2 dead in school shooting in KY

so you lock your kids in your home with loaded weapons on your counter top and tell them nobody is allowed in until you get home?
sounds safe to me

good kids sneak other kids into their homes every day. to smoke, play vids, doctor, and yes, even to rummage while nobody is home
Yes i lock my house when we arent there.

And i take my kids with me like a good parent

I dont leave them unattended

And they know people are only allowed over qhen we are
Or they will get in trouble

Sorry my house hold my rules
Get it?

Yes. I've done something stupid with a gun. I've told the story. Taco may have told it again and called me stupid. I'm not sure as I have him on ignore.

I shot a bowling ball with a high powered rifle. It was stupid. I was a teenager.

I don't trust teenagers to not do stupid things let alone an 8 year old.
Dude i tell my kids of all the stupid thing ive done too

Its called TEACHING
Its called

Stupid hurts
So dont let your kids be . stupid

Sorry im done.trying to convince a bunch of
^^^this is also a very rare occurrence, "nearly" all blacks that are shot and killed by police are 100% justifiable.
Can you back that claim?

Final total of people killed by US police officers in 2015 shows rate of death for young black men was five times higher than white men of the same age

How do you justify cops killing young black men at 5x the rate of white men? Is this where you make the false claim that black men commit more crimes than white men?
Like i said if i make a mistake at work
i fall to.my death. Get crushed cut.in two ect ect,

To those that are giving me shit

How often are you in charge of your own saftey
To where the consequences are death?

I bet very little hearing the PUSSY responses
"nearly" all blacks that are shot and killed by police are 100% justifiable.

Last year, 74 unarmed blacks were shot and killed by police.

Last year, 1 unarmed white man was shot and killed by police.

Of those shootings, only 9 were justified...and one of those was of the white man. Officers are going to jail hand over fist over it. The vast majority of them, not surprisingly, are white former military men.
And my kids arent going around with guns either

You fucks are just taking what i say way out of context.

Its obvious

Most here did not grow up shooting

That was rule number 4

Be sure of your target and backstop

I would have gotten my ass whooped
If my dad found out i shot at a bowling ball :)
Not yelling
You discredited your own argument and proved right the people who said kids do stupid stuff all the time. Lock those guns up and don't give access to kids. There is no good reason not to.
Hey when a cop tells you to stop or ill shoot

He means it lol

Not his fault they wana be gangsta and not listen.

This does not mean i think cops or military men are all qualified to run a weapon
You discredited your own argument and proved right the people who said kids do stupid stuff all the time. Lock those guns up and don't give access to kids. There is no good reason not to.
How did i discretdit my self?

things have been this way in my home for many years
Last year, 74 unarmed blacks were shot and killed by police.

Last year, 1 unarmed white man was shot and killed by police.

Of those shootings, only 9 were justified...and one of those was of the white man. Officers are going to jail hand over fist over it. The vast majority of them, not surprisingly, are white former military men.
And to all the guys that got shot for not listening
To the cops demands

One was shot while handcuffed. Face down. On the pavement. Unarmed.

Another was shot in the back.

Another was a 12 year old boy.

Another was an old man who suffered from dementia.

The list goes on...

The funny part is: killing somebody doesn't always warrant the death sentence. Being a kid playing with a toy gun these days is an instant summary execution.

So is being an old man that has no idea where he is.

So is being a man that's terrified due to all the shootings and runs for his life.

Death penalty.

Oddly, all the cops that killed all those people are not facing the death penalty. Several are doing 20 to life...but they'll be out in 20 for sure.

Yeah. That's fair.
How did i discretdit my self?

things have been this way in my home for many years
Did you not just say you shot at a bowling ball and didn't tell your dad about it? That was a pretty dumb thing to do.

You've filled this thread with your claim of how good your kids are and would never use a gun in an unsafe manner. I and several others voiced skepticism. Kids do stupid stuff all the time and parents never hear about it. Face the truth. As a kid you did dumb stuff and didn't tell your dad. It's almost certain your kids have as well. But that's beside the point. Storing guns in an unsafe manner makes them available to kids. Kids do dumb stuff. That can't happen if they are locked and out of reach of the kid.