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  1. G

    Help With Nematodes

    Thank You and you've been repped! I'm on it now!
  2. G

    to much nitrogen

    I doubt that you have too much nitrogen. Reason being is nitrogen is the only nutrient that constantly leeches from the soil where as all the others will build up. I refer you to this thread here, read all 50 pages, it will change the way you grow and more importantly you'll stop wasting your...
  3. G

    Help With Nematodes

    Was wondering if anyone has any experience using Nematodes? I bought some a couple of months ago because I was infested with fungus gnats and applied them to my soil, but they didn't seem to do much. I figured I got a bad batch or i didn't apply them properly. At the time, my soil had a layer...
  4. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    Cool and thanks. I have some humboldt CA/Mg nutes hanging around. I'm could try it on one of them and see what happens. weird thing is, before I started watering with distilled, I was watering with city tap water which was very hard and had the same results. But maybe there was other shit in...
  5. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    That's what I thought at first, but should I have one using FFOF, and nuting? Even ones I don't nute look the same.
  6. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    Nothing sprayed. Its weird but that's how it starts. Leaves get real dry but stay green with very tiny spots, brown in color. Then leaves very slowly change to yellow then to golden color over weeks. Very crispy at this stage.
  7. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    I think I do. I look at root balls after harvest. I don't see any larva, if that's what I'm supposed to be looking for, for nats. I also inspect all plants daily, I don't see anything flying, hanging around, etc.
  8. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    gotigers0420 thank you. I don't think its a bug because I am always looking for that sort of thing. I break rootballs apart looking for larva, etc. leaves aren't chewed up, just dried up. Hmmm, fungus is intriguing. I didn't think about that. you thinking systemic?
  9. G

    Is it something in the soil?

    Ok I looked at the sticky on common plant problems but all the pictures are missing. Can someone please tell me what's going on with these plants? The first pic is how it starts, the 2nd its progression, the 3rd final stage with claw up. All plants are doing this. 4 different strains, WW...
  10. G

    Maybe it's the tap water!!!

    If you're saying that your tap water is RO'd, or distilled this is normal. There is not enough minerals in the water to stabilize the PH, so it'll drift. That is okay though cause it'll take on the PH of the soil barring anything added. Just remember to nute though cause this water supplies...
  11. G

    5train that hasn't been raped by mankind?

    Heres a few more, the first one is a video, pretty cool: Heres a real doctor talking about THC and Brain damage. Use the forward button to get to the third chapter of the video, this is where it talks about brain damage, or I should say the lack of...
  12. G

    5train that hasn't been raped by mankind?

    Hey Straight up G, there has been some research on the use, here are a few links: London study showing THC...
  13. G

    What is going on here? Please help!

    I too would like to know because I grow in FFOF too and all my plants look just like this. I don't understand how it could be a deficiency because I thought FFOF had enough nutes for about a month. And I nute as well after a week into flower, but I dont over do it, every other or 2 waterings...
  14. G

    can electricity harm plants?

    Neither, it actually gets the best light and is situated by one of the intake vents. It also grows just fine, no reduction in yeild, size, etc. It just turns yellow on all leaves, buds will stay green though, weird.
  15. G

    can electricity harm plants?

    This is weird but I have electrical cords from my fans and lights running down the back wall of my tent and every plant I placed next to them turns yellow and looks malnourished. The rest of them are fine. All plants get the same everything, water, soil, etc. So I was wondering if the...
  16. G

    HELP!!! with clones

    Brewer, Thank you!!! I will try this way next time I take clones.
  17. G

    HELP!!! with clones

    Hey Buds, Thanks for the response. I was 70% before the heating pad, with the pad I'm 0%. And they mold within 5 days under the pad where as without the pad I never had a mold prob. I always thought high humidity was good for them but maybe its too much with the heat?
  18. G

    HELP!!! with clones

    So are you saying they need to come out of the dome after 10 -14 days regardless if they show roots? When i prepare my jiffies i ring them out pretty dry, so i dont think thats the prob, but i mist 2x a day, so youre saying dont mist at all?