Well-Known Member
oh, sorry I didn't know you had a reason not to say the names exactly.Thanks for the clarification 1 part GH Micro and 1 part GH Bloom combined is called Maxibloom not Microbloom by GH, and as well 1 Part GH Micro and 1 Part GH Grow is called Maxigrow not Microgrow by GH. However, by calling them Microgrow and Microbloom GH really has no grounds for complaint have they now. No since in having them complain about a name copyright violation now is there. As is if you look back at what I have written there is no grounds g for GH to lodge a legal compliant as to what I have posted as I have not expressly said anything or psosted anything that gives them grounds. I could just get more specific with and then just say closely resembles such and such.
However, all we are doing is going off analysis from their own labels, so its very public information that their labels say "2-1-6" ratio in the case of Flora Bloom. So, we aren't doing anything that cannot be read in large print off their main label.
Also, anything that could be generated by formulas, can be done simply by using legal software programs, such as
Smart! Fertilizer Software.