264W of CFL's, Stealth Closet 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Well..... I decided that I really did want to know, and got my scale out, callibrated it and weighed the harvest. I've been smoking a little of it, probably about an 8th so far. But as of 5 minutes ago I have 40G's!

So I'm actually glad I decided to weigh it. Because I thought total I had about an O, maybe a little over. But after what I've smoked I had just about an O and a half off that plant! Very pleasing to me! Oh, and from the trim I have a couple G's of hash aswell!

Getting 40G's off this kinda small plant has mad me very excited to see what my next grow will yield. Because I will have at LEAST double the plants. This is going to be fun!

Took some better pix of the harvest, Check it!



Well-Known Member
dam lookin good. havent seen that scale for ever, i always use a digi. but have nothin now. dont forget that those bags their in add 2-5 gs. the buds look really good


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I'm really really happy with the harvest! I've been smoking on it and man, I just LOVE the smoke! It's incredibally smooth and tast's like a mix of lemmonade and applejuice. haha, I dunno how, but that's what my roomate says whenever we smoke a bowl! So I'll be enjoying the smoke for a while! :)


Well-Known Member
well wheres the next grow bro
Ah man it's been going on for a while! lol, That's my bad dog! I've got 4 plants right now in flower ALL LST'd and looking even better than my first plant. 3 of them are 16 days into flower, and the 4th is only about 8 or 9 days in.

Here's a link to the new journal

I'm going to be watering tonight, so I'll take some new pix when I bring them out to do that. I haven't taken pix in a minute so these new ones are gonna show a big difference!


Well-Known Member
props man one of the best cfls ive seen
Hey thanks PurpCream! It really is much appreciated! I have a new grow going on now, about 2 weeks into flower. The link is in my sig if you feel like checkin it out. I've got a LOT more going on with the current grow than I did this one! haha, I'll be taking some new pix tonight when I get home from work.

-Hookd :bigjoint:
I know this is awhile after this was posted but the band in the video is the Kottonmouth Kings song title life rolls on, Probably my favorite band ever.. Nice grow man congrats.