before forcing business to cut every corner in sight & remodel their entire business plan I've got a better idea,how about we demand government account for every last million,billion & trillion wasted or unaccounted for.
next we start streamlining our own business,which is government & make gov as efficient as possible .
after that we go after " non profits" that can afford outlandish CEO salaries & private jets and tax the shit out of them,making them more efficient .
then we go after the churches,synagogues & mosques & tax the shit out of them.
get our current house in order,stop all corruption & pork barrel spending ,impliment taxes on fake non profits & religion,then step back and see if we haven't solved the economic crisis with the system in place before we take away all incentive for business to manufacture a single item in a 50% tax bracket.
its doable without killing business or fleecing people who've earned wealth .