After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

When I used to work with a group of guys (we saw more of each other more than our families, (total time in the day)), we always said that any conversation comes down to three topics (in order): sex, politics, and religion. As a casual observer on this thread and with the advent of the net, I can see that I will have to amend the '3 things' all conversations come down to. Have fun. it's only 'words.'
I fail to see under any authority (State or Federal) how use of force can be justified against a citizen who even remotely resembles a medicinal marijuana patient and/or caregiver. A 13th plant and/or 3rd ounce here in Michigan, however the lawyers choose to count on that given day, will NEVER justify the use of Schedule I Narcotic charges/enforcement as the clear "accepted medical use in the United States" renders such and any bullshit related "Drug War" policy and/or president null and void.

I completely agree. There is no need for force. This all started with those damn "no knock" warrants. I also believe that the arbitrarily set number of plants, and "usable cannabis" is bullshit too. A California model for plants would have been better than what we have in place.

The thing is, this situation wasn't an extra plant, or an ounce extra. It would be disingenuous to say this individual was not conducting a commercial enterprise, and personally I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you pay the tax man. Yet the law says otherwise. Hopefully a good attorney can work the case and get this person off. No reason to send a ganja grower to jail, it is just a plant.

Our law needs to allow transfers and shops/markets. If we allowed the market place to take shape, these activities could be protected.

At the end of the day, this country will legalize it. It's just a waiting game. It sucks to see people get tore up and ruined over a fucking plant.
Well brother, without just authority for such use of force, you literally have agents of the State Assaulting, Robbing, Kidnapping and in too many cases Murdering (no self defenses/safety claims while committing these crimes) citizens all around this country daily. How do you suggest we cease these atrocities of the State as a public sector/service guy? At this point I'm game to indite Obama and Holder on the world stage for war crimes. With half of the States within this union having medicinal marijuana on their books, these two political lawyers in charge will have a tough time parsing these absurd laws/policies into defense of their actions. But then again, there is no question that the UN is a standing joke as well, so I see no other option than Civil War in all actuality. How many Assaults, Robberies, Kidnappings and Murders of your brethren by the State will it take for you to take up arms?
Best of luck on your "civil war". For some reason I don't see that working out well for you. Laws should be changed through the democratic process, not through violence. Hearts and minds people. Any fringe group taking arms against our government has my blessing to be thoroughly defeat, prosecuted, and incarcerated. Violence isn't the place for civil disobedience. I agree with your disdain for criminalization of cannabis and it's affects but taking up arms over a plant? That is simply silly.

@nurse, that comment was directed towards your view points in general. Seems you don't see any shades of gray, or any other color for that matter.
Violence isn't the place for civil disobedience. I agree with your disdain for criminalization of cannabis and it's affects but taking up arms over a plant? That is simply silly. But you are fine with them taking up arms against growers?

@nurse, that comment was directed towards your view points in general. Seems you don't see any shades of gray, or any other color for that matter.
Shades of grey are for romantic novels and chick flicks. And yeah I've heard that before. think of me as a triage nurse. Not a lot of grey
There are laws in a civilized socity. There are means to change these laws in a civilized society. Taking up violence is not one of them. I don't feel like providing a whole how things work again for you. You've demonstrated multiple times how dense you can be, lacking any concept of nuisance or the foundation of how our legal system works. The state is authorized to use force, it's one of the defining features of the state. This has already been convered.

I have not seen Nurse Nancy have a crossed word with anyone on here man. She is far from an idiot as well. I would say far over 50% of
cops are not intelligent, rational, forward thinking humans. Her opinion on the matter is not even a generalization, there is actual data that
proves her right.

I could look up 20 examples but here is great one (keep in mind an IQ of 125 is not that much above normal and far from genius)

Court Decided it’s OK to Not Hire Cops with High IQs

Posted on May 1, 2013

I heard about this case a while ago, but never got around to posting it previously. Amazingly, back in September 2000 the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York decided it is lawful for the New London, Connecticut Police Department to not hire Robert Jordan on the basis that he is too intelligent for the job. Unfortunately, I’m not making this up. While this is more than a decade old, I think everyone should be aware of it. From ABC News:
A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.
“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
Jordan alleged his rejection from the police force was discrimination. He sued the city, saying his civil rights were violated because he was denied equal protection under the law.
But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.
Thirteen years later, how does it make you feel knowing this has been going on?
popo smart enuf to get to krispy kreme and know what's fresh, baking times and seasonal items. beware ive also heard traffic popo know how to opportunistically bend truth, gets them more donuts in the end.
on other forums-

bashin new kids that dont read up and get to know us is common? this isnt facebook. maybe..........................everyone here is of above average vocabulary also?
only with experience.:)
As much as I disagree with the bust, I have to anyone seriously trying to justify this?

If the facts are correct, they grew 155 plants, total. Of that, 70+ are huge trees, 12-15ft and we all know what that yields if they are what we think they are...Do I think that the 2.5 ounces of "usuable" marijuana is crazy?!?! Of course. But 50 lbs+ or whatever throughout 3 separate residences.... The fact is, you simply cant pass that amount or anywhere close for being "medical" in this day and age. And let's call a spade a spade here unless we want to lie to ourselves, we all know in St. Clair county it's obvious with multiple residences, which indicates a want to hide or spread out the grows, that they are nervous and selling for profit. Why be nervous if you are close to or following the law? Tell me otherwise all you want, but come on.

The very fact that there are now state supported laws at all is the main issue and if we want full decrim/legalization, we have to stick with what WE VOTED FOR. If you want different or increased/no limits, submit and vote it in. Colorado did...

I mean, is no one in here of rational thought, regardless of personal feelings? If you don't think you will be snitched on or aren't on the radar at that point, your just an idiot, period, no matter which side of the law you are on.

Growing, "Legal" or "Illegal" is just like Poker. Leave your emotion at the fucking door. That many plants, any rational person knows you are risking it with the authorities, period.

On top of that, they have multiple residences and etc etc. Even as a true Advocate, I cannot advocate for this alleged activity. It just doesn't make sense, regardless of if the law is senseless or not. IT IS THE LAW AND THE COPS DGAF.

But come on...Fact is, when you get on this scale, be prepared.

EDIT: I re-read the thread again. Apparently some people in this thread can't read and process. I saw multiple people quoting that they had 72 plants...WRONG.


Police found a greenhouse that contained 72 mature marijuana well as a factory in the 500 block of Memphis Ridge Road in Riley Township where 71 more plants were seized....aaaannddd the city-county major crimes unit found a dozen more marijuana plants at a home in the 3000 block of Elk Street in Port Huron

72+71+12= 155 plants. not 72.
We did not vote for 2.5 ounces. We voted for medical relief. Bill Shuttee and crew wrote the law.

When did we vote that MMJ growers have to be non-profit saints? We did not. Our enemies wrote that, and push that idea.
As soon as I read 72 plants it is obvious there was an attempt to stay within some part of this stupid law.
The reality of medicinal marijuana "law" written in this state falls somewhere between "will not impede access" (sec4) and "uninterrupted supply" (sec8 ) IMO. How the government, court and LEO agendas can fail to both acknowledge nor respect these facts of the "law" is simply NOT reasonable. The ability, as is, for this machine to arbitrarily act as if the Federal Schedule I Narcotic categorization/enforcement/games relate to medicinal marijuana here is beyond absurd. The ability of these asshats to maintain their "War on Drugs" profitability and abuse in the face of these 'laws" simply can no longer be denied or tolerated, nor can their use of MMMP to Entrap, Assault, Rob, Kidnap and Murder ...

You cannot have laws clearly categorizing marijuana as medicinal in your state and then turn on your citizenry utilizing laws that clearly state no such law exists. Any questions?