well Advanced is THE ONLY COMPANY that has a test lab for there products on marijuana... so think about that too, i think its worth the money.. but u really dont need everything
AN doesn't have squat but many marketers, some old out of work used up university researchers plying through theirs and others old research papers and putting those products on shelves as something new and wonderful. There really not much new exciting discoveries to build on, really.
AN might happens to have labs located where they can openly grow pot for testing, where US manfacturers simply rely on the even more complete tests already done by university researchers and still being done by university researchers. It is guranteed AN does not have the money tied into testing equipment equivalent/comparable to that used by universtities in the past or presently.
As for having the right to withhold the information...that is not true. No one in this country has that legal right except by use of tricks carried out by lawyers and marketers. There are laws called disclosure laws. Every one has the right to know what they are buying whether they can read the ingrediants or not. However what do you do if you write a law that states the complete analysis of a crop fertilzer must be on the fertilizer container and a company says it is not a food crop so it does not apply to them. Well if they can not sell a fertilizer used only to grow an illicit product and it is not used for a food crop then the feds have to change the laws to cover fertilizers used for non food crops (ornamentals ie flowers etc.). Some states have those more braoder reaching laws laws so some nutrient brands are just not sold in those states by companies like AN.
AN or any other nutrient manafacturers should follow the laws in this country or not sell their products here or be cg harged with violation of american laws. A company should hide behind another nt ational corporate incorporation to do reserach not allowed by U.S. mnafacturers and then openly sell these prodi ucts after admitting to this U.S. illegal research. It is really no differenrt than selling us baby toys painted with lead paint becase a country of origin does enforce enivirnmental or manafacturing laws required for U.S. sold products. AN spends a lot of monet skirting states and laws in regard to disclosure laws. The feds are constantly having to amend laws and regulation becsuse companies like AN curcumvent laws and regulations so as to make large products. Even drug companies can not secret their formulas. They are granted exclusionary rights that prevent their "new" discoveries that have received patents for a period of time. After a period of time nay commercial company can use the formula but ni ot the Registered trade name. It is the same with nutrient formulas or new foods etc. AN does what it does for one reason and one reason only and that is to make as much profit as possible for as long as they can get away with it. If the countries where the chief executives lived had more open extradition terms with the U.S. then the feds would probably extradite them as they did Marc Emery. Do I believe the war on drugs is proper? No. Do I believe the U.S. Federal government should decriminalize pot? Yes. Do I believe it was right to extradite Marc Emery? Yes. It is simply the mattter of if your going to do the crime when you get caught don't be surprised when you have to do the time. I did my ntime and if I am convicted by trial or agree to a plea bargain for a crime I do my time. I don't hide behind other countries differing laws and the abundance of unethical lawyers to protect be from what I do in the U.S.
If your going to base your illicit operations in another country don't expect another country to continue to ignore you when your products and monetray profits cross the national boundaries. The U.S. fights in other countries for lesser causes.
AN is obviously in it for the money and as such they charge grossly excessive amounts for their products not because they are NORML heros but to make big bucks. If they were NORML heros they would head a international non profit organization and sell their products at no profit.
Hell even Marc Emery did not profit by seed sells. That guy deserves the respect not the AN money grubbers. It is quite obvious Marc knew there was a huge chance he would end up in prison but he was an activist not a grossly over charging mnafacturer of pot growing nutrients. I think Canada extradicted the wrong person to the U.S.