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  1. redmachine

    No trichomes on my plants?!?!

    I had some plant like that it's really bad genetics. When I cut them and dry them I smoke a sample and it hit's the spot, but nothing strong. try it.
  2. redmachine

    Micro DWC Hydro Grow Journal w/pics --- (Autoflower)

    Looking nice, i'm gonna watch your progress :)
  3. redmachine

    Short Rider on 12/12..Why not

    I have tried thath, the only thing I notice it's thath they'll weed less. You will be fine :)
  4. redmachine

    LED vs HPS

    Stick to the HPS, the led tecnology isn't ready
  5. redmachine

    Is It Cheesy Enough??

    They don't seem ready but only by looking at the tric you could be sure.
  6. redmachine

    Dope-Seeds AAA++

    Dope Seeds are A+ 5 days and I've got all my seeds. I recommend this store. :bigjoint: Peace
  7. redmachine

    is this a hermmie ? ? ? ? ?

    I can't see any balls, maybe it's just a girl.
  8. redmachine

    auto strain breeding question

    I just finished doing some seeds from auto ak47 I put 4 plant int the same room 3 were femeals and one male, I just leave them thogether and I end up with lots of seeds, quick and easy bongsmilie
  9. redmachine

    First Grow Malawi Gold, Alaskan Ice, Blue Cheese, Arjans Haze #2, and White Rhino

    Be carrfull with the alaska ice, it was the only plant thath died on me, when it started to bud it started to dry also, I didn't do anyting different. She must have some bad gens.
  10. redmachine


    Very nice :joint:
  11. redmachine

    Ordered 48 seeds from for $49 US

    Thats a good price for so many seeds, I'll be wathing to see if you recive it. :bigjoint:
  12. redmachine

    need some 250w hps info

    Yep, I have 6 plants under a 250W but 3 plant are flowering and 3 plant now starting to grow on 12/12, you can do up to 4 small plants or 2 medium/high plants, I'm just testing the results of 6 plants.
  13. redmachine

    Feminized male?

    That may be a regular male. Not all seeds you buy as female turn out to by females.
  14. redmachine

    to auto or not ?

    Seeing this make me think about leaving the regular strains, how tall does your autos let? In my current setup I dont have a higt limits but on my future setup i'll have and i'm thinking on a scrog but autos can be a good option. :bigjoint:
  15. redmachine

    Bud Leaves

    That must be it. ;-)
  16. redmachine

    Bud Leaves

    Cut down on the nutrients, maybe you have a nut burn
  17. redmachine

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Nop, maybe in a couple of days, and I'll show my 250W light modification, it's a cool tube without the tube it's a cheap almost free modification but it works
  18. redmachine

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    My current grow (1 week old) is a Alaskan Ice, a Durban Poison, a White Widow and a Afghan Kush All under a 250W HPS
  19. redmachine


    My top 44 was very very potent got me higher then my durban poison the pic in my avatar is from a top44 from my last harverest. I only got 50g out of her but it was very good. Mine our very saltiva and yours?
  20. redmachine


    I heard the theory of the bc pills a couple of years a go but i never try it, i'm interested to see if your seeds turn out fem, try it and let us know