Aliens....Do You Believe?

No, humans aren't a hybrid species. We are an ape species that has less chromosomes than the rest of our ape group. We had chromosomes 2 and 3 merged. Check out human chromosome 2. There are telomeres in the middle. Those were on the ends of the chromosomes that merged. Now why? Mutation event of natural processes, or CRISPR'ed up to make slave class?
Terrence McKenna-"If you think we come from gods or an advanced species, then things have really gone to shit. If you think we come from monkeys, then considerable progress has been achieved." More or less.

On the other hand...

On the other hand...

On the other hand...some bullshit.
I've shot DNA into space too. It won't start any new life outside of the same species. At least say "black goo."
I wouldn't point to Ancient Aliens for "proof" of anything. They name dropped then subject swapped with a load of conjecture. I am pointing you to look at human chromosome 2, figure out why there is code for telomeres in the middle of it, instead of just on the ends, where they belong. Could be aliens, but it could more easily not be aliens.
If you really want to get into telomeres and coding of them, check out putting video game code on a cartridge. You have to tell the CPU that new info is incoming, and when it is over. This is accomplished by binary code of repeating 1's or 0's. Telomeres are repeating code too. Telling the protein writing machine to start and stop with this info packet, the chromosome. Life parallels the machines we make so much. Art imitates life.
This is an interesting book. Quite a bit of physical evidence gathered in the last couple hundred years about giants. Lots of the evidence comes from Indian burial mounds. Old newspaper clippings, eye witness accounts from digs etc. Poly dactylism and double rows of teeth were part of the discussion and apparently quite common.

I'm going with we don't know what we don't know and open to possibilities about aliens. Is there a connection between giants and aliens?
Are humans a hybrid species?

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The giant stuff is cool. The U.S. SW native tribes have stories of their ancestors battling giants. Red haired giants. In the area on rock pictographs there are giant hands or feet with polydactylism.
yes, and im aklso more inclined to listen and believe to what the native american indians have tio sayy about history, same as the aboriginals and other african tribes, where everything is passed down through art and story telling. what do they have to gain from lying about anything.
On the other hand...some bullshit.
I've shot DNA into space too. It won't start any new life outside of the same species. At least say "black goo."
I wouldn't point to Ancient Aliens for "proof" of anything. They name dropped then subject swapped with a load of conjecture. I am pointing you to look at human chromosome 2, figure out why there is code for telomeres in the middle of it, instead of just on the ends, where they belong. Could be aliens, but it could more easily not be aliens.
If you really want to get into telomeres and coding of them, check out putting video game code on a cartridge. You have to tell the CPU that new info is incoming, and when it is over. This is accomplished by binary code of repeating 1's or 0's. Telomeres are repeating code too. Telling the protein writing machine to start and stop with this info packet, the chromosome. Life parallels the machines we make so much. Art imitates life.

So, we're a mesh of biology and computers then ?

I've shot DNA into the ceiling, but I was younger and pretty excited. :lol:
luckily our radio signal is only like 80 light years far out by now.


The signals would be impossible to pick from background static 100ly away though. Voyager, the fastest thing created by humans, is travelling at 17 km/s. If it had been sent 100 years ago it would have travelled a quarter of a light year from the centre of the dot with only 99.75 light years to the edge. Space is fucking huge.

The signals would be impossible to pick from background static 100ly away though. Voyager, the fastest thing created by humans, is travelling at 17 km/s. If it had been sent 100 years ago it would have travelled a quarter of a light year from the centre of the dot with only 99.75 light years to the edge. Space is fucking huge.

Roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. All the planets, suns, all heavenly bodies and dust and comets together acounts for like 4 to 5% of the matter in the obervable universe. But the 5% that we can see is almost like infinity to us.
Yeah that is kind of what I was saying..
see thats whats wrong with modern times, we dont scalp our enemies and make bead work out of their hair anymore
Anyone ever capture strange shit on vid? I have but hesitant to post because our voices are on it. My wife came in the door one night yelling look out back look out back quick! I got a couple seconds of it and I can say ive seen tons of ultralights and small planes go by. This was neither. It was big ,low just above trees in backyard and silent. Recently a friend sent an article about mass sightings in SE Ma.