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  1. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    I kind of think I love you mister!!! haha yes, it's a lot of information, but i'm here to learn. And to tell you the truth, if i can't even water my girls right, I will for sure have issues down the line if i don't take advice from people who OBVIOUSLY know what they are doing... I really...
  2. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    ya i don't want any mildew...then I really wouldn't know what to do with myself hahaI guess maybe i am just loving them too much, i'll have to start ignoring them for a few days ;-)
  3. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    jeez...I guess i'm not doing too good on this whole "fixing my issue" shit haha I'm not really sure what i'm doing wrong here tho, there are 5 plants all in 5 gallon buckets, they're all at least 2-3ft tall and i HONESTLY use a little under a gallon of water shared between them every few...
  4. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    I feed them BC nutes, they were pretty sad before i fed them and there were some older leaves that were yellow around the edges and had dark green veins... If were going to go with nutrient deficieny, I'm wondering if it might be a zinc or iron problem now? My soil is pretty alkaline, I have...
  5. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    Well I move the pots around every few days cuz the air circualtion could be better in there, the one in the picture was in the back for a few days where the weaker fan is, I just moved her to the front with the stronger fan though The room is HOT, no lie, I built it myself and it was the first...
  6. J.LUV

    Culring leaves?

    I've got some ladies in a 2x4 box at the moment about 6 1/2 weeks old, had a little bit of an overwatering issue earlier that they seemed to recover nicely from my new question is about the leaves, apparently some of them are curling and twisting...while it's a great design to look at, i'm...
  7. J.LUV

    black mould spots on walls

    Does the exposure to black mold in the grow room ruin the integrity of the plants that are in it?
  8. J.LUV

    Setting up a tent

    haha That's the EXACT same problem I had with the room I built, I had plenty of fans, but they were just blowing around hot air...I will definitely be drilling some ventilation holes in that once the girls are out... My ultimate goal is to have the small room I'm working out of now turn into a...
  9. J.LUV

    Setting up a tent

    So i'm going to be getting a 3'x3' grow tent that's 6ft tall I'm currently working out of a 2'x4' room I built that's 6ft tall also My big question is that the room I work out of now got so hot that I had to remove the door, can anyone tell me the best way to keep the tent temperature down...
  10. J.LUV

    My Plant Gave Me Hives

    So do you think if i seal my box it will help with my roomie's hives? She's in a different room all together, can enough spores travel that far to cause her that much irritation? This is starting to get complicated :wall: hahaha
  11. J.LUV

    My Plant Gave Me Hives

    My roommate is worried that the box in my room is cauging allergies for her, it's kind of strange because I went through one harvest and it was fine, but she has hives and is coughing with an itchy throat...could this be from having a box in my room? I took the door off of the room because it...
  12. J.LUV

    over watering?

    If you have a picture it might help...
  13. J.LUV


    Ok Well it looks like you guys saved my ladies :lol: The only one that seems to be having a hard time is the one that I shocked when I repotted it... The rest of the family is back to normal and looking healthy as can be, yay!! I've been watering a little less and watered down my nutrient...
  14. J.LUV

    Something is seiously wrong with my account ...

    It was doing the "google" things too which has since gone away, there was no problem with other's seeing my account. But from my end when I went logged in, it would be redirected to a different profile and I couldn't get into mine at all I even tried to change the name in the bar code, which...
  15. J.LUV

    Something is seiously wrong with my account ...

    I went on last night and it was screwed up alllll night long, seems to be doing ok now...not really blaming the site, just trying to figure out what's wrong...this place helps me a lot, i'd never bash it
  16. J.LUV


    Ok here are the pictures...sorry about the delay :bigjoint: So, I repotted the ladies, which made them much happier. I'm a total newbie and didn't realize how low the soil really was until I actually took the ladies out and saw it...:sad: The roots looked nice and healthy on all of them...
  17. J.LUV

    Something is seiously wrong with my account ...

    So I signed in and my name come's up correct in the top right corner which is "J.LUV" but when I go to my profile, the name changes to "JLUV6969" and neither my profile, nor any of my information is there anymore...the sign up date is different, the last activity is different, everything is...
  18. J.LUV


    just transplanted to add more soil...I'm pretty new and didn't realize how low the soil was till i really took out the babies and refilled the pots. The roots seem pretty healthy on all of them except maybe the sickest one...but i hope she can come back!!! The roots were not as white as all the...
  19. J.LUV


    That sounds like the best solution at the you know if it looks more like overwatering or possibly signs of being root-bound?? also, there were a few times that i had to water with regular tap water instead of distilled or treated water, do you think that could have a factor in...
  20. J.LUV


    Hey guys, second grow, still learning ;-)...ran into some issues and need a little help figuring it out...I have 5 clones each in 5 gallon pots right now, all of them seem to be doing awesome and are very happy, except for one. I noticed yesterday that the leaves were drooping and she looked a...