Yes that is a good basic program. It does not do conversions from a standard percentage analysis to ppm's, and U.S. nutrient manafacturers are only required to list analysis percentages not ppm's. Nor does it sepearte the formulas into two or three part formulas, or tell you when you have exceeded levels and will therefore have precipitation etc.
However, the unethical manafacturers even avoid disclosing analysis percentages also when ever they can find a way. Or they post the data then close the site url's to the info. But if you have enough understanding to know standard ppms commonly used you would likely also know enough to not waste your money of premixed nutrients like AN anyway so their analysis would matter little to you anyway. I think MaxiBllom is selling for about $15 for 2.2 pounds. I think I can easily buy the ingrediants for 16 pounds for about 8 dollars.
thanks for your input fatman, I am, and I think other people like me, are really learning a lot about nutrients and how they may be in fact a giant ripoff. I never thought it made much sense for me to be buying 23 Liters x 2 of different formulas, the shipping alone on that is ridiculous. So, it does seem to be a large scale fleecing of pot growers, who are just happy to be growing their plants.
I wanted to ask a few more questions Fatman, if I may have your attention for a bit longer. I think many people are learning from this thread and could be a significant change to how people view nutrients in the future. I guess some question are
1) Besides this lucas formula, which is the core base of any growing regiment, do you think there are any other products out there worthwhile? (i mean, brand name or not, such as carbohydrates, vitamin B, fulvic acid, humic acid, or any other additives enhancers?) If so, are any of these easy to make, or would you recommend actually buying any product?
for example, this "Bud Candy" product has 30-40 ingediants that seems like it may be hard for the average at home do-it-your-selfer would be able to replicate.
2) I know the home made formulas aren't PH balanced, or have buffers like the big companies formulas. Should we accomplish the PH balance simply by using PH up/down after adding our solutions to water? to ge the 5.5-6 ph desired range for hydroponic growing.
oh, and 1 more thing, Fatman7574 wrote:
The recipe I sent you by PM if added together without water is jsut the same as the GH maxibloom but without PH balancing. It is almost 16 pounds of mix so the same as their 16 pound bag. I assume that their 16 pound bag should make 500 gallons.
If my understanding is correct, Lucas Formula is a 2 part formula, ie: MaxiGro and MaxiBloom, in ratio 1:2 of Gro:Bloom
The recipe in the PM you send, would only be Maxibloom? So would it be appropriate to run Veg or is this a flower only formula, or is a separate formula needed?
sry if i misunderstood something, this is the first I've researched into Lucas formula and a lot of things are still new to me.
thanks for your continued input