After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

Murf, I usually tend to agree with you but keep in mind: cops don't make the laws, politicians do and when they are in bed with corporations with an army of lobbyist's that leaves you and I in the poor house and or in jail. Not the cop's fault (There are good ones and bad ones) He's just doing what he's told.
That's what the guards at Auschwitz said. Accepting money to do bad things doesn't absolve you. If anything, it adds to the guilt.
That sucks. Sorry to hear that lionden. Didn't they set the precedent in one of these cases what's usable or are we talking the wet whole plant fresh out the ground? Anyway to fight that in your case lion? U get a good lawyer?
Sometimes they weigh the roots and dirtball attached to it as well.
Not to be a dick, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. But, really? Broke the law, time to pay? First off there is enough in that article to lead me to believe they were not over plant #'s. The woman was a care giver and very well could have had 5 patients at the greenhouse grow. The 12 at the house could have been the guy's who got busted. And the fact they are investigating other people leads me to believe the warehouse grow could have been someone else's entirely. I learned from own experience not to believe shit in the paper. When I read about my own bust they threw around huge numbers. According to them the "street value" of 30 something lbs of beasters was near a 1/2 mil. then they added a zero after the actual amount of cash they took. The readers of the paper, including my own friends believed them. They would have been over on useable amounts, big deal. This is a med state that has to import just to meet it's medical needs, let alone it's recreational needs. These people are good for the state economy and good for the average resident. This bust did nothing to stop the demand of MJ, just the supply that would have stayed in state and supported the economy. Yeah, actually I agree with you now. They should go to jail, have everything they own taken, and cost the taxpayers 100's of thousands instead. Do you have clones of whatever you are smoking?
When they found my outdoor grow, they claimed the plants were worth 2k apiece. They had no bud on them at the time
That's what the guards at Auschwitz said. Accepting money to do bad things doesn't absolve you. If anything, it adds to the guilt.
Read what I said, there are good ones and bad ones. Not all police are criminals. I realize there are a lot of people here who simply hate cops, 95% of which have at one point or another have been arrested for something they believe was not a crime. I get it. If your pissed at the system then go after the ones who make the laws, cops do not make the laws end of story.
I guess we all just disagree on that subject. My bro is a cop and definitely gives people the benefit of the doubt. He has told me in many convos that he has pulled people over for speeding and seen joints in the astray and never bothered the person for it. He knows I smoke and grow and has never bothered me about it. He is very fair with people and yes not all cops are that way.
LEO started this war. They set the rules. Us or Them.

Reading these posts it seems many here don't even know what is going on.

Our money to LARA is just us buying a gold star. Section 4 is untenable. It is an admitted felony. Ask the old Jewish folk how the Nazis worked, you will find a lot of similarities.

Us or them?
Which side you on?
Read what I said, there are good ones and bad ones. Not all police are criminals. I realize there are a lot of people here who simply hate cops, 95% of which have at one point or another have been arrested for something they believe was not a crime. I get it. If your pissed at the system then go after the ones who make the laws, cops do not make the laws end of story.
I guess we all just disagree on that subject. My bro is a cop and definitely gives people the benefit of the doubt. He has told me in many convos that he has pulled people over for speeding and seen joints in the astray and never bothered the person for it. He knows I smoke and grow and has never bothered me about it. He is very fair with people and yes not all cops are that way.
Yeap. And Ur bro has stood there watching his bro's in blue break and bend our laws and said nothing. Collected his pay and played win his kids that night.

Yes sir gonna disagree all day on that one. The system is broken and corrupt. Nothing but parasites.
Protect and serve my big fat ass
LEO started this war. They set the rules. Us or Them.

Reading these posts it seems many here don't even know what is going on.

Our money to LARA is just us buying a gold star. Section 4 is untenable. It is an admitted felony. Ask the old Jewish folk how the Nazis worked, you will find a lot of similarities.

Us or them?
Which side you on?

That's an ignorant comment. LEO doesn't set the rules, they only carry out signed laws as best they can interpret them. Next is the judge/jury which will decide if a crime had been committed.

We've already reached Godwin? Dude LARA is nothing like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. That is very disingenuous
That's an ignorant comment. LEO doesn't set the rules, they only carry out signed laws as best they can interpret them. Next is the judge/jury which will decide if a crime had been committed.

We've already reached Godwin? Dude LARA is nothing like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. That is very disingenuous

What do you call the MSP guidelines? I call it cops setting the rules. Or they look at drying meds and determine is weight by sight. Violate any section four rights you think you have then steal your stuff? I

'm speaking from experience. You are speaking from opinion. When u have been visited by the SS you may have a different opinion on 'disingenuous'.
Yeap. And Ur bro has stood there watching his bro's in blue break and bend our laws and said nothing. Collected his pay and played win his kids that night.

Yes sir gonna disagree all day on that one. The system is broken and corrupt. Nothing but parasites.
Protect and serve my big fat ass
This is a false assumption, unless your with him everyday you couldn't possibly know. Sad how many people like yourself just assume and then call it fact. Obviously you have some run ins with the popo's?

So in your perfect world, no government, no police, no rules?
Let me know how that works out for you!

What do you call the MSP guidelines? I call it cops setting the rules. Or they look at drying meds and determine is weight by sight. Violate any section four rights you think you have then steal your stuff? I

'm speaking from experience. You are speaking from opinion. When u have been visited by the SS you may have a different opinion on 'disingenuous'.

Do you know how guidelines are set? Any clue? They are not making rules, they are guidelines first and foremost not rules. Attorneys for the state work with the agencies (Not just police but an agency with a specific oversight) when a new law is passed to figure out general guidelines for dealing with the legislation to be carried out.

And no I haven't had to deal wIth the police and plan to keep it that way. It isn't hard to keep things on the up and up. Its not hard to not attract attention. Furthermore in the event I have to, I will simply get an attorney to take care of any issues I have. Police are far from perfect, can be dishonest, but know your rights, exercise them, and keep your nose clean.
Nazi references do not apply here. We aren't being rounded up and facing genocide. So your analogy is grossly inappropriate, inaccurate and frankly stupid .
This is a false assumption, unless your with him everyday you couldn't possibly know. Sad how many people like yourself just assume and then call it fact. Obviously you have some run ins with the popo's?

So in your perfect world, no government, no police, no rules?
Let me know how that works out for you!
don't assume u know my perfect world sir. I've worked around popo since the 70's. I've been considered a part of their team.. Private government contractor..
Yes I've met popo, and about every other kind of government parasite. I am not the one assuming anything. U assume your bro is the norm. I say he is the exception.
don't assume u know my perfect world sir. I've worked around popo since the 70's. I've been considered a part of their team.. Private government contractor..
Yes I've met popo, and about every other kind of government parasite. I am not the one assuming anything. U assume your bro is the norm. I say he is the exception.

So you were a government parasite yourself? Sucking on the government teat. The fucking irony of being a hypocrite yet enjoying that paycheck I'm sure.
/Not nessarily My views, Just going off your nonsense statements
Do you know how guidelines are set? Any clue? They are not making rules, they are guidelines first and foremost not rules. Attorneys for the state work with the agencies (Not just police but an agency with a specific oversight) when a new law is passed to figure out general guidelines for dealing with the legislation to be carried out.

And no I haven't had to deal wIth the police and plan to keep it that way. It isn't hard to keep things on the up and up. Its not hard to not attract attention. Furthermore in the event I have to, I will simply get an attorney to take care of any issues I have. Police are far from perfect, can be dishonest, but know your rights, exercise them, and keep your nose clean.
Nazi references do not apply here. We aren't being rounded up and facing genocide. So your analogy is grossly inappropriate, inaccurate and frankly stupid .
oh sonny!! No we are not being rounded up.. Or put in gas chambers... We are being put in prison, in some cases to die there. We are having our children taken. We have the right to admit to a felony (LARA). We are treated less than human.

It was deniers that allowed the Holocaust. The Nazis' wheren't coming after them.., there noses where clean.

Y'all have fun convincing yourselves it will be all right.
I'm with you on not inprisonment of people growing a plant. I've stated previously that its a waste of resources and peoples lives. Yet as a society we have the rule of law and we also have the ability to change less. Actions have consequences, but perhaps in instances such as these civil penalties would be more appropriate.

You are being terribly hyperbolic and myopic
don't assume u know my perfect world sir. I've worked around popo since the 70's. I've been considered a part of their team.. Private government contractor..
Yes I've met popo, and about every other kind of government parasite. I am not the one assuming anything. U assume your bro is the norm. I say he is the exception.
I don't assume. I know him and I know for a fact that he is a legit guy and does his job right. He gives people breaks all the time for going over the speed limit and has helped me countless times to get out of speeding tickets. I'm not sure why you seem to have a lot of hate for people in general, this isn't the only thread I have seen your assumption of facts argument. Contrary to all the conspiracy nut jobs not every human being is a piece of garbage who only wants to steal from everyone and kill everyone and take away all their rights, are there some? yes but not everyone
I don't assume. I know him and I know for a fact that he is a legit guy and does his job right. He gives people breaks all the time for going over the speed limit and has helped me countless times to get out of speeding tickets. I'm not sure why you seem to have a lot of hate for people in general, this isn't the only thread I have seen your assumption of facts argument. Contrary to all the conspiracy nut jobs not every human being is a piece of garbage who only wants to steal from everyone and kill everyone and take away all their rights, are there some? yes but not everyone
Ok??? So your legit bro decides what laws he wants to enforce? Fixes tickets for family members? And I'm a conspirsary nut for being a victim of legal rape n robbery?

Hav a nice day
I don't believe that all cops are dicks. Most are, but not all. IMO it takes a certain power-trip kind of mentality to want to become a cop in the first place. My cousin is an RCMP up in Canada and he fits the profile. A high level of self importance, dick swinging, pompous arsehole. He's a typical cop.

The few that become popo that aren't like this should be looking for a new career. How anyone with any type of conscience can work for an employer that encourages asset seizures, and ruing peoples lives over something that they may or may not even be guilty of is unconscionable. There are real crimes, and real criminals out there. If the police focused their resources on them then they would have my respect. BUT, the reality of the situation is they don't. We incarcerate more of our citizens than any other country on the planet, and a huge portion of that comes from weed busts. The lives that are ruined are not real people to police. They are statistics and dollar signs. Anyone with any type of moral compass either would not become a cop, quit once they find out how corrupt it is, or speak out and try to affect some change.
I agree not all r dicks. Some r cunts! Ever deal with a cunt cop? Its worse having a cunt being all indignant and high and mighty on you they really give off the righteousness stink while selectively enforcing which rules they agree with