Aliens....Do You Believe?

just did lemon alien. it's pretty good. i guess i believe la plata can make good bud, but it also makes herms. so they sort of suck.

alien rock candy is looking good in veg now. i believe it could be a winner.
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yes....yes.....yes. I was just complaining about this the other day...people only care about carbon and temperature...i care about the wind and water flowing the way nature intends.
well, it will flow the way nature intended, when all the human life on the planet is dead, because we ignored the potential of wind and hydroelectric power, because it made some snowflakes nervous.
i guess it's better to burn hydrocarbons that it is to harvest wind power, or to install hydroelectric facilities in carefully selected areas...we were fools, apparently :roll:

I thought that too. Why show no pictures?

There are thousands of videos of strange looking UFO’s. Some are solid objects some are orbs of intense light.

Trouble is humans need to be softly introduced to the idea of aliens. If all leaders came out today saying they exist society would freak out.

Whats the point of working 9-5 in a shitty job if there’s a life force capable of transporting you into the cosmos.

Just because it’s hasn’t been proven to be true, doesn’t mean it’s not true.

All we have learned to be true was true before we proved it to be ‘true’
I think society could handle it personally. I think its arrogant for anyone to think humans are it. How sad if that were true. We go to work and function everyday well aware people possess the means to end our own existence at anytime. Id rather be wiped out by a superior race of aliens than some 4ft nothing idiot human sore loser with a red button.
We’ve been programmed for decades to be ready for it. In fact people I talk to seem to be too busy or bothered to even care. Like “omg, aliens again, who cares!”

we’ve been primed and pumped for the invasion day for awhile. Aliens or not doesn’t matter cause, it will ultimately mean the public pays for it.
We’ve been programmed for decades to be ready for it. In fact people I talk to seem to be too busy or bothered to even care. Like “omg, aliens again, who cares!”

we’ve been primed and pumped for the invasion day for awhile. Aliens or not doesn’t matter cause, it will ultimately mean the public pays for it.
or perhaps they've been desensitized to stupidity, after hearing you and people like you rattle on about aliens for decades, while never being right about anything, even once? perhaps trying to blame and/or give credit to aliens for every problem we have, every vague thing from the past that we don't know the use of, for every scientific advancement for the last century...has turned people so off of you and the possibility that aliens exist that you're now like the birds in the trees to them...a constant background noise that no one pays attention to.
My friend recorded a video of a silver orb thing that just hovered in the air. Idk what it was but closest thing to alien I’ve seen. Maybe theres silver orbs or “octagons” who knows
Aliens mutilating cows was just super advanced cows trying to find a lost part of their DNA. I think we all know why they don't want to make contact with us.