Agree. Although I think they have already decided what to do with us. Right now we're a cool ant farm.I personally think we ARE currently being watched. And judged. If we are found wanting or even just a juicy target, what then?
Yep. I got a link to it further back.This is the TR3B you are referring to, right?
I think it's a moot point. Our fate is sealed. Until this post I never heard of the Dark Forest theory. Although I have heard about Steven Hawkins' warning.What do y'all think of the Dark Forest theory?
Oh there's a lot of computer generating done. As a whole the clip is like the beginnings of if Area 51 existed. Only took about 40 years till it was confessed that, yes, it exits.It's the first part of the show - if that is fake, it's been done by someone who is very capable.
Our fate is sealed? By what? I'm not doubting you, it's just that the list of shit to run afoul of is so long...I think it's a moot point. Our fate is sealed. Until this post I never heard of the Dark Forest theory. Although I have heard about Steven Hawkins' warning.
Kinda sorta cliff noted this theory. I don't think it pertains to us ...yet. I've watched some of these alien shows, (fun to watch, tongue-in-cheek), and have heard it mentioned that of the several races who have visited us, some don't like each other. So I'm guessing they've got bigger fish to fry.
Our fate is sealed as to how they'll deal with us.Our fate is sealed? By what? I'm not doubting you, it's just that the list of shit to run afoul of is so long...
Dude I love hunting squirrels. As for aliens, I'm sure some exist somewhere. I have seen some things in the sky that I can't explain but I do live near an air force base and multiple airports so who knows. I've seen things way out in the desert as well taking flight paths that made no sense, and seemingly impossible maneuvers. I've also been accompanied with others during these occasions and they see it too, so it's nice to know I'm not totally crazy.Our fate is sealed as to how they'll deal with us.
I have bird feeders. The squirrels keep climbing up. They scare away the birds. I scare away the squirrels. I wish I could speak squirrel. But instead I have to have my bb gun speak for me. So when the aliens talk we better listen.
So I'm one of the people who waste a lot of time watching alien videos on the Internet. Conspiracy theories, phony YouTube videos, kinda convincing videos (but not really). There are a ton of theories out there. That Egyptian Kings were really aliens that taught us language and other things. That aliens are still here and the Men in Black really exist. That the secret service are really aliens. That aliens are in the other side of the moon and told us not to come back there. And all the multiple alien sightings and grainy ass videos that you can barely see. So what do you guys believe? I definately believe in alien life. As to whether they are aliens on this planet or not.... I haven't decided.
We have all the reasons we need to be embarrassed by our own immaturity and reprehensible conduct whether aliens are watching or not.Do you ever wonder if aliens are watching us and whether to be embarrassed or not? Like what are we doing?
Because of Biden?We have all the reasons we need to be embarrassed by our own immaturity and reprehensible conduct whether aliens are watching or not.
Jesus dude, really? There's a million examples without getting political.Because of Biden?
We miss-fired.We exist, therefore it’s likely another exists