America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

Because I think that it is not their fault. We have become weak and complacent. We believe that we are owed something for nothing. We blame everyone for our problems but ourselves.
A bugerking employee wants 15 dollars for a job they can't preform correctly and blame the company because the can't make a house payment. When they are proforming a teenagers job.

How about we put the blame where it really belongs. On the lawmakers and our government for passing the laws that let them get away with it.
I am curious, earlier you referred to to taxing the banks at levels that would knock them down into middle class around about the time you made a good point about economics being as simple as customers. So in these latest posts where you reference the aristocracy, net taxes (im assuming when you said inheritance) going back to the country and the invisible artificial construct (boeing corp?) are you still talking about the banks mainly?

I want to know who you are talking about besides banks if applicable, if so then in general who are the groups, corps ect (usa corp?) and what dollar amount the line is at please if there is a line in your "extreme" position.

Just trying to understand your position more gooder, thanks in advance,

Not banks, individuals. Tax all businesses, why should banks be exempt?

Not dollar amounts, tax rates, just like for the working class.

In fact, that's what is fundamentally different about today's economy than the one of my grandparents; back then, individual and corporate tax rates were roughly similar. Today, nearly the entire tax burden has shifted onto the working class.

Has it enriched our country? Not any more now than in the Great Depression, and for all the same reasons.
Not banks, individuals. Tax all businesses, why should banks be exempt?

Not dollar amounts, tax rates, just like for the working class.

In fact, that's what is fundamentally different about today's economy than the one of my grandparents; back then, individual and corporate tax rates were roughly similar. Today, nearly the entire tax burden has shifted onto the working class.

Has it enriched our country? Not any more now than in the Great Depression, and for all the same reasons.

Nuh uh, big investors hate this. If you are holding 100% physical, you are holding a small percentage of the market, rest is paper.

Edit: and paper is what's used to manipulate markets blaze' blaze'

oh cool.

the birther guy is gonna start reeling off his federal reserve conspiracies now.
@ttystikk in this thread:

Hmmm, it's possible but then Jesse hates white boy rappers, so I'm still leaning to "marital", cuz Marshall sounds like "martial" which there is no such 50%tax on fighting so it's all convoluted but it leads me to a 50% marital tax loophole. Capisce?

wow I think you nailed it,is he from Britain by any chance ?
Not banks, individuals. Tax all businesses, why should banks be exempt?

Not dollar amounts, tax rates, just like for the working class.

In fact, that's what is fundamentally different about today's economy than the one of my grandparents; back then, individual and corporate tax rates were roughly similar. Today, nearly the entire tax burden has shifted onto the working class.

Has it enriched our country? Not any more now than in the Great Depression, and for all the same reasons.

Yeah especially if you're considering inflation a tax here as well which might make it even worse than you reckon on the working class.
I was trying to find the dollar amount line that defines "the top" from you. I get baked a lot so.

True story: corps are considered "individuals" in the tax code and upheld as individuals on speech freedoms I think by Supreme Court.
That's why you tax NET income. The kind that's left over after expenses. Oboy, you got some learning to do!

Do yourself a favor? Quit sucking at the Faux Spews cock of ignorance and get yourself an education.

Seriously, you've got everything backwards, just like Rupert wants.
Not banks, individuals. Tax all businesses, why should banks be exempt?

Not dollar amounts, tax rates, just like for the working class.

In fact, that's what is fundamentally different about today's economy than the one of my grandparents; back then, individual and corporate tax rates were roughly similar. Today, nearly the entire tax burden has shifted onto the working class.

Has it enriched our country? Not any more now than in the Great Depression, and for all the same reasons.

This where I disagree with you. You blame the rich I blame the government and the law makers. Also taxing only net sounds great but look at how taxing businesses have worked out, they are leaving quicker than we can create them.
Funny you bring up our grandparents time and taxes because america has always flourished with lower taxes not higher.
This where I disagree with you. You blame the rich I blame the government and the law makers. Also taxing only net sounds great but look at how taxing businesses have worked out, they are leaving quicker than we can create them.
Funny you bring up our grandparents time and taxes because america has always flourished with lower taxes not higher.

Backwards, backwards and fucking completely damn wrong.

Jebus, kid- you can't take shortcuts with knowledge. Take some economics courses.

Everything Faux Spews tells you about economics is WRONG.

And you don't wonder why?