Aliens....Do You Believe?

I've expressed my views more than once...i have no doubt there is a lot of other intelligent life out there, and some of it might even be advanced enough to have discovered intergalactic travel...which means they can go just about anywhere they want.
Why in the fuck would they want to come here? a planet full of self destructive primates whose favorite pastime is shitting in their own feed trough?
the only attraction i can see depresses me...i certainly hope beings who have conquered intergalactic travel don't want to watch Jackass, Live...
They want are DNA man!
i read a lot of sci fi. no doubt that there is life every where but single cell life doesn't build things. sentient life is the rarest of life. even being sentient, we didn't really consider leaving our lovely planet for hundreds of thousands of years.

a life form that wasn't violent, probably wouldn't think of things that would kill using a substance that went boom. i love the planet. why would i want to leave? except there are too many people. waaaay too many. we fuck like chimps.

i'd like to think that there is a magic way to travel between the starts ala warp drives but the universe seems to like us developing, building and dying out all on our own. i think of the universe as god. chaos and order dancing forever.

i think the big bang is an easy way to explain something we don't come close to understanding. the universe we know about is but a tiny fraction of thee universe. we'll never make it beyond the ort cloud. as the universe intends.
They don’t want our DNA there after colonel sanders original fried chicken recipe :roll: :bigjoint:
i have very few food memories. but when a kentucy fried showed up in a town 1/2 hour away, my uncle filled the car with a bunch of us and we feasted. if my fingers aren't greasy, i'm not enjoying myself.
So what does everyone think about vids released by militaries of different countries including the US.
fakes? Earthly technology owned by someone? Who? Is china secretly that far ahead and still sending balloons? We’ll never understand/ know because we can’t think outside of our own reality , knowledge or parameters. Everything in our existence except the planet/nature and life itself is a human construct
So what does everyone think about vids released by militaries of different countries including the US.
fakes? Earthly technology owned by someone? Who? Is china secretly that far ahead and still sending balloons? We’ll never understand/ know because we can’t think outside of our own reality , knowledge or parameters. Everything in our existence except the planet/nature and life itself is a human construct
My knee jerk reaction is there isn’t any technology around we (the developed killing nations of the earth) don’t all already have. I used to think there was something to the German discovery that was sort of a thing back in the late 70’s but tbh, humans are so ruthless, that if some nation had something others didn’t they would use it. I don’t think they could suppress the human nature to kill and dominate other humans. Slavery and Nuclear Fusion are my justifications for my opinion but it’s just my opinion.
why would they want our dna?
why would you even assume they're carbon based? or use iron in their blood? or breath oxygen?
oops, didnt mean to shout
So what does everyone think about vids released by militaries of different countries including the US.
fakes? Earthly technology owned by someone? Who? Is china secretly that far ahead and still sending balloons? We’ll never understand/ know because we can’t think outside of our own reality , knowledge or parameters. Everything in our existence except the planet/nature and life itself is a human construct
i honestly dont think they know, yet at the same time, as bob lazar states, there allready working with us at area 51 and other sites.
nassa recently, or the military, made a statement to the order of "NOW WE HAVE THE TECKNOLOGY TO TAKE ET BACK HOME", now why would they issue a statemernt such as that???? very precice and to the point, not the standaerd statment made by many organisations
My knee jerk reaction is there isn’t any technology around we (the developed killing nations of the earth) don’t all already have. I used to think there was something to the German discovery that was sort of a thing back in the late 70’s but tbh, humans are so ruthless, that if some nation had something others didn’t they would use it. I don’t think they could suppress the human nature to kill and dominate other humans. Slavery and Nuclear Fusion are my justifications for my opinion but it’s just my opinion.
as the military stated, if there was the tecknology that allows a ship to manover in that fashion and change direction at those spweeds and allow the piolet to not become jelly and dead at those g forces, there would be snipits of other tecnologies that would allow this to happen. the evidence would be around. i dont think a military could keep the whole process of design and tecknology to that degree, hidden compleatly
It stands to reason that somewhere there's a planet with a Nitrous Oxide atmosphere, and they put Oxygen in their whipped cream.
i wanna know if my other self in my paralel universe is having as shitty a time as i am here, or if hes having the time of his life. but we digress, alternate universes is yet another subject matter
It stands to reason that somewhere there's a planet with a Nitrous Oxide atmosphere, and they put Oxygen in their whipped cream.
ah yes, life as we know it is carbon based, thqat doesnt mean theres life4 thats say silicon based or other. weve yet to fiond that none out, although were making new discovery's all the time about life, like say on mars, were just studyingt the samples of life on the martian planet from fossles found in the rock samples, only problem is were limated to what rover 1 or 2 can do. just have to wait untill we get there to get results, well untill they let us know rthe results of samples they allready have from the planet
The fact that we’re traveling to other planets for research before we know our own in its entirety says something imo
we deff need to fully explore and understand our own planet b4 we mess with others. just getting our energy point re stoned would be a step in the right direction.
when you look at what we do compred to what we could accomplish if we only worked together, its no wonder that there not introduceing themself'S to us and sharteing tecnology with us. look at a simple atom (ok ,not quite so simple lol), look at what we did to/with that knollage, heres an abundance of basicly free energy, tell you what, all that posibly posative and desperatly needed energy, lets make a bomb out of it and destroy something DOH! they dont want to come and play, but why?????
we need to learn to work together and fix the planet, then maybe they will introduce us to uinimagiable pleasures, tecnology and who knows what delights the universe has to offer, quite apart from being stunningly butifll to behold through theb lense of a teliscope or just looking up at the night sky. were fucked untill then i think, unless they stepp in to stop us destroying the plaanet and ourselves, there probably waiting for us to anhialet ourselves and then use the planet as a giant gas station, re energising there ships with electromagnetic energy lol