2 dead in school shooting in KY

Leaving loaded firearms in the reach of children is child neglect. You are intentionally, knowingly, and/or recklessly are providing firearms to children creating an imminent danger to themselves and other around them. You are charged with keeping them safe and you are failing, hopefully never to be proven.

maybe they're a mandated reporter(lol) and habitually engaged in protecting children from gun violence with intent of reporting this child neglect before someone gets killed?
A worthy engagement.
The failure is not with my kids but to all the ones that didnt receive basic firearm fundamentals

Sorry it is true

Accidents are only accidents because no one wants to say they pulled a trigger and a gun went off.

Again english professor these are NEGLIGENT DISCHARGES NOT ACCIDENTAL

Teach your fuckin kids how to be safe thats it
Ha not in this state

My kids have told their teachers that dad has guns it doesnt bother them a bit

Especially after my kids tell the teachers they arent allowed to touch them

True story

well shit, I'm obviously mistaken and you have my apologies. Now that I know you've actually told us your kids are not allowed to touch the guns.

btw....kids are not allowed to do any of the things that harm or kill anyone or themselves. Ever wonder why this doesnt stop child gun deaths?
Go ahead have someone come to ths house and see how negligent i am

Who ever said my room door wasnt locked?

The only time a gun is left around is when i put it on the counter from there it migrates to my room

Whats the big deal

Sorry ?

But it wont change anything in my house
You're the one lying about being in a state where it is legal to commit gross parental negligence.

Also, *you're*
Tell me how i am neglegent?

By not having my gun in a safe?
Sorry they arent required
well shit, I'm obviously mistaken and you have my apologies. Now that I know you've actually told us your kids are not allowed to touch the guns.

btw....kids are not allowed to do any of the things that harm or kill anyone or themselves. Ever wonder why this doesnt stop child gun deaths?
Uh huh the ones that werent taught jack shit
well shit, I'm obviously mistaken and you have my apologies. Now that I know you've actually told us your kids are not allowed to touch the guns.

btw....kids are not allowed to do any of the things that harm or kill anyone or themselves. Ever wonder why this doesnt stop child gun deaths?
How can he be expected to keep his story (make-believe life) straight if he can't even use proper English?
Ha ha funny

the neglegence is not knowing when your little shit has mental problems you must be a great parent :)

You do keep the safety on right? cause of earthquakes, gravity, shit like that?

Having a negligent child live with a life of guilt because of childhood is just cruel.

What would be the punishment of this child for negligently being unaware of your instruction?
Could be, but those 3 dates rambled off by an anonymous screen name would be considered circumstantial.

of course, but every investigation may start with a collection of circumstantial evidence. sometimes with enough of it a conviction is successful I've seen. nobody here is anon btw, dont fool yourself. These dates if true are only bits of cheese my man. ops likely already doxed, shit takes seconds ya know.
I will let you all breath easy and say it AGAIN

Not all people should be allowed to have guns

A quick look on youtube shows this.

But there are people that can live just fine
In the same situations i am

Go to one 3 gun tournament and see how unsafe they are...
You wont see it because you get disqaulified for lack of saftey

How can he be expected to keep his story (make-believe life) straight if he can't even use proper English?
Again with your weak sauce
Good night
You second dan you
of course, but every investigation may start with a collection of circumstantial evidence. sometimes with enough of it a conviction is successful I've seen. nobody here is anon btw, dont fool yourself. These dates if true are only bits of cheese my man. ops likely already doxed, shit takes seconds ya know.
Doesnt matter
Im not doing anything illegal in my state :)
How bout you?
My gun club would kick your ass if you came there talking about leaving loaded guns for 9 yr olds to access being acceptable.
some people should not have guns right
and some should not have children either.
Funny the gun clubs here encourage children to learn to be safe with guns not be affraid