The products they are giving away are beneficials rather than macro nutrients. They are giving away a mycorhizae product, a nitrogen fixing product, something they call extreme tea, and a calcium carbonate foliar feed. The CalCarb looks to be the most interesting thing to me. It's a calcium supplement that when it degrades releases Co2. Pretty cool shit, made by RTi, give them a read through. I'm going to look more in depth at what these products actually are a little later on tonight.
I'm actually curious as to how long the care lasts and for how many plants? I'll try it on a few because that care package is pretty big but wont finish my 60 next round
Same here man, he got right back to me. He says the company that makes the product is willing to work with you explaining in better detail on how to use the stuff as well, great costumer service. I think these people are spot on in the way they're getting their product out to market. Free samples are the way to go!
I also asked him if I like it is there a way to get bulk discounts because there is three medical care rooms in my family and I use 20 ltr jugs of canna
Nope, sent the guy a message yesterday. I'll update when I do get the package though.
Browsing around ALSKILOW1's videos, he shows how to apply some of the products that you'll be receiving. Looks like you can use the Azos in a diluted paste for for doing clones, most of this shit looks pretty cool, can't wait to get the package.
Yeah I get like 6 family members to help this time we have 2 rooms this size to do in 2 weeks My brothers are like 6 to 7' tall and wider then tall thier spheres
Could be a blessing in disguise man, by the time you do bring your product to market it would have a good cure on it. Outdoor isn't going to compare to the well cured indoor stuff you're bringing in.
Nice plants! That krypto is seriously blooming! Almost looks like how my banana kush is growing, just incredibly fast and lush. Turn them pics right side up man, makin my neck hurt tilting my head haha jp. Hope those seeds you got will germ and turn out to be ladies!