Aliens....Do You Believe?

We as a whole are COMPLETE dumbasses to believe that we are the only intelligent life in a universe that can’t be measured and is constantly expanding. I believe there is intelligent life out there so far advanced beyond us that there is no use for a corporeal form! Smart energy to us is wind and solar power... they might be smart energy! Electrosilicate based... gotta open you mind and use you imagination cuz some of the common things we have now would be considered witchcraft only a mere 150 yrs ago!
There are over 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 x 10^22) stars in the observable universe. The sheer hubris of Humans to think that we're the only intelligent beings in the universe is .. well human.

We likely havn't found any of them because of the extremely vast distances between things in the universe, especially in the space between galaxies. If we're limited by the speed of light and how long it would take a signal to reach us, that we have only been able to start looking for 100-200 years then it makes sense that we havn't seen the signal from a species thousands of light years away. We would likely be (especially at this rate) extinct long ago before a signal even reached us ... or our signal reached them.
Or for food... That's why religion was established? For clean living... No alcohol,drugs...keep yourself pure for when the L.O.R.D comes back for his/their children/food... Go forth and multiply!
Dude..WTF you just go and do that?

Now you have me thinking even more..lmao...That's scary to even think that...but WHY NOT?!! That can be so ingenious that they planted it from SEED TO HARVEST! LMAO applying Cannabis methods to it..lmao

But for real though...what you said is like watching a movie of a person dreaming of a dream, dreaming of a dream...
That's crazy thinking..Stop smoking so much lol
Dude..WTF you just go and do that?

Now you have me thinking even more..lmao...That's scary to even think that...but WHY NOT?!! That can be so ingenious that they planted it from SEED TO HARVEST! LMAO applying Cannabis methods to it..lmao

But for real though...what you said is like watching a movie of a person dreaming of a dream, dreaming of a dream...
That's crazy thinking..Stop smoking so much lol
That is exactly why I smoke! Not crazy or nothing like that. I just think and imagine a little broader than most... Think that our universe is a grain of sand on a beach on an earth that's in a universe that's a grain of sand on another earth... You get the
I can’t imagine any reason there wouldn’t be other more intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. In fact I think it would be arrogant to do so. I for one hope we have contact soon. Think about all the other unprecedented things that have happened in our lifetime, or even the last year, it could happen...
I believe men and women are from different planets. We think soooo differently!
Our brains are wired for different things/events. The majority of the animal world is the same. Males are hunters and propagators, female are nurturers. In some cases this is reversed. Visual proof, I believe of alien influence is the platypus… a venomous beaverduck! How did the beaver and duck mate? And what events in its life pushed the genetics to create venom? I believe that there is other life in the universe. And I believe they visit all the time. I also believe they are closer than light years away…
i think there is a lot of other life in the universe, but i doubt any of it has either the time or the interest to come to us.
we live at the end of a minor arm that's on the end of another minor arm of the milky way...anyone coming here to study would be like sociology students going to the middle of the Sahara....there HAS TO BE better places to do ANYTHING that could be accomplished here.
unless...of want to watch a race self immolate
i think there is a lot of other life in the universe, but i doubt any of it has either the time or the interest to come to us.
we live at the end of a minor arm that's on the end of another minor arm of the milky way...anyone coming here to study would be like sociology students going to the middle of the Sahara....there HAS TO BE better places to do ANYTHING that could be accomplished here.
unless...of want to watch a race self immolate
Food for thought; consider the idea that in order for Earth and our solar system to remain relatively unmolested for long enough to evolve intelligent life, we HAVE to be in a quiet corner of the galaxy.

I'm convinced that aliens are watching us. From very, very far away. After all, we are immature, extremely dangerous and very stupid and if we spread before we grow up we might present enough of a threat that we would need to be pruned or even removed before we do damage.
I don’t think there are “aliens” in the form or organisms as advanced or more advanced than us. I do believe in UFO’s, if you don’t know what something is it’s unidentified, but in the sense that they are flying ships with Aliens, no.