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  1. Cocofeind

    My Grow wish me luck

    Cool glad things are looking better buddy
  2. Cocofeind

    autoflowering Haze 2.0 nutrients problem ?

    if your ph is 6+ Potassium, Calcium manganese all would be locked out.
  3. Cocofeind

    autoflowering Haze 2.0 nutrients problem ?

    Did you say ph is 6+? aeroponics!!! I havnt grown that method but isnt the ph too high?
  4. Cocofeind

    Is This Ca Casued By Lockout Due to Previous Overwatering??

    Pleasure to have helped buddy. Good Luck.
  5. Cocofeind

    Is This Ca Casued By Lockout Due to Previous Overwatering??

    Looks like deficiency. magnesium or phosphorus. quite possibly due to root rot! I went through my notes,pics etc and compared and thats what I came up with. me personally I would fongarid to make sure there is no root rot then flush with ph'd water and let them dry out somewhat and take it from...
  6. Cocofeind

    Hey all... I'm just here for the J

    Thanks buddy
  7. Cocofeind

    attached thumbnail?

    wait for them to load! mine takes a while sometimes. I have a galaxy ace
  8. Cocofeind

    reservoir water please help.

    add water then nutes etc then ph adjust then feed. RO water is hard to keep stable. advanced nutrients ph perfect seems to work well for a lot of folks though.
  9. Cocofeind

    Why is the EC so high? Who is wrong? need a professional here please!!

    hmm ive always been taught different to that.
  10. Cocofeind

    The weirdest shit happened last

    Yeah seems like she was a head case and more hassle than she was worth.. NEXT..........
  11. Cocofeind

    Why is the EC so high? Who is wrong? need a professional here please!!

    Add your addatives then test ec and only then add your main nutrient. add in smaller amounts to desires ec but like said earlier half strength sometimes even 1/4 strength.
  12. Cocofeind

    Brown/yellow spots on the plant leaves

    Definately looks like heat/light burn. lesser likely is potassium or manganese deficiency.
  13. Cocofeind

    The weirdest shit happened last

    Women.... Cant live with em.... Cant shoot em.. there a weird breed.
  14. Cocofeind

    CFL or HPS or HID?

    400w digital ballast so you can use mh globe then switch to hps for flowering and the carbon filter fan already posed is good. cool tubes waste too much light. if you use a dimmable ballast you can also dim for early grow and up it as plants get bigger. depends on your budget as has been posted.
  15. Cocofeind

    Plant problem

    ahhh ok.. multiple possibilities. root rot, magnesium deficiency well many deficiencies tbh. kinda really need a pic to help you out. though look on the deficiency thread and see if you can see something that looks close. how big is the pot and when did you plant it in that pot?
  16. Cocofeind

    Is This Ca Casued By Lockout Due to Previous Overwatering??

    No worries. I admire your organic tendancies and local loyalty. dunno maby try growing your clones/seeds in a almost bare no nutrients whatsoever soil in very small pots till you can then upgrade to like a seedling mix or something.
  17. Cocofeind

    autoflowering Haze 2.0 nutrients problem ?

    Whats your ph root zone temps etc?
  18. Cocofeind

    Good picks! Got a problem PLEASE HELP!

    Ive never seen mildew like that but thats not saying much. I would do complete res clean change and take it from there. remove the leaves that are 50% or more affected.
  19. Cocofeind

    Got some seeds in my beautiful buds. Why?

    A hermie plant that Self pollinates will 99% hermie from seed. read above post.