2 dead in school shooting in KY

Any gun guy knows if you push a bullet of the same weight faster it will drop less then the slower one at a given distance.

Very basic this is why you have "hot" loads generally.

In bear loads the velocity is used more for heavy penetration and bone breaking than it is for drop.

Which is horrible at the heavy grains
The faster bullet doesn't drop less because it "falls less quickly". Read up on Galileo. The faster bullet drops less because it has less time to fall before reaching the target assuming you hit it.
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The faster bullet doesn't drop less because it "falls less quickly". Read up on Galileo. The faster bullet drops less because it has less time to fall before reaching the target assuming you hit it.
Its actually got to do with vectors. If the non-normalized horizontal vector has a much higher speed then the downwards action of gravity is proportionally lower acting upon it.

If I'd a piece of paper I could sketch and show how it works...but it's how vectors add together to give a final destination.
Its actually got to do with vectors. If the non-normalized horizontal vector has a much higher speed then the downwards action of gravity is proportionally lower acting upon it.

If I'd a piece of paper I could sketch and show how it works...but it's how vectors add together to give a final destination.
Oh please, let's not get into a physics discussion. The effect of gravity is the same regardless of how fast a bullet travels. Everything accelerates toward earth or "falls" at the same acceleration. There are plenty of other factors that affect ballistic trajectory.
Oh please, let's not get into a physics discussion. The effect of gravity is the same regardless of how fast a bullet travels. Everything accelerates toward earth or "falls" at the same acceleration. There are plenty of other factors that affect ballistic trajectory.
Yes, but the effect is proportionally less depending on the horizontal velocity.

It's not physics, it's math.
This is perhaps true also...

But yes, gravity is always accelerating towards the centre of the Earth at a rate of roughly 9.8m/s, regardless of other factors.

Well, I'm glad that's settled.

Now about the thirteen year old who is about to make his father into a fool for saying he's taught them gun safety and never has to worry about them doing something dumb...
Well, I'm glad that's settled.

Now about the thirteen year old who is about to make his father into a fool for saying he's taught them gun safety and never has to worry about them doing something dumb...
Yep, he doesn't even seem like a bad dude just really really misled on this.
I literally asked my 13 ye old last night
If i had to worry about him taking a gun to school

He laughed at me like i was an idiot and simply said why would anyone want to do that... thats dumb. His words not mine.

Im not saying kids dont hide shit from their dads
But some kids know certain things are held in higher respect then others.

My kid literally was more stoked to have huilt a 2000 plus lego thing lol

Honest guys im already cutting the wall out to build a tac wall i just have to order some slides
And mag locks .
That should do it;)

More Fathers of school shooters should have these conversations with their sons,
prior to their murderous rampage.

if he looked at me with a dead look in his eye

And said

Noooo. Father as he stared into my soul

I would worry more..

To my dis may i cant use my kids as an excuse to buy more guns cause they havent showed a huge interest in them :( in fact unless we are going shooting they dont care a bit lol
No i caught it .

Was simply pervaying there is a notable difference between myself and dads of troubled teens lol

Again i could say whats the difference
Between good kids and shit kids ? You all know the answer.

What a shame you didn’t listen to the colombine example. The kids dad was a whole lot more professional about guns and education than you.

You scare me dude. You are defending your position in denial.
I'm not saying not to allow access in case of emergency.

Yea. I guess rfid could be hacked. It has an upside. You could montiter when the safe is accessed. They would have access but if opened without the owners knowledge they would know and follow up.

Holy shit. That may be a new app. Hang on. Got to go patent this shit or something.
I'm not saying not to allow access in case of emergency.

Yea. I guess rfid could be hacked. It has an upside. You could montiter when the safe is accessed. They would have access but if opened without the owners knowledge they would know and follow up.

Holy shit. That may be a new app. Hang on. Got to go patent this shit or something.
Wouldn't be a difficult mod, just add a sense line (attached to microcontroller) and a pull down resistor to the power line for the solenoid. Micro can control a Wifi connection then.

Infact alot of the ESP series of Wifi chips can be programmed so you'd only need one tiny 3.3V chip.
Wouldn't be a difficult mod, just add a sense line (attached to microcontroller) and a pull down resistor to the power line for the solenoid. Micro can control a Wifi connection then.

Infact alot of the ESP series of Wifi chips can be programmed so you'd only need one tiny 3.3V chip.
I think something like that would sell well. It would allow for members in the home access to a gun and at the same time allow the parent to monitor its use.
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