eye exaggerate
Well-Known Member
I'm in Canada, so, God Save the (Dairy) Queen. Put your monies into Blizzards, they can't liquidate or freeze them.
The way things are going I don't doubt that some bigs moves are coming.
Working for a nonprofit agency we recently had to cut 200k from our budget as donations have declined sharply. Which is a very bad signal for the economic climate.
UB is always a denier especially when it comes to Paul.
i would've lost half my money listening to silver bugs.
It wouldn't really be considered lost. In the case of a stock it cannot go bankrupt and as long as you hold it, it's not a loss.
Both are two sides to the same coin.Isn't Baphomet supposed to be at the top of that pyramid? Why is the queen up there? Don't get me wrong, the queen is pretty Metal, but not Baphomet Metal.
This is one of the most common myths believed by small investors.
I have a pretty deep suspicion about them because of the kind of hype being blown into them and by who is doing it. Spend an afternoon listening to FOX news and check out the commercials. The buying motivations they use are pretty exploitative in my opinion. Exploiting people's fear in this uncertain time is what they seem to be doing. In my youth I worked for a precious metal marketing firm. It was a dark time.Why do ppl have to be so diametric towards hard assets, it's just a position, not an all-in mentality. For some reason I find it reassuring that I can drive to any city in the country, plop a few decent pcs of metal on the counter of a p.m. dealer and walk out with a stack of paper. what a horrible option to have.
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I actually watched the entire thing. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't tell us what we should do to protect ourselves. All he said at the very end is all we can do is protect our wealth. That's hardly specific. What are these preventative steps he refers to? Is he selling something I can buy???
I still think that taxing the rich back into the middle class is the best way to deal with them. No better and no worse than the rest of us. PERIOD.
Only then can we progress as a species.
'I have a dream today...'
I still think that taxing the rich back into the middle class is the best way to deal with them. No better and no worse than the rest of us. PERIOD.
Only then can we progress as a species.
Why do we need to tax the rich into middle class? Last time i checked the rich were the ones creating jobs. So your line of thinking will make sure that america has no jobs. Think about it do you know a poor person that's creating jobs?
And that customer is very often the government. We are the government.I'm only going to tell you this once, so from a 'job creator' to your ears, pay careful attention;
There's only one job creator. His name is "customer". PERIOD.
And that customer is very often the government. We are the government.
I still think that taxing the rich back into the middle class is the best way to deal with them. No better and no worse than the rest of us. PERIOD.
Only then can we progress as a species.
Why do we need to tax the rich into middle class? Last time i checked the rich were the ones creating jobs. So your line of thinking will make sure that america has no jobs. Think about it do you know a poor person that's creating jobs?
there's one big hitch to taxing the rich,the rich own airplanes & can flee with hard assets & paper assets,IDK what the answer is but I do know the ubber wealthy have historically burned down the village to save their own hides .
some of the issues you talk about implementing are doable only if the USA walks out on NAFTA & renegotiates our global trade positions, as well as killing TTP TPP TIP TOP TOKE or whatever they change the an acronym to with slight of hand .
I submit before we make any changes to anything we demand accountability as to where the missing $6 Trillion dollars the Pentagon & military have squirelled off with is hiding at & demand its return .
This is one of the most common myths believed by small investors.