Aliens....Do You Believe?

What colossal ego to think that out of all the incredible, beautiful, profitable places to go in the entire universe, anyone would want to come here, to watch irritable monkeys kill each other while shitting where they eat.
I've said this before.
We live in a relatively empty part of space, on a minor arm of a minor galaxy, with nothing available that isn't available most everywhere else in the universe. Why in the fuck would anyone come all the way across the galaxy, much less the universe, for anything here?
We haven't even figured out that peaceful cohabitation works yet, for fucks sake, no alien beings would waste their time on us.
The only reason i could see is that they're running a pool, whether we'll destroy our planet with pollution, or nuclear weapons first.
I agree with rog that we may be a failed project and they keep checking up maybe giving us more chances unknowingly to us. But it still suggests we are a “project”
Serious question rog. I mean it. What do you think about all of the stuff, i know its minimal when i say all, that the govs of multiple countries have started started to drip out claiming their authenticity are really? known to them,from here and humans, fake
Whats your take on it
Family vacation to primitive times, field trip to the petting zoo ,got fucked up and missed a turn,ROAD TRIP !!!!

edit :because they can

edit edit : earth girls are easy .
so beings capable of intergalactic travel are using the reasoning of college students who have been making themselves stupider by binge drinking 5 days a week? sure....
not really much of a mystery if its in the bible

Revelation 12:7–10
Not only do you use a book full of myths stolen from almost every previous major religion on the planet, you use the single most obscure, non verifiable chapter in the entire book.
People write about things that never happened all the time, they call them novels, fantasy, science fiction, and only the flakiest of flakes believe any of it is real.
I'm assuming that you're trying to say that the account of Satan being cast out of heaven with his fallen angels is actually some kind of event in our past that actually was aliens, doing...What exactly? Fighting with each other? Seems unlikely. Why would "they" hear a loud voice in the heavens extolling the glory of god and confirming that "the Accuser" was cast down? Were the aliens drunk and fucking with people? Were they performing some kind of social experiment? Were they setting up a mechanism to control the simple minded? If so, for what purpose?
YES, i cut n polish gemstones for a living, ive seen the stones at puma punka, and there either cast (highly unlikekly, or they have been cut useing alien teck machenary. i can tell you, if they were cut out with lazers, there would be vitrification on all cut edges,, laserz cant be stopped short, ie, you cant make a lazer 6" long in order to cut out a corner in a piece of stone.
they would have had copper hardened tipped chissels at the time they have been dated to have been made, even if they had gotten hold of some meteorite to add to the tip of any chissle, i will give you 1 billion pounds per perfect cornrer you can chissle out of any one of those stones given the tools available at the time.
ordinary dimond saw blades cut in a circular cut, as there round, theres no way to cut a corner without leaving adittional saw cuts to make a corner, let alone position a blade to curt the piece to create a perfect corner.
so if we tried it today, we would need ultrasonic cutting machines that would have to be specialy made for the job.
thats just the corners cut out of the stones at puma punka, dont get me started on other standing stones or stone walls that have been cut so precicely that you cant fit a piece of paper between them
ive also had a close encounter of the fourth kind, but im keeping that to myself, well the details of it anyway.
yes, aliens exist and have left tecknology behind, well what could be used from the planet to harness the planets natural energy, pyramids spring to mind ans standing stones.
notice the military have been buying up areas of the planet where these natural energy points come up through the earth, what do they know that we dont??????
What colossal ego to think that out of all the incredible, beautiful, profitable places to go in the entire universe, anyone would want to come here, to watch irritable monkeys kill each other while shitting where they eat.
I've said this before.
We live in a relatively empty part of space, on a minor arm of a minor galaxy, with nothing available that isn't available most everywhere else in the universe. Why in the fuck would anyone come all the way across the galaxy, much less the universe, for anything here?
We haven't even figured out that peaceful cohabitation works yet, for fucks sake, no alien beings would waste their time on us.
The only reason i could see is that they're running a pool, whether we'll destroy our planet with pollution, or nuclear weapons first.
were a stop off recharging station for exttra terestrial space craft, fact
notice the military have been buying up areas of the planet where these natural energy points come up through the earth, what do they know that we dont??????
dude, I could show you some google earth shit that would illustrate exactly what you're talking about. I noticed geographical land patterns that, after research of university documents on the subject, discovered were made by magnetic forces way back when the Earth was still fluid elements. There's quite a few spots in the u.s. that have bases on them, some even having been designed to represent the magentic pattern of the area they are located on or near. One of my theories is that it would be possible to somehow charge the energy "grid" with frequencies that would resonate over large areas of land mass. Look on google earth at the very obvious triangular land formation south of Florida and then look at the land north of Lorida, Florida and how it correlates to Cay Sal, which is a super ancient volcano. Follow the lines of the angles and you'll find a whole lot more. Triangulate the sand concentrations of the southwest if you like doctored pics. It's fucking crazy bro, and you'd have to be too to know.
Not only do you use a book full of myths stolen from almost every previous major religion on the planet, you use the single most obscure, non verifiable chapter in the entire book.
People write about things that never happened all the time, they call them novels, fantasy, science fiction, and only the flakiest of flakes believe any of it is real.
I'm assuming that you're trying to say that the account of Satan being cast out of heaven with his fallen angels is actually some kind of event in our past that actually was aliens, doing...What exactly? Fighting with each other? Seems unlikely. Why would "they" hear a loud voice in the heavens extolling the glory of god and confirming that "the Accuser" was cast down? Were the aliens drunk and fucking with people? Were they performing some kind of social experiment? Were they setting up a mechanism to control the simple minded? If so, for what purpose?

Genisis 6 1-4
1 Then the people began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them.
2 The sons of God saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives.
3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”

4 In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.
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What colossal ego to think that out of all the incredible, beautiful, profitable places to go in the entire universe, anyone would want to come here, to watch irritable monkeys kill each other while shitting where they eat.
I've said this before.
We live in a relatively empty part of space, on a minor arm of a minor galaxy, with nothing available that isn't available most everywhere else in the universe. Why in the fuck would anyone come all the way across the galaxy, much less the universe, for anything here?
We haven't even figured out that peaceful cohabitation works yet, for fucks sake, no alien beings would waste their time on us.
The only reason i could see is that they're running a pool, whether we'll destroy our planet with pollution, or nuclear weapons first.

I think you underestimate the opportunity!

dude, I could show you some google earth shit that would illustrate exactly what you're talking about. I noticed geographical land patterns that, after research of university documents on the subject, discovered were made by magnetic forces way back when the Earth was still fluid elements. There's quite a few spots in the u.s. that have bases on them, some even having been designed to represent the magentic pattern of the area they are located on or near. One of my theories is that it would be possible to somehow charge the energy "grid" with frequencies that would resonate over large areas of land mass. Look on google earth at the very obvious triangular land formation south of Florida and then look at the land north of Lorida, Florida and how it correlates to Cay Sal, which is a super ancient volcano. Follow the lines of the angles and you'll find a whole lot more. Triangulate the sand concentrations of the southwest if you like doctored pics. It's fucking crazy bro, and you'd have to be too to know.
its extreamly possable to do this, then we could put teslas energy into motion (pun intended), then we could all have free electricity, well if the fat cats are out the loop.
Genisis 6 1-4
1 Then the people began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them.
2 The sons of God saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives.
3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”

4 In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.
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is that old testament stuff? with the wrath n smite? im not that familiaer with it as i hafve dificulties reading, im 54 qand have never read a book