Aliens....Do You Believe?

There's a theory out there that suggests early humans became partially aquatic, lost our excess hair and picked up subcutaneous fat for insulation in the water.

It's a theory, right? Someone suckered their department out of a PhD for it!
There's a theory that says aliens created humans to do mining labor. From Iraq area on clay tablets. Looks like we are a Pig x Monkey hybrid. A few edits later and here we are.
There has to be. Space is too vast for us to be alone. I recently learned about airplane models in Egyptian tombs, some say they could be birds, others say they look more like a flying craft. Life would be boring not believing imo
There's a theory that says aliens created humans to do mining labor. From Iraq area on clay tablets. Looks like we are a Pig x Monkey hybrid. A few edits later and here we are.
I've also heard the theory that aliens were created ( by other aliens) for exploratory reasons only. Drones to fly the crafts.
It's a weird theory because robots can mine a lot better than people.
It gets even weirder. Later the story gets flipped to where the antagonist is recast as the good guy. It is the religious scriptures of the earliest recorded civilization.
It's a weird theory because robots can mine a lot better than people.
Yah but there like us, a throw away society. We don't require food, we don't need maintenance. Just like a paper towel, use once and toss.
Stop and think, why build robots when you can abuse people?!
The Space is great, surely there are Aliens somewhere. But the distances are so wide that there was no contact and there is no contact at all. Why Aliens should frightened only american farmers? If we will have contact in future to them, they'll arrive at the Kennedy Airport in New York City and you will see them on TV shaking hands.
We can't but astrophysicists believe that statistically it's very likely. Avi Loeb thinks it might be a little dangerous sending out signals through the universe to find intelligent life. They might be predators.
Yes, I've heard the dark forest theory. What y'all are forgetting is time; aliens could have landed with pomp and circumstance anytime up to about 4000 years ago and there would be no historical record because humans weren't writing yet.
The Space is great, surely there are Aliens somewhere. But the distances are so wide that there was no contact and there is no contact at all. Why Aliens should frightened only american farmers? If we will have contact in future to them, they'll arrive at the Kennedy Airport in New York City and you will see them on TV shaking hands.
They already live there. MIB
It's a weird theory because robots can mine a lot better than people.
Perhaps we are just a meat robot. Thinking the things we are given to think, seemingly moving autonomously, but going through the same routines. Self replicating and replaceable. Metals and semiconductors take way more input energy than proteins and water.