Aliens....Do You Believe?

To the OP original question. No. To all the people who "Want" to believe let me give you some facts. The fastest recorded ship/drone/probe that mankind, sorry humans launched into space was the Parker Solar Probe that reached a speed of 364,660mph at perihelion which is the closest to the sun's orbit. So at that speed which a craft would need to use the suns gravitational force to achieve it would take 7818 years to reach the closest star Alpha Centuri or Proxima B the planet associated with it.

With that said unless there was even a possibility of "Folding space" as others have suggested which isnt going to happen we will never visit these places, nor will anything if there was existed reach us. These are facts, sci-fi is the only realm your going to use to rebut this! and like the poster that Mulder has in his office from the X-files "I want to believe" should be a key in understanding the human desire to believe something that doesn't exist. People want to believe in life forms from other worlds, so far its been blurry video, blurry pics and hear say. But I know someone will respond to the fact that im stupid....ect
To the OP original question. No. To all the people who "Want" to believe let me give you some facts. The fastest recorded ship/drone/probe that mankind, sorry humans launched into space was the Parker Solar Probe that reached a speed of 364,660mph at perihelion which is the closest to the sun's orbit. So at that speed which a craft would need to use the suns gravitational force to achieve it would take 7818 years to reach the closest star Alpha Centuri or Proxima B the planet associated with it.

With that said unless there was even a possibility of "Folding space" as others have suggested which isnt going to happen we will never visit these places, nor will anything if there was existed reach us. These are facts, sci-fi is the only realm your going to use to rebut this! and like the poster that Mulder has in his office from the X-files "I want to believe" should be a key in understanding the human desire to believe something that doesn't exist. People want to believe in life forms from other worlds, so far its been blurry video, blurry pics and hear say. But I know someone will respond to the fact that im stupid....ect
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To the OP original question. No. To all the people who "Want" to believe let me give you some facts. The fastest recorded ship/drone/probe that mankind, sorry humans launched into space was the Parker Solar Probe that reached a speed of 364,660mph at perihelion which is the closest to the sun's orbit. So at that speed which a craft would need to use the suns gravitational force to achieve it would take 7818 years to reach the closest star Alpha Centuri or Proxima B the planet associated with it.

With that said unless there was even a possibility of "Folding space" as others have suggested which isnt going to happen we will never visit these places, nor will anything if there was existed reach us. These are facts, sci-fi is the only realm your going to use to rebut this! and like the poster that Mulder has in his office from the X-files "I want to believe" should be a key in understanding the human desire to believe something that doesn't exist. People want to believe in life forms from other worlds, so far its been blurry video, blurry pics and hear say. But I know someone will respond to the fact that im stupid....ect

Essentially I'm with you. It does seem like travelling far enough to meet any other lifeforms will be impossible for humans. You are just overlooking one thing: Artificial intelligence will not care how long something takes.

I may have posted this picture in this threas before, but it truly is mind blowing to me. It's our galaxy and an enlargement of the area we are in. The blue dot shows how "far" our first radio transmissions have travelled. Travelling at light speed it takes 100 years to travel from the centre to the outer limits of that dot. At ten percent of light speed it's 1000 years. Ten percent of light speed is 30 000 km per second... 1.3 seconds around the earth... We will never travel to the stars :-|

Oh and the night sky... Go somewhere truly dark and the sky is full of stars, right?

If conditions are good you may be able to see 2500-5000 stars. That's all. Our galaxy has around 200 000 000 000 stars. There are 80 000 000 stars in the milkyway for every single dot you might ever see in the sky. Fucking thing is huge.

if i have to get my head stuck on a dog, hope they let you choose what type of dog,

like a pit bull would be ok i spose, nothing small or to hairy
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It does seem like travelling far enough to meet any other lifeforms will be impossible for humans.

Maybe aliens will road trip here though and already have?

Once they're here and in the open, who knows if we humans will be hor d'oeuvres or they will share technology with us if we promise to be good ?
There is not enough energy for us to make the trip in the first place. Even nuclear powered engine Cant do it. Have to have some tech that makes physical mass and distance irrelevant. Or be so not in the realm of reality as we know it to not need to travel anywhere to be everywhere. I know if I travelled to some other world I wouldn't waste my time giving out pro bono proctology exams and LASIK surgeries. I would dissect some cattle though. For the cookout.
One final note on aliens and whether or not they have been here, space weed.
The aircraft moving at crazy speed and direction does seem that maybe there are craft operating in another dimension overlayed on this dimensionality. Then movements in their dimension would appear very odd in this dimension. Would seem to break the physics engine. But from their perspective, it would be very normal seeming. Like I said, space weed.
And just where in the hell did we come from.???But Hey, Aliens!Bring your weed,I'll smoke one with ya.But be discreet,now adays we would have riots about humans calling you aliens,rather than space people.
Although perhaps unrelated... I recently learned that Ramses the II, considered the most famous/greatest Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was a Caucasian and not middle eastern in appearance, and that the Egyptians back then were very mixed in appearance.
Egypt was very metropolitan.
Essentially I'm with you. It does seem like travelling far enough to meet any other lifeforms will be impossible for humans. You are just overlooking one thing: Artificial intelligence will not care how long something takes.
Thanks for showing this pic. I'm for worm holes, folding space, inter-dimensional and all sorts of flippy ideas about travel.
I've edited the pic with my own thought of intelligent life. Within the rings I've added is my idea of where intelligent life is.
Rings could be expanded or contracted but based on our level of evolutionary progress. I give it about 1 million years either way.


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Multi-Dimensional travel capabilities explains aliens coming to Earth. It's like doors in realities. Somewhat akin to "if a tree falls in a forest" thinking, you don't have to have heard it to know it happened. Ya dig? Pretty sure I met one briefly in Arizona though, good times.
Multi-Dimensional travel capabilities explains aliens coming to Earth. It's like doors in realities. Somewhat akin to "if a tree falls in a forest" thinking, you don't have to have heard it to know it happened. Ya dig? Pretty sure I met one briefly in Arizona though, good times.
i think you met some mescaline in Az...a pocket black hole from Acme explains it just as well...
don't forget to get your new Acme catalog...