Aliens....Do You Believe?

Has anyone seen a shape shifting fire?
I've seen it happen while camping in the desert along with 2 friends, it happened as the sun was setting, big fire ball popped up from no where and started moving, another fire ball started on the other side and moved and shape shifted into a pickup truck (lights only), the show went on for a few minutes before fires disappeared.
Has anyone seen a shape shifting fire?
I've seen it happen while camping in the desert along with 2 friends, it happened as the sun was setting, big fire ball popped up from no where and started moving, another fire ball started on the other side and moved and shape shifted into a pickup truck (lights only), the show went on for a few minutes before fires disappeared.
(Psst), Nixs is in the shrooms.
In the category of being visited by aliens, could that include a mother-in-law.
Hmmmm, Mother-in-law. Sounds like an Oxymoron. How is this alien lawful??
I’m actually still not convinced humans have a natural spot on earth. How did we evolve so fast we still had to cut hides and fur off other creatures to even survive. Idk we’re just to far different from anything else including primates. One missing link doesn’t fill the gap
I’m actually still not convinced humans have a natural spot on earth. How did we evolve so fast we still had to cut hides and fur off other creatures to even survive. Idk we’re just to far different from anything else including primates. One missing link doesn’t fill the gap

Humans today are a hybrid race. The aliens took resident hominid type creatures, banged them and hastened "evolution".

Aliens got tired of all that smooth alien snatch and secretly had a hirsute fetish.
Humans today are a hybrid race. The aliens took resident hominid type creatures, banged them and hastened "evolution".
I'll agree with that but as far as rolling in the hay with us. I'm sure they have beastiality laws. More like CRISPR. I'm of the white rat theory. Rats altered for clean testing. Plus of all the sub species of man, whites are the most invasive. Kinda like Gypsy Moths, or African bees or back to my white rat, the Norway rat.
I'll agree with that but as far as rolling in the hay with us. I'm sure they have beastiality laws. More like CRISPR. I'm of the white rat theory. Rats altered for clean testing. Plus of all the sub species of man, whites are the most invasive. Kinda like Gypsy Moths, or African bees or back to my white rat, the Norway rat.
