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  1. W

    well I've changed my mind on trying to grow

    It seems so overwhelming all the shit you have to do. peace out
  2. W

    is a homemade CO2 thingy safe to be around

    so is it safe to build one like the sticky on this same page and have it in the bedroom around people 24/7 probably a really dumb question but I know co2 isn't safe to breathe a lot of
  3. W

    Led Users Unite!

    nevermind I read your grow and found the answers to my questions
  4. W

    Led Users Unite!

    You used a blackstar 240 right? How many watts of CFL did you use in flowering with the LED
  5. W

    Led Users Unite!

    So no one has heard of this light or what. Which do you think is better this or Blackstar 240?
  6. W

    Led Users Unite!

    yeah that's the same light but the one on amazon is 130.00 cheaper wonder what gives
  7. W

    Led Users Unite!

    thoughts on this light guys?
  8. W

    Fox Farms Light Warrior?

    So I read you don't feed your plants until about 3 weeks. What if you're using 100% light warrior for seedlings. Should you start feeding sooner? How soon should you transplant them to a bigger container and regular soil? After transplanting to regular soil say FFOF do you wait 3 weeks then to...
  9. W

    The Art of The Auto

    I was just browsing this thread and was wondering something. You say to start the seeds in the pot your going to use throughout the grow. But what if you're germinating the seeds in seed starter soil. Wouldn't you want to transplant them to regular soil like FFOF some time during the grow? Isn't...
  10. W

    Led Users Unite!

    Is mylar or other reflective material as important with those Kessil lights since they seem to produce a narrow band of light ?
  11. W

    Led Users Unite!

    What specific panels are you talking about ?
  12. W

    Led Users Unite!

    What is your plant to light ratio? Looks like it would be tough getting two plants under one light during flower
  13. W

    feminized C99 available at Dr Greenthumb, others soon

    acting like a jealous hating nerd
  14. W

    Led Users Unite!

    Do you have an opinion which is better the kessil or blackstar. Kessil only uses 36 watts compared to 240 for the blackstar that means blackstar is more powerful light right.
  15. W

    Led Users Unite!

    How do you like your purple and magenta led lights. Im looking at a blackstar 240 but not sure which way to go on led lights
  16. W

    Blackstar 240W 6 band

    I hope a cracked window is good enough thats all I can do for them as far as air flow
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    Blackstar 240W 6 band

    Anyone else have input on my original question ?
  18. W

    Blackstar 240W 6 band

    I saw them on ebay.
  19. W

    Blackstar 240W 6 band

    I don't know anything about electricity either. Can I plug this light into a regular wall socket without causing any problems ?
  20. W

    Led Users Unite!