Advanced Nutrients Question


Active Member
i have a question
has anyone ever used all of the nutrients together that are in the advanced nutrients nutrient calculator?? i mean i dont think it would hurt the plants to much because i reasearched all of the nutrients and what they are used for and each one helps for a different part of the plant. Will i get amazing results if i use all of the nutrients provided in the calculator with the right amounts??? i just wanna know if all that stuff is necessary for the amazing results????

heres the link to the calculator...... the nutrients used and correct amounts are listed

someone help me out please, i am new to hydroponic growing and im still trying to understand the different nutrients, how to mix them, and what they can do

thanx everyone


Well-Known Member
I own hammerhead, bigbud liquid, revive, overdrive & genius neem oil.
I'm interested in the newer bud candy, quite pricey though!


Active Member
i have a question
has anyone ever used all of the nutrients together that are in the advanced nutrients nutrient calculator?? i mean i dont think it would hurt the plants to much because i reasearched all of the nutrients and what they are used for and each one helps for a different part of the plant. Will i get amazing results if i use all of the nutrients provided in the calculator with the right amounts??? i just wanna know if all that stuff is necessary for the amazing results????

heres the link to the calculator...... the nutrients used and correct amounts are listed

someone help me out please, i am new to hydroponic growing and im still trying to understand the different nutrients, how to mix them, and what they can do

thanx everyone
I think something newer folks need to keep in mind is that it's generally better to try out a few things first, see how it goes and then go full out for following grows.

Sure, you can use all of the Advanced Nutrients products at once (been there, done that), but it sounds like you might not be too comfortable with growing yet - and that's not going to make things easier.

Try out a few things, like Sensi A&B, then see what happens, then add more to your grow as you see fit.

These are going to be YOUR babies, so you need to watch them, listen to them, and then see what they like. My plants like the Advanced Nutrients lineup, but maybe yours just need a little boost and not the whole line.



New Member
I do not even consider buying products that the manafactures will not divulge the formula analysis for. If it sayss trade secrets o proprietary ingrediants it is pretty much guarnteed your being raked over the coals as far as the purchase costs. "The exact ingredients our scientists discovered for Connoisseur are trade secrets. We can't divulge them. Some of them are extremely hard to spell or even pronounce." Yeah buudy, what a line. No MSDS, no Analysis, no buy is a pretty wise choice.

I also firmly believe in the practice, "if you can't test for it don't use it." There are a lot of snake oil products and grossly over priced products being sold to pot growers. Advanced Nutrients IMHO is pretty widely known for grossly taking advantage of pot growers when it comes to the pricing and unspectacular quality of its products. When ever AN's products analysis do appear online it is quite easy to see they are just average products. Regardless of manfacturing hype to the contrary there has been no miraculous new discoveries in nutrient formulations or supplements.


Active Member
i run AN and i love it. u dont need everything they have listed, not at all. for one it would b way to expensive. i just use sensi a&b, big bud, and over drive and my plants look nice, happy, and dank :D


Well-Known Member
im the same as spoon A.B bud blood . then big bug and last 2 wks overdrive , start with that and toss in some hygrozyme and your set
I do not even consider buying products that the manafactures will not divulge the formula analysis for. If it sayss trade secrets o proprietary ingrediants it is pretty much guarnteed your being raked over the coals as far as the purchase costs. "The exact ingredients our scientists discovered for Connoisseur are trade secrets. We can't divulge them. Some of them are extremely hard to spell or even pronounce." Yeah buudy, what a line. No MSDS, no Analysis, no buy is a pretty wise choice.

I also firmly believe in the practice, "if you can't test for it don't use it." There are a lot of snake oil products and grossly over priced products being sold to pot growers. Advanced Nutrients IMHO is pretty widely known for grossly taking advantage of pot growers when it comes to the pricing and unspectacular quality of its products. When ever AN's products analysis do appear online it is quite easy to see they are just average products. Regardless of manfacturing hype to the contrary there has been no miraculous new discoveries in nutrient formulations or supplements.

I totally get what you're saying and I admit I get frustrated by the fact that you don't always know what you're using on your plants.

But companies do have the right to keep secrets, I think. Drug companies do it all the time, right? And they do it with drugs that you actually take into your body. That's pretty scary stuff, if you ask me - not that I understand a lick of the chemistry of it all.

I wonder whether just testing things out for yourself is the best way to see if something works for you. I mean, that makes sense, right? You can just test certain products on some plants, other products on other plants, compare the results and see what you get.

It's always a good idea to question what companies say about their own products since companies do want to make money. That said, I also talk up some things I sell in order to make money, so really, I guess I can't really fault anyone else for doing it too. Well, I can, but it's a bit hypocritical of me.

Wow. That turned into a sorta rant. That's what I get for staying up all night.

Nice discussion here.



Active Member
well Advanced is THE ONLY COMPANY that has a test lab for there products on marijuana... so think about that too, i think its worth the money.. but u really dont need everything


New Member
well Advanced is THE ONLY COMPANY that has a test lab for there products on marijuana... so think about that too, i think its worth the money.. but u really dont need everything

AN doesn't have squat but many marketers, some old out of work used up university researchers plying through theirs and others old research papers and putting those products on shelves as something new and wonderful. There really not much new exciting discoveries to build on, really.

AN might happens to have labs located where they can openly grow pot for testing, where US manfacturers simply rely on the even more complete tests already done by university researchers and still being done by university researchers. It is guranteed AN does not have the money tied into testing equipment equivalent/comparable to that used by universtities in the past or presently.

As for having the right to withhold the information...that is not true. No one in this country has that legal right except by use of tricks carried out by lawyers and marketers. There are laws called disclosure laws. Every one has the right to know what they are buying whether they can read the ingrediants or not. However what do you do if you write a law that states the complete analysis of a crop fertilzer must be on the fertilizer container and a company says it is not a food crop so it does not apply to them. Well if they can not sell a fertilizer used only to grow an illicit product and it is not used for a food crop then the feds have to change the laws to cover fertilizers used for non food crops (ornamentals ie flowers etc.). Some states have those more braoder reaching laws laws so some nutrient brands are just not sold in those states by companies like AN.

AN or any other nutrient manafacturers should follow the laws in this country or not sell their products here or be cg harged with violation of american laws. A company should hide behind another nt ational corporate incorporation to do reserach not allowed by U.S. mnafacturers and then openly sell these prodi ucts after admitting to this U.S. illegal research. It is really no differenrt than selling us baby toys painted with lead paint becase a country of origin does enforce enivirnmental or manafacturing laws required for U.S. sold products. AN spends a lot of monet skirting states and laws in regard to disclosure laws. The feds are constantly having to amend laws and regulation becsuse companies like AN curcumvent laws and regulations so as to make large products. Even drug companies can not secret their formulas. They are granted exclusionary rights that prevent their "new" discoveries that have received patents for a period of time. After a period of time nay commercial company can use the formula but ni ot the Registered trade name. It is the same with nutrient formulas or new foods etc. AN does what it does for one reason and one reason only and that is to make as much profit as possible for as long as they can get away with it. If the countries where the chief executives lived had more open extradition terms with the U.S. then the feds would probably extradite them as they did Marc Emery. Do I believe the war on drugs is proper? No. Do I believe the U.S. Federal government should decriminalize pot? Yes. Do I believe it was right to extradite Marc Emery? Yes. It is simply the mattter of if your going to do the crime when you get caught don't be surprised when you have to do the time. I did my ntime and if I am convicted by trial or agree to a plea bargain for a crime I do my time. I don't hide behind other countries differing laws and the abundance of unethical lawyers to protect be from what I do in the U.S.

If your going to base your illicit operations in another country don't expect another country to continue to ignore you when your products and monetray profits cross the national boundaries. The U.S. fights in other countries for lesser causes.

AN is obviously in it for the money and as such they charge grossly excessive amounts for their products not because they are NORML heros but to make big bucks. If they were NORML heros they would head a international non profit organization and sell their products at no profit.

Hell even Marc Emery did not profit by seed sells. That guy deserves the respect not the AN money grubbers. It is quite obvious Marc knew there was a huge chance he would end up in prison but he was an activist not a grossly over charging mnafacturer of pot growing nutrients. I think Canada extradicted the wrong person to the U.S.


AN is located in cannada so for u to say that they have to follow usa rules is kinda silly plus why is it such a monstrosity that that are selling in usa thats how politics works cuz if the united states says no u cannot trade wit us then canada stops buyin our products we lose even more money goin into the recession even further more ppl lose jobs and we all get screwed even more and AN set up a scenario to show that they have superior product than the other companys the ceo also stats that he alters his products chemically to help marijuana growers since the majority of his sales are to us. Now im not sayin he couldnt be lyin about that and im sure he wants to make money everyone does but he is at least stating that he knos where his products are goin, so hes not wastin a majority of his time testin products on other plants when every company that sells like them understands that a good majority of theyre products are goin to canabis but since they are located in the usa cant test on canabis they suffer with theyre products. heres the link to the test it starts out about another subject but the writer ties in wat im talkin about nicely ooh and djaerofluxx i hopes this article helps u out with ur desicion man


plus why the hell does marc emery have to do with AN tryin to make money off thier product i dnt see how him sellin seeds illegaly in the usa has anything to do wit AN sellin plant nutrients in the us no i dnt believe that emery was rightfully charged for wat he did im pro decriminlization of weed also as well as makin weed legal but he clearly sold seeds in the usa to states that dnt allow it i think if he was a lil bit smarter about it he would have sold to the six or seven states that basically allow medical marijuana to be grown and sold he could easily say that hes sellin to the medical companies which if he had made some sales to them then they couldnt really have charged him for so much, but for u to rant about marc emery being wrongfully charged when the real discussion was about wether or not that AN had good nutrients and if u use all of them in the calc that they have i just dnt see where u goin besides the fact that u just wanted a really big post but had to use a giant circle to get ur meaning across


Active Member
the owner of AN put an offer out there sayin that his product will out do any company.. he said if any company can out grow him hell pay him a million bucks... tell me why no one has taken him up on this offer yet?


New Member
Tell me why he has a million bucks to throw around like it means nothing. Beacuse to may people are paying his issane prices. His nutrient products cost 50 cents a gallon to make. How much does he sell them for? That is the point. He is intentionally selling a product meant for producing an illicit product at a huge profit and flaunting it by working from a cross a border where he thinks he can not be touched. He is greatly profitting by it, for now. Where some one like Emery who made no money selling seeds is in jail. Speaks a lot for capitalism. Hundreds of manafacturers sell bird seeds that contain pot seeds and they are not jailed for doing so. So the correlation in it all is if you are helping someone to intentionaly break the law you are committing conspiracy. AN is committing conspircay as their products are even advertised as special nutrients for growing pot. They are every bit the criminal as every pot grower or pot possesser that has gone to jail for those crimes. Yet they operate across the border and pay high priced lawyers to protect them. So be it, but they do not have to make huge gross profits off pot growers while doing so. But they do so only by choice. Hell, they are probably paying bribes to congressmen that fully support the war on drugs. As long as pot is illegal they make huge sums of money, and the bribe officails just continue to support the war on drugs an assure loop holes are left in the imposrt laws to allow people like those at AN to continue to be drug conspirators. Yet they write foolish stuff like, "why write down the ingrediants as you stupid pot growing hicks couldn't even read the words anyway." Quote modified to show a point. They simply do not write down the ingrediants so as to make more profits. Period. Should the name AN be run up a flag pole? No. should the AN owner be impaled ona flag pole. I think so. Of course if he wants to drop his nutrient prices down to $4 or $5 a gallon I would have a differing opinion. It definitely cost a farmer more to produce a gallon of milk taen it cost AN to produce a gallon of nutrient concentrates. I would rather give my money to the farnmers. I mix my own nutrients, I do not by any AN products.


First what article or where does the owner make this comment since u did modify the comment i would like to see the original statement as i did give my info from a source and his prices are raised becuz he has a better product its the same thing with cars say u had a mustang and u wanna put on a exhaust system for a deeper sound u could go to advanced auto parts or auto zone buy a generic muffler for 50$ and hope its the sound u want or u could order a borla exhaust online knowing the sound ur gonna get plus the fact that this system is gonna release about 3 hp in ur car and they price theyre products at about $300 depending on the system. Price does not pay that big of a factor here every company from a small time bussiness owner to fortune 500 companys inflate theyre prices this is all to make money so for u to sit there and accuse only AN of over charging when all companys big and small all do the same thing its assinine and if u can give me 10 companys that i and u would both kno of that dnt inflate 1 single penny of their product then i will say yes that AN is charging grossly to much but till then i will stick to the fact that when u get better products u end up paying more wether it be $5 or $50 more. Also how does not giving away theyre secret recipe for better nutrients tell u that they can charge more for all u kno they could be using more expensive chams to improve theyre quality of goods so that can also state y theyre product is worth more. Thats like sayin i came up with a recipe that make hersey choclate taste ten times better this same recipe allows the chocolate not to melt in ur hand but i dnt put the full recipe on the wrapper i just put the same as hershey. but since ANs product is not edible they dnt have to label anything they can put cautinary warnings on the box since ur working with chemicals and be fine legaly u dnt have to disclose any of ur products ingrediants if its not edible they sign some legal papers sayin this recipe is secret and the owners wish for this recipe to not be disclosed with the public as it may be easily created by another and they would lose business.Truthfully u have a grudge against AN for no reason ur tryin to use petty info that every company does to make them look bad so y do u trully hate AN did they give u bad customer service one time really ???


ooh and also how is AN a conspiracy for pot they make nutrients and they say yes we produced are product with the basis that pot growers will be using our product but since pot is a plant the nutes can also be used on other plants not wit the same results but yes they can be used they are not forcing anyone who buys theyre product to grow pot they simply made a truthful statement and now we as the consumer makes the choice wether or not we use these nuteas for weed or tomatoes or other plants u cant blame a corporation for the actions that U take its U who is responsible u could sue them all u want if u got charged with growing charges cuz u used theyre product but in the justice system u had a choice u could have not grown weed as it would be illegal here in the usa or u could have moved to someplace where it would be legal bought theyre product then grown


Active Member
no i dont have the article, my boy told me about it. ill ask him were he read it and once i find it ill post it


New Member
ooh and also how is AN a conspiracy for pot they make nutrients and they say yes we produced are product with the basis that pot growers will be using our product but since pot is a plant the nutes can also be used on other plants not wit the same results but yes they can be used they are not forcing anyone who buys theyre product to grow pot they simply made a truthful statement and now we as the consumer makes the choice wether or not we use these nuteas for weed or tomatoes or other plants u cant blame a corporation for the actions that U take its U who is responsible u could sue them all u want if u got charged with growing charges cuz u used theyre product but in the justice system u had a choice u could have not grown weed as it would be illegal here in the usa or u could have moved to someplace where it would be legal bought theyre product then grown
Bluelihghting you are wrong. Conspiracy laws exist.
A conspiracy exists when two or more people form an agreement to do some act or refrain from doing some act. A conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime in and of itself, which means that conspiracy is charged as a crime separate and apart from the crime that the parties to the conspiracy conspired to commit. There are several reasons for a prosecutor to charge conspiracy, and despite the fact that the law defines conspiracy as "agreement" between two or more persons, only one person need intend to commit a crime out of the conspiracy."

They are not often used but they are used on people like the AN people often enough. Ask Marc Emery.
If you read up on what a conspiracy law is (see above) you would find that simply giving advise to another on how to commit a crime is conspiracy. That means giving advise on a forum such as this forum is conspiracy if anyone uses the given advice to commit a crime. Producing and selling a product that is intentionally meant to be used to commit a crime is still conspiracy o if the person that used it did so at the suggestion of the seller of that product.

"The exact ingredients our scientists discovered for Connoisseur are trade secrets. We can't divulge them. Some of them are extremely hard to spell or even pronounce." Do I have a grudge or bone aginst AN other than the fact that theya re unethical and grossly over charge for there products and do not follow U.S. disclosure laws, and the fact that they use very deceptive advertsing mcontinously. Not really. I can live with all of it but the absurd pricing and lack of disclosure. Try to find an analysis on their products or an MSDs as required by U.S. la be made available to any buyer prior to the actual purchase.

Myself, I have adequate testing equipment (ISE probes and meters, spectrophotometer) to do simple analysis's on most of their simple fertilizer products and I work at a University so I can obtain analysis of their other products, but most do not have that ability. Ethical manafacturers make that information available to the public as required by law, they do not hide behind lawyers and foreign borders. As long as no one uses that required analysis information and their registered name to sell their patented product there is no foul. I doubt if AN even has any patented products. IMHO AN is a champion example of an unethical business. Period.


Well i had neva said that no conspiracys exist i had just stated i dnt see how AN is a conspiracy since under legal views he hasnt commited anything wrong he has told many a pro weed magizine and companies that his products are designed for weed and yet when u look at the website and u try to find any mention of his product to be for weed its not there he may put somt things in that are weed related say he uses the time that if all orders are put in before 420 pm they can be shipped same day its a notion towards weed but does not say this product is for weed so legaly the U.S. can do nothin but sit back as he does his business when asked about his mentions to the weed mags and companies he can simply state ooh that just me tryin to sell more product where if the U.S. gov is gonna charge someone for conspiracy for sellin nutes internationally from CANADA then this gov is more fuked up then we think.

In the article u provided the satement that they dnt show the product is due to the reason of trade secrets so they arent gonna show amountage on the box and the say some name are hard to pronounce nowhere does the ceo state that we are "dumb pot growing hicks that will not understand the words", along with the article at the end AN shows the nutrients within theyre product the list is as follows Cytokinin, Zeatin, Zeatin riboside, Molybdenum, Boron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Amino acids, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium & Maganese as for the MSD's showing they dnt give there results on boxes then i would have to say they dnt have to have one in CANADA where they are located.

As for u working in a university i would like to ask somthing of u if u can test for the main and original question if AN's products are clearly better than those of GH canna and so on i understand u have other test and projects to do i just wonder if in ur spare time u could take this test and prove truly wether or not AN has a superior product as is the original question on this thread then post the results for all to see.

Time and time again u use U.S. laws against a company located in CANADA its not that they are hiding behind foreign borders its that we cant do anything about theyre company if they follow all of the canadian laws. the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world but when it comes to politics we are a big fat push ova. we are like a giant teddy bear we have muscle and can fuk ppl up when we want to but politcaly we kiss ass this is due to the fact that america cannot not live more than 3 months on our own resources. So to protect ouselves from failing we have to make peace with as many ppl we can which means we dnt go around accusing ppl of rediculous "conspiracies" which would give canada a reason to hate us iran a reason to ally wit cannada move theyre forces to canada then attack us, yes this is a very milked version but its to get the point across that the gov is not gonna waste its time dealing with business men who follow rules and instead take down ppl like marc emery (who yes i believe was doin a wonderful thing on our part to legalize weed) who was goin up against the dea which if allowed to win would show the dea is weak and then more drugs like crack coke hero would flow thru the country easier giving the gov a harder time and not allowin them to focus on more important issues like health care social security and so on.


New Member
Well i had neva said that no conspiracys exist i had just stated i dnt see how AN is a conspiracy since under legal views he hasnt commited anything wrong he has told many a pro weed magizine and companies that his products are designed for weed and yet when u look at the website and u try to find any mention of his product to be for weed its not there he may put somt things in that are weed related say he uses the time that if all orders are put in before 420 pm they can be shipped same day its a notion towards weed but does not say this product is for weed so legaly the U.S. can do nothin but sit back as he does his business when asked about his mentions to the weed mags and companies he can simply state ooh that just me tryin to sell more product where if the U.S. gov is gonna charge someone for conspiracy for sellin nutes internationally from CANADA then this gov is more fuked up then we think.

In the article u provided the satement that they dnt show the product is due to the reason of trade secrets so they arent gonna show amountage on the box and the say some name are hard to pronounce nowhere does the ceo state that we are "dumb pot growing hicks that will not understand the words", along with the article at the end AN shows the nutrients within theyre product the list is as follows Cytokinin, Zeatin, Zeatin riboside, Molybdenum, Boron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Amino acids, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium & Maganese as for the MSD's showing they dnt give there results on boxes then i would have to say they dnt have to have one in CANADA where they are located.

As for u working in a university i would like to ask somthing of u if u can test for the main and original question if AN's products are clearly better than those of GH canna and so on i understand u have other test and projects to do i just wonder if in ur spare time u could take this test and prove truly wether or not AN has a superior product as is the original question on this thread then post the results for all to see.

Time and time again u use U.S. laws against a company located in CANADA its not that they are hiding behind foreign borders its that we cant do anything about theyre company if they follow all of the canadian laws. the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world but when it comes to politics we are a big fat push ova. we are like a giant teddy bear we have muscle and can fuk ppl up when we want to but politcaly we kiss ass this is due to the fact that america cannot not live more than 3 months on our own resources. So to protect ouselves from failing we have to make peace with as many ppl we can which means we dnt go around accusing ppl of rediculous "conspiracies" which would give canada a reason to hate us iran a reason to ally wit cannada move theyre forces to canada then attack us, yes this is a very milked version but its to get the point across that the gov is not gonna waste its time dealing with business men who follow rules and instead take down ppl like marc emery (who yes i believe was doin a wonderful thing on our part to legalize weed) who was goin up against the dea which if allowed to win would show the dea is weak and then more drugs like crack coke hero would flow thru the country easier giving the gov a harder time and not allowin them to focus on more important issues like health care social security and so on.

I have to say that after reading all of these posts, I can see both sides. I get why someone might be pissed that ingredients aren't listed, but then again, if the law doesn't say they have to, then really, why would a company list them?

If I knew a super secret recipe, I gotta say I wouldn't share it with the world either. Would anyone?

I mean, if you think about it, it's sort of brilliant, isn't it? No legal obligation to say what AN uses means they can keep on saying that their products are the best and the only way to prove it is to try them out for yourself.

I get the idea of a conspiracy, but that seems a little paranoid to me IMHO. I mean, it's just marketing, legal marketing techniques as far as I know. I'm no expert tho.

I guess in the end you really never do know what you're using on your grow - only whether it works or not.

It's going to be interesting to see where this discussion goes next. Lots of food for thought here.
