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  1. S

    Trellis Coil for AG?

    Just wondering if this would be usefull for growing or not.. I am not even 100% what it does or howto use it lol. "Additional 4-pack of trellis coils to keep your plants stable and strong, with our new easy-to-use trellis system. It supports large plants, such as tomatoes and peppers, using a...
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    Best way to clean aerogarden for new grow..bleech?

    So after my first fuckup grow not changing the water enough letting light get in and having a ph of over 7.5 at first and root rot killin my guys I want to start over but make sure all the nasty fungus and mold and root rot and all that crap is out of the whole system. AG reccomends flushing...
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    What I have learned from my first aerogarden grow

    okay so after my first failed attempt at growing.. see I am now going to try with some seeds I got from nirvana PPP things I have learned in this first round thru... Altho it is called weed, unlike some...
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    How often to change water in aerogarden

    okay after my first, and failing but learning experiance with the aerogarden and growing and stuff i realized i really should be changing the water way more then once a month... after the plants start to grow a bit we talking maybe once a week or even more? Anybody who has had successfull...
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    Is it root problems? see pix

    as you can see from my posts on here but maybe some expert has advice on my roots. is something up with them?
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    Nub question... ppm

    I tried to do a search and read lots of things and i have no idea what people are talking about with ppm what does that mean i thought it was parts per million maybe but its something i should get a reader for like my ph meter? can somebody give a silly nub some informatino please :)
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    Droopy saggy leafs.. stems are weak am i in big trouble?

    um almost overnight the plants on 12\12 i check on it the next day and the leafs are all sagging and the stems are really weak and falling down i have NO IDEA what could possibly be going on :( help please
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    Leaves are drying & holes on pro 200

    Um experts please help i dont think its nut burn and certianly not from the aerogarden lights. Its about what 5,6 weeks in and ims till on default settings. Things appear to be okay except for a couple leafs have some small holes and that dryness they cruble if i touch with my hand. I hope the...
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    Holes and drying of leaves

    Um experts please help i dont think its nut burn or um from the lights... its an aerogarden setup and things appear to be okay except for a couple leafs have some small holes and that dryness they cruble if i touch with my hand. I hope the pictures help.
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    The hardest thing about growing

    Is waiting !!! omg cant these things grow any faster! lol i do love it is fun tho. um i think its female but is that browning at the tip of my leafs anything I should be worrying about?
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    My first aerogarden plant.. is it a male?

    Man the aerogarden makes things so easy, i tested first one a plant and i got hte aerogarden pro 200.. i think it may be a male pant tho and if that is the case i want to remove it and try again these were the best pix i got
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    Please help sex my plant.. i think its male

    these were the best pix i could get.. can somebody please confirm this as a male so i can dispose of it.
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    Newbie to growing about to start with Aerogarden.. help?!

    Okay so ive wanted to grow for years and now im in a position where i can. My problem im not really sure how, I got the aerogarden cuz it looked like an easy way to grow and figured if all else fails i can grow herbs and peppers with it. I bought some seeds from nirvana and have been trying to...