Carl...
  11. M

    Anyone here been to AMSTERDAM???

    As mentioned above, contrary to popular belief, marijuana is technically illegal in Amsterdam. However Dutch law tolerates it for personal use inside the coffee shops. They know that if locals and tourists have the ability to go to an establishment for their vices, then they're less likely to be...
  12. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    Welcome, thanks for subbing! :joint: All but two of the seedlings have sprouted. Not sure what happened to the other two.. they came just to the surface and then stopped. Weak seeds, or maybe I buried them too deep on accident. Anyhow, the remaining 5 seem to be doing okay. All have since...
  13. M

    today i got ROBBED!

    Bummer man, never been robbed myself... fuck his shit up... swing with the hip! make sure you cover your ass in case he retaliates. Post an update on how it goes
  14. M

    Will this power adapter work to power PC fans?

    I tried using an old cell phone charger rated 5.1v on a 80mm PC fan. Honestly it was pretty weak... probably not worth it. I found a 12v one and it spins much faster.
  15. M

    cfl wont light up

    If it has a regular household mogul socket, then it doesn't need a ballast.
  16. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    Day 5, almost all seedlings have broken the surface. I turned on 2 more CFL's and brought them down to about 2-3 inches above the seedlings. Oscillating fan has been turned on Low to move the air slightly. Haven't done another full watering yet but I misted the surface of the soil with a spray...
  17. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    Day 3, all seeds but one have been planted in their little pots since yesterday morning.. now awaiting for the little buggars to pop out. I have just one of the CFL bulbs turned on 18/6 to give a little warmth. Mounted my oscillating fan from the ceiling of the cabinet. This gets the fan out of...
  18. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    3 of the seeds have shown their taproot after 24 hours, so I went ahead and planted them in the small pots. Was doing some testing with the cabinet and heat buildup... Going to be having some heat issues I think. With all of the CFLs turned on and the cabinet door closed, the temps reach...
  19. M

    1st Grow. Northern Lights

    Individual pots. If you put them together they will compete for root space, and you'll have to chop up some roots when you transplant.. thus stressing the plant.
  20. M

    Magua's CFL cabinet grow - Northern Lights

    This will be my first grow experiment, mostly just to learn and for fun. I'm recording here both for my record and anyone who wants to follow. Will attempt to grow Northern Lights from seed. Very limited space due to my current living situation. Cabinet Dimensions: 23" deep x 16" wide x 45"...