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  1. Twiggs1620

    Had to chop, couldn't hang dry, now trying to salvage what I got

    You had a tent right? why dont you set that back up for the drying process, itd be a lot easier regulating the temps and humidity within the smaller environment. I wouldnt go with a humidifier, my thoughts are that its too wet. IMO i would do what you are doing but in your tent with some bowls...
  2. Twiggs1620

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Hear is something to try for those days that you really want to wake an bake but dont want to be completely wrecked whilst doing what ever you need done. Step 1. Wake up two and a half hours before you are supposed to wake up. Step 2. Toke it up and brush your teeth. Step 3. Go back to bed...
  3. Twiggs1620

    A Comfortable Place To Contemplate One's Navel...

    Fuck that! RIU rules!!!:joint::hump:
  4. Twiggs1620

    Night have to harvest early...fml

    Recreational or medicinal? Either way if it is the deciding factor in a war against custody there is no other way to look at it. Family first.
  5. Twiggs1620

    why o why

    And Im sorry to jump on the band wagon here but this is the second post ive read that has you talking about your first thread exploding. Making threads to talk about your first thread? Come on now, stop adding useless threads to an informative forum and eat the knowledge not the bullshit. Props RIU!
  6. Twiggs1620

    Is this a male plant?

    It looks like a male to me, a females balls dont look so much as balls as they do tear drops with the hairs coming out the pointy end. These pictures are definite male. Remember even if you let the pollen sacks develop but not open there is always a few specs of pollen that escape so in a small...
  7. Twiggs1620

    Auto Lemon-O-Matic Day 14 from seed

    Totally agree, Light doesnt seem the issue because it hasnt stretched up, usually if a seedling doesnt get enough light they tend to stretch tall having a very long stem, which in your case is not true but in the picture you posted the soil looks very wet. even when the soil dries this time i...
  8. Twiggs1620

    cut marijuana leaves

    Love the way this thread just turns into a general Hi how are you discussion!:mrgreen:
  9. Twiggs1620

    Northern Lights 1 node 4 sprout plant. Advantage or disadvantage? rare anyway?

    You just made me excited to flip the switch! But i want to veg the f*** out of them cause they are femed. Do you believe that transplanting a few weeks before changing the light cycle would be bad? they seem root bound now, and they are not at a satisfactory size? would the plants double in size...
  10. Twiggs1620

    Northern Lights 1 node 4 sprout plant. Advantage or disadvantage? rare anyway?

    Hey guys, So here is a update on one of the northern lights plants i have in my grow journal, She began mutating at a early age bringing out her first Quad sprout node which slowed her growth down comparably to the other northern lights plant in my current grow. After this growth progressed...
  11. Twiggs1620

    Suspected Male From Bag Seed in a tent with Females!! (pics)

    Then thats what ill do.. Thanks for all your comments it helped settle the decision. Peace and happy growing.
  12. Twiggs1620

    Suspected Male From Bag Seed in a tent with Females!! (pics)

    Yea i know what to look out for i just dont care too much for it and there is too much lose.
  13. Twiggs1620

    Suspected Male From Bag Seed in a tent with Females!! (pics)

    I agree i would too. this is a auto strain i got from bag seed a dont want it exchanging genes with my northern lights.
  14. Twiggs1620

    Suspected Male From Bag Seed in a tent with Females!! (pics)

    Ok, forget the expert advice. haha and suggestions anyone?
  15. Twiggs1620

    Suspected Male From Bag Seed in a tent with Females!! (pics)

    Hey guys, so my plants have been showing signs of sex recently. I had 3 bag seeds two of which are clearly female however a different strain so different characteristics. The third plant i suspect to be an automatic strain from how it looks. So i just would like expert advice as to if this is a...
  16. Twiggs1620

    Hey everyone, just looking for advice and feedback on my grow room.

    kinda. but all good. you should start a grow journal
  17. Twiggs1620

    What would your 24 hour day look like if you had unlimited power?

    What are the laws around owning land out at sea? i mean sea land or sea space what ever. I think i would build a completely self sustaining underwater city fully equipped with grow houses for all types of produce, having the vegging plants filter the co2 out of the air. Livestock ( i need my...
  18. Twiggs1620

    Will this lamp work?

    Again i have to agree with mr2shim, Forget about those bulbs you already have. You will have to invest some time and money to improve production. If you are planning a full indoor go CFL as its the cheapest. If you planning on supporting your plants on rainy days with extra light then i would...
  19. Twiggs1620

    Will this lamp work?

    Agreed, and even if they where CFLs you would need to stack them till you get around 400w depending on your plants and your growing space to get decent results. Are you planning on moving indoors completely?
  20. Twiggs1620

    How To Use The New Blog/Journal features?

    I managed to load 29 pictures to my first post and that is perfect because that ends my part 1. Take a look.