To the OP original question. No. To all the people who "Want" to believe let me give you some facts. The fastest recorded ship/drone/probe that mankind, sorry humans launched into space was the Parker Solar Probe that reached a speed of 364,660mph at perihelion which is the closest to the sun's orbit. So at that speed which a craft would need to use the suns gravitational force to achieve it would take 7818 years to reach the closest star Alpha Centuri or Proxima B the planet associated with it.
With that said unless there was even a possibility of "Folding space" as others have suggested which isnt going to happen we will never visit these places, nor will anything if there was existed reach us. These are facts, sci-fi is the only realm your going to use to rebut this! and like the poster that Mulder has in his office from the X-files "I want to believe" should be a key in understanding the human desire to believe something that doesn't exist. People want to believe in life forms from other worlds, so far its been blurry video, blurry pics and hear say. But I know someone will respond to the fact that im stupid....ect
Humans in general want to believe in something as it's a grounding mechanism. I find the alien thing fascinating. My daughter on her way to see me one Halloween night went through the manned gate, down and around the corner passing the lake when what did she spot hovering low over the lake? When she got to my door; she was in a state that disturbed me because she couldn't make sense of what she saw how close it was to her and drew a pic of it..arrow like with red lights, silent. Others caught it..YT Coral Springs Florida UFO.
We do have 11 Dimensions mathematically proven, yet we see 3.
I do agree with your assessment on aliens..the only thing that bothers me is that all the presidents have been asked about existence since Area 51 and all have said 'no' except Obama who said 'I can't tell you'. Hmmmm kind of curious about that; I consider Obama to be very honest as presidents go.
Just laughing at the billionaires new rocket ships. Where do they think they're going? They're going to need a lot of fuel to get there. Fusion is 1000 years away. + how are they going to keep their insides from turning to jelly?
Time folding is interesting..there are many possibilities in this world. We don't know everything. I do believe in preternatural occurrence until it is determined fact or debunked.