Aliens....Do You Believe?

Perhaps we are just a meat robot. Thinking the things we are given to think, seemingly moving autonomously, but going through the same routines. Self replicating and replaceable. Metals and semiconductors take way more input energy than proteins and water.
Yeah but we're lazy, given to self reprogramming, don't plan well, etc.

This hypothesis doesn't fit the data well enough for me.
We don't reprogram. People rarely change. We aren't lazy when driven by the fear of death. And it doesn't matter if one is. Masses of flesh robots. Robots don't plan well, but the firmware makes them stick to the program they get. Yeah, we are flesh robots. Probably should get back to mining gold for them aliens atmosphere.
Check out some seminars by Loyd Pye. He did one called everything you know is wrong. Couple hrs long and shitty vid quality but he has some very interesting theories I find to be closer than the current explanations lol. If this kind of thing interests you roll one up and open your mind
It's fun to think about aliens. But why would aliens be coming here? They aren't really doing anything that we can tell. They just show up in the sky and fly around and dive into the ocean. Maybe they are hiding out like refugees. Not even about us. If I showed up on a planet and found a bunch of pig monkeys I wouldn't be impressed, I would just keep on doing my thing. Maybe they use us as genetic storage. Like a backup in case they need to start over at a specific step. Could be hundreds of worlds with various stages of genetic experiments. We are a colony of cells in a pitri dish.
The energy required without some space/time bending or quantum locked teleportation says that nothing could travel between stars. So maybe not alien. Maybe just another earth life form.
Something I ponder is that they say that the strongest bond is between a parent and offspring and that there is nothing more vicious than a mother protecting their young. I find it hard to believe that advanced civilizations routinely sacrificed their young in brutal ways for some GODS in the SKY that they didn’t see or know with their own eyes
... nothing could travel between stars. So maybe not alien. [/QUOTE said:
This is the point. May be nothing and no one can travel between the stars, cause of the distance. I like the "dark forest theory"cause this is plausible. The only error in this theory perhaps is the basic assumption not wanted to be destroyed and nothing more. I think supercivilizations are scientists and space travellers. If they exist, they must be mighty and powerful, may be very friendly not fearful. Why not? For them we are exotic chickens on a very nice planet. If we find something like chickens on Mars nobody would kill them. We would study them in a friendly way. At most now and then we eat one to try out the taste.
the universe is so vast chances are all galaxies may hold lower or more advanced forms of life, but we may never ever encounter them due to sheer distance.

space isnt exactly friendly to our physiology and what we observe in the distance is only possible because it radiates extreme amounts of energy.
would be hard for artificial signals to reach out much far if the proper direction isnt know. so how would we/they let us know, or see us....

that is why we need to stop destroying this planet over petty/fancy items as we may not have a plan B in the near future....
This planet has been visited I have no doubt. The evidence is strong.
I visited all over it. It is all there. Wherever you go, there you are.
We won't stop raping the children of the future for our present greedy desires. The planet will have to kill us. It is. We have already overshot capacity for our survival. Now the clock just runs out on us. Watch now as the population of species plummets. Watch as the ocean temps rise and can no longer hold oxygen dissolved in the water. Watch the food chain disappear below us. Whatever will we do?
I won’t pretend to be a scholar more of a buff but I’ve seen many compelling arguments either way.
the terms I, we , our, distance etc. are terrestrial logic. I think that’s the issue with science, everything has to be explained in terrestrial logic/knowledge. It’s a fight between religion and science. It’s my belief that alot of religious stories would make more sense if non terrestrial/ outside intervention was humored. I mean Gods, Heavens, that’s alien by definition, no?
I visited all over it. It is all there. Wherever you go, there you are.
We won't stop raping the children of the future for our present greedy desires. The planet will have to kill us. It is. We have already overshot capacity for our survival. Now the clock just runs out on us. Watch now as the population of species plummets. Watch as the ocean temps rise and can no longer hold oxygen dissolved in the water. Watch the food chain disappear below us. Whatever will we do?
A bit dramatic for me but I understand and it goes along with my belief that humans do not have a natural spot here
@Dreaming1 doesn’t it follow your statement about how we absolutely destroyed this planet almost from day one. We’ve atleast be working at it since day one. We know almost nothing about “our” planet but seek to leave it and explore space 1st. We are invasive species here I’m convinced
@Dreaming1 doesn’t it follow your statement about how we absolutely destroyed this planet almost from day one. We’ve atleast be working at it since day one. We know almost nothing about “our” planet but seek to leave it and explore space 1st. We are invasive species here I’m convinced
Nah, we're just passing through, like every life form that's come before us.

Our "intelligence" has been sufficient to cause an Extinction Event but not enough to avoid it.

We are stupid naked monkeys and we too shall perish.