Aliens....Do You Believe?

Took years and billions of dollars for some guys to push the test buttons that make the LIGO detectors go off, so we feel like we got our moneys worth, lol. Meanwhile, one of them sits right next to Hanford nuclear site (in my state).. that has supposedly been leaking radio active waste for decades... Ya ok.. I'm not as familiar with the other "LIGO" sites, but imagine they are also next to some other highly controversial facilities like the one here.

The only conclusion that I can come to, is not only that the facility was secretly designed for something else altogether (stargate portals, haarp, ISS fake station projector, etc), but mostly that nuclear waste being toxic, or used for warheads is a also complete hoax. Otherwise, they would worry more about cleaning it up than coming up with lame excuses to how gravity exists nextdoor.

Nuclear is a hoax aswell, doesn't exist in real life.
Toxic nuclear waste is a hoax sorry, ahhh the lies we've been taught are endless...
People eat plotonium and swim in nuclear waste, only to have Nothing happen to them
A man invented a machine to measure energy/vibration/frequency, then the same man tells you when this machine detects this form of energy it's dangerous, do you see the flaw here or I need to continue ?

Amazingly, they seem to be concentrated over the US; stunning, absolutely stunning :)
View attachment 5315985

Also makes you wonder haha he who smelled it, supplied it ;)
Gravity lol
Gravity is a hoax, density and buoyancy, look it up.
Levitation tech is 100 year old, the Germans had it on lock from the start of the war, many schmetics, videos, and pics of their crafts are available if your willing to look
The idea is rather simple, but was sketchy 100 years ago when they used turbo jet engine to move the magnets inside the craft
Today they just use mercury ;)

Isaac Newton.
Ever heard of him? Ever done some of that 'math' stuff before?
You might think its cute to ignore the fact that gravity exists in a vacuum,
easily demonstrated zillions of times,

but the last 15 years of my life I have studied gravity, and its bad enough that
the establishment perpetuates the lies of Einstein,
we don't really need any more misinformation here.

My thesis, btw:
Newtonian-Planck gravity.

Here's the map of LIGO observatories..

View attachment 5315986

Quite an astonishing amount of technology that went into those observations.
But don't confuse the science with the technology.
When the first telescopes caught sight of Saturn, they thought it had 'ears'.

I cannot say it enough, that those are NOT gravitational wave black hole binary mergers,
because the science makes less sense than Saturn having ears.

Read carefully:
Isaac Newton.
Ever heard of him? Ever done some of that 'math' stuff before?
You might think its cute to ignore the fact that gravity exists in a vacuum,
easily demonstrated zillions of times,

but the last 15 years of my life I have studied gravity, and its bad enough that
the establishment perpetuates the lies of Einstein,
we don't really need any more misinformation here.

My thesis, btw:
Newtonian-Planck gravity.

Lol yeah when the apple fell on his head, good bed time story for the kids...
A vacuum is a medium just like air, water, or whatever medium you wanna choose,
It doesn't prove gravity, it just prove when materials are in void or vacuum they act differently or same depending on the medium or object.
Sorry if you believe there's a magical force binding you and the oceans to the ground, you have been totally brainwashed.
Btw the curvature of the earth has a math also, you've done the math right ? Now find us that curve ! Show us how boats disappear over the curve, and how spacemen are floating in deep vacuum fake space haha

The only reason people even believe this gravity bullshit is cuz they tell them in space you float, so there has to be something that bind you here on earth, or we all float hahaha
False presumption, leads to false theories, built on shady knowledge, to brainwash sheeple who will say yes no matter whos the clown that says it
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I know how boats disappear over the so called "curve" into the flat horizon, and also sometimes "magically" reappear as a superior mirage (aka Fata Morgana) too..

It happens for the same reasons its possible to look up and see both the sun and moon in the sky... Both of them above the horizon, at the same time during an "impossible" lunar eclipse (aka a Selenelion), and with the supposed shadow on the opposite side.
Quite an astonishing amount of technology that went into those observations.
But don't confuse the science with the technology.
When the first telescopes caught sight of Saturn, they thought it had 'ears'.

I cannot say it enough, that those are NOT gravitational wave black hole binary mergers,
because the science makes less sense than Saturn having ears.

Read carefully:

That's because with any normal\amatuer telescope, saturn is nothing more than a cymatic looking sonoluminescent projection, dancing & flickering around at a certain frequency that makes it appear to have rings. Not solid at all, or far away.

Now days all the very large big boy telescopes have laser projectors on them. They literally beam projections into the sky right where the scope is pointing, to "get a better picture, and create artificial stars to track" and even admit they do it, lmao. You can't make this shit up! Oh yeah they can, because so many people still believe them that the images they are projecting over the otherwise blurry "planets" is real.. haha. Funny how the more advanced their telescope lasers got, the fancier the images get.. straight up project blue beam IMO. Been going on for decades now, but not to fake aliens like the theorists always said..

Isaac Newton.
Ever heard of him? Ever done some of that 'math' stuff before?
You might think its cute to ignore the fact that gravity exists in a vacuum,
easily demonstrated zillions of times,

but the last 15 years of my life I have studied gravity, and its bad enough that
the establishment perpetuates the lies of Einstein,
we don't really need any more misinformation here.

My thesis, btw:
Newtonian-Planck gravity.
How come they can't create a miniature model of the universe then.. with all the planets (balls or whatever) orbiting a mini sun inside a vacuum chamber? I thought anything can be scaled down. Why isn't there one on my desk?! Why isn't there one up in the fake station? lol
Gravity lol
Gravity is a hoax, density and buoyancy, look it up.
Levitation tech is 100 year old, the Germans had it on lock from the start of the war, many schmetics, videos, and pics of their crafts are available if your willing to look
The idea is rather simple, but was sketchy 100 years ago when they used turbo jet engine to move the magnets inside the craft
Today they just use mercury ;)

Nice thing about gravity is you can empirically confirm or deny it's existence with a simple experiment without any special equipment.
Simply climb to a convenient roof, walk to the edge, and take a step off.
If gravity is indeed a hoax, there's is no danger, you'll be levitating.
If not, you've confirmed the existence of gravity.

Please give it a try and report back your results.
I broke my back last time I tried that. The only "gravity" was the weight of the situation itself bearing down on me for awhile.

Then everything changed, and life got so much better from then on. As if it knocked some extra sense into me, unlike Sir Newton. I even quit believing in aliens, and they stopped tormenting and trying to abduct me. It was a demon that knew I had seen Fire in the sky, and all the other scary movie programs as a kid, and how to control me with that fear. When you allow an evil entity to have that much power, it can shape shift into anything, from people to aliens, or whatever your worst nightmare is. The upside down is real, and yes they use the electrical grid like a medium.

Either way, life is good!

I met the most gorgeous "flat earther" a few weeks ago downtown. Like, what even are the odds? 10 minutes into the convo (that she started!) about how everything including space is a hoax.. I was asking if she wanted to head to Antarctica dressed as penguins with me, but she somehow already had a BF... I was like how? Come to find out, there are singles\dating sites for FEers and any other kind of so called conspiracists. Who would have thought?

So, now that ya'll know what aliens really are.. Can we get back to discussing how N4SA admits right on their own gov website that the entire universe they've created via CGI and laser projections is fake?

Considering this guy recently testified to congress along with reps from four other G8 countries, I feel like there is credibility here. Watch in order #48 then 65.

If you haven't found Shawn Ryan yet, buckle up. Dude has the best interviews on you tube.

Steven Greer is a shill, even back in the days of project camalot and other code names projects meant for only those who know to see and understand...

In the bible it says enoch is the only one God took while he was still alive, and showed him how everything works, the heavens, the luminaries, the wind, rain, etc...

Enoch says there's a shappire stone like dome above us, so thick and big it can hold all that water above us...
The Hebrews wear a dome on their head, not to remind them God exist (because it is forbidden to make any symbol, statue or drawing of god) but to remind them there's a dome over their heads haha
So, when you realize this, you will realize no one can go out and no one can come in, not physical stuff anyway...
Believe what you want.
IDK, IDC & IDGAF what opinions are against my own experiences either.
We're not alone and if you believe different, I'm not just the only one to think that you're a gullible one.
But my final answer is YES.
Prayers, peace and forever rest Pat and Jim...