Aliens....Do You Believe?

I find the alien real or not discussions most amusing.
If you believe in a zombie walking across water to benefit mankind you get tax breaks and respect from others whether they believe or not.
Say you believe in aliens and your crazy no ifs ands or buts.

I believe I saw something in the sky once and I was the biggest skeptic alive but seeing something you can't explain will change your mind rather fast. I don't know if it was alien or not but I do know that it wasn't man made.
I find the alien real or not discussions most amusing.
If you believe in a zombie walking across water to benefit mankind you get tax breaks and respect from others whether they believe or not.
Say you believe in aliens and your crazy no ifs ands or buts.

I believe I saw something in the sky once and I was the biggest skeptic alive but seeing something you can't explain will change your mind rather fast. I don't know if it was alien or not but I do know that it wasn't man made.

I am much less sure of that than I was.
I think there is a massive disconnect between the technology that is being developed and that which is being published (or admitted). I suspect many UFO sightings are human-tech in origin.

I have heard (and cannot evaluate truth or falsehood) that we are already engaging in commerce with offworlders. It is an idea I can't flesh out ... or dismiss.
I am much less sure of that than I was.
I think there is a massive disconnect between the technology that is being developed and that which is being published (or admitted). I suspect many UFO sightings are human-tech in origin.

I have heard (and cannot evaluate truth or falsehood) that we are already engaging in commerce with offworlders. It is an idea I can't flesh out ... or dismiss.

Information commerce could easily be carried out with off worlders, it could certainly be extremely valuable and wouldn't require physically hauling a thing onto or off of the Earth.
Anyone know of the unexplained "Black Knight" satellite? It's a homing beacon for that mystery object that's supposed to pass earth in 2017 sometime. Look it up!
What I find interesting about reports of alien visitors is how the aliens change over time. For example, it seems the classic saucer shaped crafts were all the rage among aliens back in the 50s, yet no one today reports them. Then there was a shift to cigar shaped ships. For a while in the 80's and 90's the V shaped crafts were in style. Today, many sightings are just fast-moving glowing balls.

So I guess alien crafts are like our cars. Different styles come in and out of fashion. Or, perhaps it's just different kinds of aliens visiting us as different times. But, if we look at sci-fi sources from the decades prior to reports, we see that saucer shaped craft were described in fiction before they started being seen by actual people. The cigar shape was prominent in some old sci-fi movies. An so on. It's just odd that the evolution of aliens ships seems to parallel what Hollywood does in the movies.

You can see a similar pattern with the aliens themselves. Little green men were popular at first. For a while, after the movie The Blob became popular, people started seeing blobs. When Dr Who first became popular, reports of robotic aliens spiked. Perhaps one of the most publicized early incidents, aside from Roswell of course, was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. They first described the classic big-head aliens we think of today, and it was widely reported by the media. Suddenly people started seeing big-heads everywhere. So, it seems the aliens themselves too change their look according to how the public thinks they should look. That's odd.

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It's because they get sick of riding in the same old jalopies lol
Personally i believe that only a small percentage of humans are intelligent. I believe this intelligence is not a reproductive quality sought after by individuals of reproductive age . Through natural selection this percentage is to decrease untell its diminished. I imagine this could also happen elsewhere in the universe. Could be why we haven't seen other intelligent life forms .
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Personally i believe that only a small percentage of humans are intelligent. I believe this intelligence is not a reproductive quality sought after by individuals of reproductive age . Through natural selection this percentage is to decrease untell its diminished. I imagine this could also happen elsewhere in the universe. Could be why we haven't seen other intelligent life forms .
I feel ones individual qualities lack on one department but make up for the other, very simular to phenotypes and how well one responds to its environment. Such a broad scale of phenotypes probably increases the survival of said species imo which makes a bit of sense for me.
Have any of you seen an alien? If you have seen a random light in the sky that does not qualify. The probability is NO you will have never seen an alien. Your beliefs have been given to you. We are all there is, this life is special. You have been hoodwinked into letting your life be controlled.
Pyrimidines! Ok, why?
First off let me just say its just a belief.
Ever wonder why the human species look different from around the world?
Ever wonder why we keep discovering new species every decade or two ect?
Carbon is a very clingy fuck, it can go through gobs of mutations to thrive in its environment but obviously it went through a fuck load of chemical mutations and bonds before human existence.
Anyways, here you go! I love reading this science fiction crap lol
Aliens are out there and that cannot be disputed. Our solar system is HUGE by our standerds, the milky way contains 100 million of said solar systems (holy fuck) and our milkey way is just one of the BILLIONS of other galaxies in the KNOWN universe.

Human brains literally cannot comprehend, even to the slightest, the vast amount of planets there are in the void. So yes, aliens do exist, it is not possible that we are alone.
it's not the belief that aliens exist that is seen as kooky. Many scientists and philosophers hold that same belief. What gets someone labeled as kooky has to do with other factors.

Yes, there are likely billions of planets able support life, and that's just considering life as we know it. But what we also continue to learn is just how unlikely it would be that any of that life is visiting our planet. The distance between us and other (possible) life is so great that believing aliens could easily travel through it is hard to accept.

This is the most likely answer to the Fermi paradox, which points out the contrast between how very likely it is for life to exist elsewhere, and how little evidence we have that it does. Long-distance space travel likely has too many obstacles that aren't solvable via technology.

Other explanations include The Great Filter, which suggests there may be some sort of built-in filter to intelligence that prevents it from progressing to the point of space travel. For example, maybe war and mutual destruction is inherent to intelligent creatures, and so they wipe themselves out before they figure out interstellar exploration. Or, perhaps learning how to accomplish interstellar travel takes so many resources that civilizations burn through them and die off just trying to figure it out.

There is also the Zoo Hypothesis, which simply says that aliens are aware of us, but follow a prime directive of sorts which prevents them from interfering with us in any way.
This might sound like a strange concept but if the sun moves through space and we follow the sun maybe aliens aren't traveling to us maybe we just drifted to them.