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  1. C

    How do they look?

    6 weeks left man. Be patient. You wont get much off those but if you smoke it now it will be junk. At least give her time and you might get a nug of some good shit.
  2. C

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?

    Gas and a match! It isn't easy.. especially this far along. Just hope its on the leaves not the flowers or you're fucked. If its only on the fan leaves then just cut them all off. Its the only way, shit spreads like wildfire, and Im guessing by that leaf that you've had it for a while.
  3. C

    Ready for harvest/How do they look?

    At least 4 weeks. Fuck they have no sugar at all.... Better make it 6, the frost will look like crystal in the morning.
  4. C

    What would you do??

    Unfortunately not, its a guerilla grow.
  5. C

    What would you do??

    I have been unable to get a straight answer on this so I am asking everyone's opinion. Thanks for your help! Say you have 1 large plant that was around 6-7 weeks flowering with nice full buds and about 50% of pistils dead, all of a sudden she grew between 5 and 10 small MALE flowers. (no...
  6. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Can someone please tell me how the titles under your name can change?? I'm assuming it has something to do with rep, likes, and number of posts, but I don't get exactly how it works. For instance both of mine say "learning to roll" how does it change or can I customize either one? Thanks.
  7. C

    Vegatative stage? When? How? What? I'm confused?

    Not necessarily... Trial and error is usually the best way to learn. Definitely better than listening to some fucktard who calls himself god insult you. There is much wisdom on this website, I guess people should dig deeper than the noob section. I guess the search bar is the only way...
  8. C


    OK..... can you please say duuuuuuh before speaking? did you read your post? Who says 15 N is too high, and where is your proof? You just rambled some bullshit with nothing to back it up. Do some research, and take your own advice.
  9. C

    Vegatative stage? When? How? What? I'm confused?

    You're both right. Yes that is a question that the OP could, and should have easily found the answer to using any search engine or the RIU search bar. But GOD was a little fukin harsh. Dont take it the wrong way.. there are as many stupid posts on here as there are intelligent ones. I...
  10. C

    getting attacked by bugs

    Sure looks like mites... You should be able to see the little fuckers all over them. Flip your leaves over an take a peek, they'll be full of mites, webs, and eggs.
  11. C

    training into flowering

    There are some variables here... but I would not start bending once the buds are established because you may soon be supporting those buds up instead of tying them down. As the weight piles on everything will spread out and sag a bit on its own. I would suggest tying them down early enough...
  12. C

    training into flowering

    No, he is talking about training.. LST! Team42's post was valid. And I agree. If you want to bend them for more light it cant hurt. My experience it only increases yield. I wouldn't do it too far into flowering though in case you bust some branches by accident.
  13. C

    8 foot monsters in the sun: Looks like an Octopus after Rain and wind

    It will be OK now if the branches did not break off, everything will be standing up tomorrow. Bbut you are going to want to support the branches ASAP. I learned this the hard way, Your branches will break off, and you will end up harvesting some branches of disappointing preemie shit...
  14. C

    newbie needing help

    Looks fine to me as well.. Let it do its thing. Hopefully she fills out for ya.
  15. C

    Advice, Opinions Please?

    I suggest leaving the plants alone. Not much time left, Id let them do their own thing. What if you cut them wrong again and stunt the fuck out of them for a month? Then you'd be lucky get a pinner dried off one of those plants.
  16. C

    Outdoor pest control??

    Ya, I've had great luck with it. Everything seems to hate it. I have tons of grasshoppers around here too. One area that I use always has major bug probs, tons of leaf holes, etc. but I can never catch the fuckers in the act. As soon as I douse them in my garlic, anti-insect homebrew...
  17. C

    Outdoor pest control??

    Haha, Yea good old 'cure all' garlic! The fact that it keeps those damn vampires away from my gurlz is just an added bonus!
  18. C

    Outdoor pest control??

    I used to have the same problem with holes in the leaves. I made my own natural insect repellent and it worked very well and I ONLY use it during veg. Here is the recipe.... Mix 2-4 cloves of minced garlic with 1/4 cup of mineral oil, let sit for 24-48 hours. Strain out the garlic and a...
  19. C

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    "Fuck I Missed" will not always work the way you want it to. There are better ways of increasing yield.
  20. C

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    Check out Uncle Ben's topping guide on this site. It is very thorough and easy to understand. Then you can decide what you want to do.