Aliens....Do You Believe?

This one is pretty self evident imo


A PAINTING dating back to the 17th century could bear the very first depiction
of a UFO.

The 400-year-old work is housed in the Monastery Church in the Medieval
Citadel in Sighisoara, Transylvania and has left tourists scratching their

The wall painting of a house surrounded by a thunderous sky features a
mysterious disk object.

The flying saucer-like object is seen spinning down, with what could be a long
exhaust fume.

The caption at the bottom of the painting reads: “Israel, put your hope in the

This one is from Mexico Mayan I believe.


Follow the link to this and many more ~

The below link leads to a Slide show to hundreds of ancient Images and carvings

Yeah i watched a video on that mayan one. Kinda obiouse wat it is
Yeah its a good one and hard to explain away , actually pretty cool art with the bubble showing whats inside the craft.
We use the same technique to explain images in more detail to this day.
Not sure if you guys have heard about the NASA's next generation of spacecraft called the Orion its been getting ready to go in service for a few years now and is getting close

Not sure if you guys have heard about the NASA's next generation of spacecraft called the Orion its been getting ready to go in service for a few years now and is getting close

I wonder where we'd be in space if we spent half the current military budget on NASA exploration instead...

Maybe we'd be dropping by ET's home planet and visiting them!
We would probably be in the next galaxy and back by now instead of being in the same solar system
Also we are always in a type of War mode they keep as many secrets from us as they do the enemies so we know nothing / little about the state of their true technology.
We should be much more advanced then we know of due to the Military secrets.
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We would probably be in the next galaxy and back by now instead of being in the same solar system
Also we are always in a type of War mode they keep as many secrets from us as they do the enemies so we know nothing / little about the state of their true technology.
We should be much more advanced then we know of due to the Military secrets.
The opposing argument is that war accelerates the advance of technology. I'm not sure I buy that. I'm especially skeptical when it's clear that much of the reason for our endless wars is to enrich the shareholders of defense companies.
We are a Nasty species even our religions praise War and destruction.
i look at as we are great apes with a Nuke Bomb
I think we can learn to be civilised, but it's definitely a race between our higher arrives and our baser instincts, example;

Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord because Charles and David Koch, owners of Duke Energy, spent a ton of campaign money to convince him to do it. Nevermind global warming, sea level rise and all the rest. Huge mistake, but the money wins.

Humans almost had the Industrial Revolution around 250 AD, but our political science and government want up to the job of maintaining the need social stability.

If we don't get this right, we're going to fuck up our planet to the point where we might not ever be able to get off of it and seed the stars.

It's kind of now or never.
We stand a good chance of working through it , we build on our successes learn from our mistakes in time we could leave War behind.
Its unity we need working together is a way to get it.
Gradual change is one of the conditions of the Laws of progress although its slow its often necessary
My fingers are crossed because anything could happen like planned war to reduce the population etc etc
The unexplained part is people see similar tripped out elves or what ever. The only thing I can think of is they have seen the images in art sometime in the past and are recreating it when high.
The unexplained part is people see similar tripped out elves or what ever. The only thing I can think of is they have seen the images in art sometime in the past and are recreating it when high.
No fucking way homie. Trust me cant make up this shit. Its like going from a sheep to the chick in the movie Lucy. These creatures have there own personalities. I believe "Aliens" are hyperdimentional. Dmt is a key that releases yer soul or lets you see wat the human eye cant. Did you know the penial gland is made of optic cells like found in the eye?
No never heard the penal gland has optic cells that's interesting ,Im going to look into it and see what they know so far.
If you remember in that Phil Schneider video that was posted earlier he mentioned the creatures he encountered were ingesting our penal glands to get high
No never heard the penal gland has optic cells that's interesting ,Im going to look into it and see what they know so far.
If you remember in that Phil Schneider video that was posted earlier he mentioned the creatures he encountered were ingesting our penal glands to get high
It contains seretonin, melatonin, and supposed dmt. Its were the soul presides

This video is best viewed while high

If your not High already

ts time to Wake n Bake and start the Day the right way


On average, there is at least one planet per star. About 1 in 5 stars like the Sun have an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone, with the closest planet expected to be 12 light-years from Earth. Assuming there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, that would be 11 billion potentially habitable planets the size of the Earth in the Milky Way, and with the red dwarfs included, that would rise to 40 billion. There should other life in such a huge universe.
We should be much more advanced then we know of due to the Military secrets.
Dam right...
I'm a former Classified, confidential, secret, and Top Secret US Veteran.

There are so many advanced technology projects that were underway In my former knowledge and Peeping into the envelopes. (Well, I was sworn in and given the clearance for it so why not PEEK?) Because my dam mail was opened for the next 2 years after I got out..lmao

But I know better cause I was given too many articles (on the punishment given to those who tried selling secrets) before given clearance.

Now, I believe in other life forms out there. Did I come across that information while serving? NO. But c'mon...
They have detected living organisms on other planets...
If there are ANY kind of living organisms...they have found and detected, JUST as there are Amoebas, small bacteria that exists here, there are Larger and more intelligent organisms on those planets as well.
Some like to write that they are watching us...Maybe they are.
If we go into another galaxy, that will be the worse mistake we can ever make. Just as I did by peeking..

Peeking only alerts those who have concealed ( satellite or some sort of detector that you are within their premises)

To think they are of lesser intelligence would be absurd. It is very scary at the same time.

Many have disbelief because they fear the Uknown as well you should. Everything should be taken as a threat as well.
I can't imagine what's to come...but just for your brain to think on ..
We all watched the Jetsons? or seen a clip
Do you remember when George or someone is watching Television and it's actually a projected image that is sitting on the counter?

Well, that was invented (or I saw it 1st hand) in 1996! (the Rough Drafts)

Yet, have we seen it for sale to this day? NO! but I'm sure it is now PERFECTED! and will launch soon. The military has always had EVERY Technology 1st and then it is released to the public.

I've been waiting on it. I don't know when they will release it.