Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

Don't wrap several points and put it under one.
Ill even get that post you made and see if I can slow it down for you.
Don’t bother. I know what I said. It’s 3 in the morning and I don’t have the patience to sit here and watch you suck China’s collective dick and justify their aggression while trying to claim that I’m the one who wants to go to war. Fuck your shit.
They aren’t “strengthening their defense capabilities.” They are utilizing their surreptitious offensive capabilities, to include clandestine assassinations and aggressively interfering with our elections. I don’t condone the shit the US has done, our wrongs don’t justify Russia’s clandestine operations. And this is much more sinister.

China has done nothing of the sort.

Now if you read your post, you will see that you have mentioned things two different countries are doing. Then you have my post..
We have both previously mentioned Chinas south sea policy, you even mention it in the first part of your post....
I specifically said I DIDN’T want war. I dunno about you, but I’ve actually experienced war. You’re literally twisting what I’m saying, I just can’t tell if it’s out of stupidity or out of a desire to invalidate me so no one else listens to what I’m saying.

How is that possible? Without diplomacy lacking threats, it will most definitely lead to war. Your side's rhetoric about Russia stealing our election isn't making them too happy.instead work on informing people how not to be such dumb shits and fall for retarded troll and fake news.

We need to think for ouselves rather than blame someone else with threats because you don't like how stupid you think those you don't agree with are.
You are literally mentally retarded.

You're the one name calling like a grade schooler against two countries with MAD capabilities, and you're calling me mentally retarded? You don't screw with a gorilla and make it charge, then act like you did nothing wrong. You give repect, even if you don't mean it and think you're better and smarter than said gorilla.
How is that possible? Without diplomacy lacking threats, it will most definitely lead to war. Your side's rhetoric about Russia stealing our election isn't making them too happy.instead work on informing people how not to be such dumb shits and fall for retarded troll and fake news.

We need to think for ouselves rather than blame someone else with threats because you don't like how stupid you think those you don't agree with are.
The sheep believed the "deal maker" and voter for him. They got sold a story and a dream and Voted Trump. Sure Russia played a large part but when it comes out the sheep turn a blind eye. He is still President. Its fkn amazing really.
This is what Americas Army does.
They create a story, people get scared, they say they will "save" someone/thing" and then they do this.

Iraq oil.jpg

Same thing in Afganastane. Taliban said yes to an oil pipeline and then said No. Work is happening now on the pipeline....
The sheep believed the "deal maker" and voter for him. They got sold a story and a dream and Voted Trump. Sure Russia played a large part but when it comes out the sheep turn a blind eye. He is still President. Its fkn amazing really.

It"s all a game of really complex real life chess to our puppet masters. Trump was done on purpose by US, Russia, China, you name it. So we will bicker and think the sky is falling, so someone worse will come along who everyone will listen to. By then we will be willing to make a deal from the devil, out of stupidity ,"Never another Trump act," which will pale in comparison to the Patriot Act which makes us volunteer to manditory rape by TSA just to fly a plane.

The American people are so stupid they don't understand this was all done on purpose. From Reagan dumping the mentally ill homeless on the street, to allowing real clandestine sleeper agents to abuse a previously too lax airport security, to Russia virtually invading.

Their plan is coming along real good for the greedy capitalists who care for nothing but their own pleasures no matter the cost.
How did Buddha-dude go from “The Left are corrupt liars! Heil Trump!” to “Green Energy, Universal Health Care, and Accountability for Leadership?”
I'll hazard a guess.

The policies he listed as being "for" are consistent with him being an alt.right troll.

Alt right are willing to back some socialist policies in order to gain power. They are trying to join with the Sanders left who, like Pad and tty, are mostly a bunch of naive white men that lean towards racism. In the 1920's, Nazis adopted "socialist" in their name to fool weak minded people like Pad. As with then and now, their authoritarian and backward policies are revealed when we talk about racial issues.
The alt-right wants and supports organizations that look out for the rights and well-being of white people. Historically, such groups have done so by striking fear in the hearts of immigrants, Jews, and minorities.

The policies Buddha-alt.right white dude supports will indeed benefit white people and everybody else in a race neutral world. . Where he draws the line is when policies are in place to address inequality due to racism. Unless racial inequality is addressed by other policies, racism is baked into the "Progressive(TM)" economic social policies. Universal healthcare isn't going to end cops killing black people for no good reason. The anti-immigration measures the alt.right support do strike fear in the minds of people in the Hispanic community. The Sanders movement is tainted with racism for the same reason.

From the same article:
The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
One of the starkest, darkest findings in the survey comes from a simple question: How evolved do you think other people are?

Kteily, the co-author on this paper, pioneered this new and disturbing way to measure dehumanization — the tendency to see others as being less than human. He simply shows study participants the following (scientifically inaccurate) image of a human ancestor slowly learning how to stand on two legs and become fully human.

Participants are asked to rate where certain groups fall on this scale from 0 to 100. Zero is not human at all; 100 is fully human.

On average, alt-righters saw other groups as hunched-over proto-humans.

On average, they rated Muslims at a 55.4 (again, out of 100), Democrats at 60.4, black people at 64.7, Mexicans at 67.7, journalists at 58.6, Jews at 73, and feminists at 57. These groups appear as subhumans to those taking the survey. And what about white people? They were scored at a noble 91.8.

Alt.right white dude has said many times that people of other races are actively trying to oppress white people. He's said many times that black people are poor because they have not the will to improve themselves -- pretty much saying they are shiftless and lazy. He calls affirmative action and equality in education acts of race war with the end effect of making white people subservient to non-whites.

As far as progressive policies go, alt right white dude's claims to support them are not completely an act but they are draped over and hide the fascism at the base of their movement.
I'll hazard a guess.

The policies he listed as being "for" are consistent with him being an alt.right troll.

Alt right are willing to back some socialist policies in order to gain power. They are trying to join with the Sanders left who like Pad and tty, are mostly a bunch of naive white men that lean towards racism. In the 1920's, Nazis adopted "socialist" in their name to fool weak minded people like Pad. As with then and now, their authoritarian and backward policies are revealed when we talk about racial issues.
The alt-right wants and supports organizations that look out for the rights and well-being of white people. Historically, such groups have done so by striking fear in the hearts of immigrants, Jews, and minorities.

The policies Buddha-alt.right white dude supports will indeed benefit white people and everybody else in a race neutral world. . Where he draws the line is when policies are in place to address inequality due to racism. Unless racial inequality is addressed by other policies, racism is baked into the "Progressive(TM)" economic social policies. Universal healthcare isn't going to end cops killing black people for no good reason. The anti-immigration measures the alt.right support do strike fear in the minds of people in the Hispanic community. The Sanders movement is tainted with racism for the same reason.

From the same article:
The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
One of the starkest, darkest findings in the survey comes from a simple question: How evolved do you think other people are?

Kteily, the co-author on this paper, pioneered this new and disturbing way to measure dehumanization — the tendency to see others as being less than human. He simply shows study participants the following (scientifically inaccurate) image of a human ancestor slowly learning how to stand on two legs and become fully human.

Participants are asked to rate where certain groups fall on this scale from 0 to 100. Zero is not human at all; 100 is fully human.

On average, alt-righters saw other groups as hunched-over proto-humans.

On average, they rated Muslims at a 55.4 (again, out of 100), Democrats at 60.4, black people at 64.7, Mexicans at 67.7, journalists at 58.6, Jews at 73, and feminists at 57. These groups appear as subhumans to those taking the survey. And what about white people? They were scored at a noble 91.8.

Alt.right white dude has said many times that people of other races are actively trying to oppress white people. He's said many times that black people are poor because they have not the will to improve themselves -- pretty much saying they are shiftless and lazy. He calls affirmative action and equality in education acts of race war with the end effect of making white people subservient to non-whites.

As far as progressive policies go, alt right white dude's claims to support them are not completely an act but they are draped over and hide the fascism at the base of their movement.
You’re probably dead on, really. What’s starting to raise my suspicions and weird me out is, I have been chill with Luke since he got here. I simply laid out my logic as to why there’s clearly coordination between China and Russia in obvious preparation for war—preparations anyone else can see—and he immediately got defensive and started rebutting from emotion rather than from logic. I’m a pretty hypervigilant person. The force of his emotional rebuttal and refusal to accept the given facts gives me bad vibes. He even went on a pro-Chinese/Russian, anti-American kind of tangent.
I'll hazard a guess.

The policies he listed as being "for" are consistent with him being an alt.right troll.

Alt right are willing to back some socialist policies in order to gain power. They are trying to join with the Sanders left who, like Pad and tty, are mostly a bunch of naive white men that lean towards racism. In the 1920's, Nazis adopted "socialist" in their name to fool weak minded people like Pad. As with then and now, their authoritarian and backward policies are revealed when we talk about racial issues.
The alt-right wants and supports organizations that look out for the rights and well-being of white people. Historically, such groups have done so by striking fear in the hearts of immigrants, Jews, and minorities.

The policies Buddha-alt.right white dude supports will indeed benefit white people and everybody else in a race neutral world. . Where he draws the line is when policies are in place to address inequality due to racism. Unless racial inequality is addressed by other policies, racism is baked into the "Progressive(TM)" economic social policies. Universal healthcare isn't going to end cops killing black people for no good reason. The anti-immigration measures the alt.right support do strike fear in the minds of people in the Hispanic community. The Sanders movement is tainted with racism for the same reason.

From the same article:
The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
One of the starkest, darkest findings in the survey comes from a simple question: How evolved do you think other people are?

Kteily, the co-author on this paper, pioneered this new and disturbing way to measure dehumanization — the tendency to see others as being less than human. He simply shows study participants the following (scientifically inaccurate) image of a human ancestor slowly learning how to stand on two legs and become fully human.

Participants are asked to rate where certain groups fall on this scale from 0 to 100. Zero is not human at all; 100 is fully human.

On average, alt-righters saw other groups as hunched-over proto-humans.

On average, they rated Muslims at a 55.4 (again, out of 100), Democrats at 60.4, black people at 64.7, Mexicans at 67.7, journalists at 58.6, Jews at 73, and feminists at 57. These groups appear as subhumans to those taking the survey. And what about white people? They were scored at a noble 91.8.

Alt.right white dude has said many times that people of other races are actively trying to oppress white people. He's said many times that black people are poor because they have not the will to improve themselves -- pretty much saying they are shiftless and lazy. He calls affirmative action and equality in education acts of race war with the end effect of making white people subservient to non-whites.

As far as progressive policies go, alt right white dude's claims to support them are not completely an act but they are draped over and hide the fascism at the base of their movement.

Wow. That conspiracy theory is way more out there than anything Alex Jones could come up with. I givenyou mad props.
You guys all realize this whole Russian thing and both the Mob & the Russians seizing control of our government is a prelude to war, right? You guys realize it’s probably only going to escalate from here?
It depends on how things go with China's rise into imperialism. The world is scrambling to see which countries will take which side which makes elections and coups all the more important.

We've certainly entered a new cold war though. China's geopolitical position is very similar to the what the US position was around the time of the Monroe Doctrine. The semantics of Chinese imperialism are debatable, but they're mid-stride toward world-scale militarism, that's my point. They will need allies though as even with Russia's help, they'd never defeat the US navy and much less a US-Japan alliance. It would have to be nuclear.

The Russian navy is almost literally a bunch of brush shined turds. It's a bunch of painted rust and old guns, but they are professional.

The Chinese navy is certainly transforming into something formidable but even at this rate, it would take them years to catch up. Currently, their strategy is little more than "more missiles than we can shoot down". This may sound effective, but for an example of how absurd it is, try throwing rocks at cats running around in a football stadium from the parking lot. That's not an unfair description of the chances of hitting a moving ship in the PO with a ballistic warhead of any yield. Even with multistage guiding, which can be easily disrupted, they'd be hard pressed to hit a surface ship, much less the silent service. Our subs alone could hold their forces at bay. Sea mines will offer them an early alert to our presence at best. We'd also be crazy to think that Darpa hasn't been working on orbital robotics to defend our sats and destroy theirs. Chinese tech on the other hand is reverse engineered from ours and assembled with materials available.

The US seems to have no interest in a ground war in Asia, even to defend Taiwanese sovereignty. That wouldn't be necessary anyway. If there were any ground war, it would be between India and China in the mountains. India would have their way with Chinese ships in the IO and easily disrupt oil supplies.

The way this would likely all begin is that the Spratly Islands powder keg would ignite. They would have to respond to US antagonism (freedom of nav ops) by attacking a US ship. In order to have any momentum after that, they'd have to take Taiwan completely and open military relations with the Philippines, in order to establish a military presence in both countries. Either of these would be tipping their hand so they can't attack in the Spraty's until after they have a naval presence in both of those countries. Then, they'd have to pull off a pearl harbor on Guam. Only with their reach extended to the line of islands from Kamchatka to Borneo could they hope to prevail against the US and drive us out of the Pacific Ocean. Now add Japan to this equation. They are absolutely reviled in Chinese media. The Chinese hate Japan. Also there's RoK. Just because they wouldn't house our THAADs doesn't mean they'd cede their nation to China and just stop playing K-pop.

With that said, China already struck the first blow. They took the Spratly Islands and installed Duterte so he could rubber stamp it. Maybe the oil there will supply them with oil because they certainly wouldn't get any past India via the IO. They lost their trade relations with Malaysia and Indonesia but may have gained Australia and RoK. An open war with the US would effect all of these relations. Thailand will stay neutral and invite manufacturers (my guess). In the PI, Duterte might take complete control and set things up so that doesn't get reversed. I hear he's talking about naming Marcos as his VP.

In any case, all of the naval forces available to contend with the US would likely not suffice against the silent service alone. In terms of tech, we're 20 years ahead. Our nuclear subs are much faster (maybe not max speed but able to run near silent much faster), quieter and cooler, they'd outperform anyone else's subs hands down. That's aside from the fact that whole of the US Pacific Fleet is bigger than the entire Russian and Chinese fleets combined. We've got our own oil to wage war for years too. It wouldn't be like Iraq. No ground war. If there were a ground war, it wouldn't be a proxy war with stupid rules like Vietnam where they resupply via trails in other countries we can't openly wage war in and we wouldn't have to prop up a puppet in hopes of maintaining a colony. It would be a desperate mad dash like the war with Japan.

If the Communist Party of China is ever going to wage a war, they have to realign world trade in their favor first or just accept that it will never work. It would be another century of humiliation for them. They know that.
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It depends on how things go with China's rise into imperialism. The world is scrambling to see which countries will take which side which makes elections and coups all the more important.

We've certainly entered a new cold war though. China's geopolitical position is very similar to the what the US position was around the time of the Monroe Doctrine. The semantics of Chinese imperialism are debatable, but they're mid-stride toward world-scale militarism, that's my point. They will need allies though as even with Russia's help, they'd never defeat the US navy and much less a US-Japan alliance. It would have to be nuclear.

The Russian navy is almost literally a a bunch of brush shined turds. It's a bunch of painted rust and old guns, but they are professional.

The Chinese navy is certainly transforming into something formidable but even at this rate, it would take them years to catch up. Currently, their strategy is little more than "more missiles than we can shoot down". This may sound effective, but for an example of how absurd it is, try throwing rocks at cats running around in a football stadium from the parking lot. That's not an unfair description of the chances of hitting a moving ship in the PO with a ballistic warhead of any yield. Even with multistage guiding, which can be easily disrupted, they'd be hard pressed to hit a surface ship, much less the silent service. Our subs alone could hold they're forces at bay and sea mines will offer an early alert to their presence at best. We'd also be crazy to think that Darpa hasn't been working on orbital robotics to defend our sats and destroy theirs. Chinese tech on the other hand is reverse engineered from ours and assembled with materials available.

The US seems to have no interest in a ground war in Asia, even to defend Taiwanese sovereignty. That wouldn't be necessary anyway. If there were any ground war, it would be between India and China in the mountains. India would have their way with Chinese ships in the IO and easily disrupt oil supplies.

The way that would likely all begin is that the Spratly Islands powder keg would ignite. They would have to respond to US antagonism by attacking. In order to have any momentum, they'd have to take Taiwan completely and open military relations with the Philippines, in order to establish a military presence in both countries. Either of these would be tipping their hand. Then, they'd have to pull off a pearl harbor on Guam. Only with their reach extended to the line of islands from Kamchatka to Borneo could they hope to prevail against the US. Now add Japan to this equation. They are absolutely reviled in Chinese media. The Chinese hate Japan. Also there's RoK. Just because they wouldn't house our THAADs doesn't mean they'd cede their nation to China and just stop playing K-pop.

With that said, China already struck the first blow. They took the Spratly Islands and installed Duterte so he could rubber stamp it. Maybe the oil there will supply them with oil because they certainly wouldn't get any past India via the IO. They lost their trade relations with Malaysia and Indonesia but may have gained Australia and RoK. An open war with the US would effect all of these relations. Thailand will stay neutral and invite manufacturers (my guess). In the PI, Duterte might take complete control and set things up so that doesn't get reversed. I hear he's talking about naming Marcos as his VP.

In any case, all of the naval forces available to contend with the US would likely not suffice against the silent service alone. In terms of tech, we're 20 years ahead. Our nuclear subs are much faster (maybe not max speed but able to run near silent much faster), quieter and cooler, they'd outperform anyone else's subs hands down. That's aside from the fact that whole of the US Pacific Fleet is bigger than the entire Russian and Chinese fleets combined. We've got our own oil to wage war for years too. It wouldn't be like Iraq. No ground war. If there were a ground war, it wouldn't be a proxy war with stupid rules like Vietnam where they resupply via trails in other countries we can't openly wage war in and we wouldn't have to prop up a puppet in hopes of maintaining a colony. It would be a desperate mad dash like the war with Japan.

If the Communist Party of China is ever going to wage a war, they have to realign world trade in their favor first or just accept that it will never work. It would be another century of humiliation for them. They know that.
Dude. I just want to live in peace, grow a field of cannabis, and mind my own fucking business. I fucking hate politics.
You’re probably dead on, really. What’s starting to raise my suspicions and weird me out is, I have been chill with Luke since he got here. I simply laid out my logic as to why there’s clearly coordination between China and Russia in obvious preparation for war—preparations anyone else can see—and he immediately got defensive and started rebutting from emotion rather than from logic. I’m a pretty hypervigilant person. The force of his emotional rebuttal and refusal to accept the given facts gives me bad vibes. He even went on a pro-Chinese/Russian, anti-American kind of tangent.
Bullshit, I'm debating.
As your well aware I live in the Australasia. I was merely disagreeing with you and used logic and points...even some google homework which you didn't seem to look into. You don't seem to understand that your country is the aggressor and the facts of human nature and fail to grasp the big picture.
Bullshit, I'm debating.
As your well aware I live in the Australasia. I was merely disagreeing with you and used logic and points...even some google homework which you didn't seem to look into. You don't seem to understand that your country is the aggressor and the facts of human nature and fail to grasp the big picture.
If you’re debating, you aren’t doing a very good job. Also, I said that my country has done a lot of fucked up shit and engaged in wars they didn’t belong in. You act like I deny that. I don’t, and I condemn them for it as much as I condemn China for continuing to do it.

The answer isn’t to let both sides continue to instigate or prepare for war and conduct clandestine operations aimed at kicking one off. The answer is to fucking stop provocations and processes that lead to war.
If you’re debating, you aren’t doing a very good job. Also, I said that my country has done a lot of fucked up shit and engaged in wars they didn’t belong in. You act like I deny that. I don’t, and I condemn them for it as much as I condemn China for continuing to do it.

The answer isn’t to let both sides instigate. The answer is to fucking stop provocations and processes that lead to war.
Its what countries do..its economics and its just the super rich trying to get richer. Has never changed...It wont change until we have a world government..And I don't want that...
Its what countries do..its economics and its just the super rich trying to get richer. Has never changed...
See? You prove my point. You are a hypocrite, and part of the fucking problem.

“It’s the way countries have always been, so fuck America for doing it, but it’s ok if China and Russia do it.” What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Bullshit, I'm debating.
As your well aware I live in the Australasia. I was merely disagreeing with you and used logic and points...even some google homework which you didn't seem to look into. You don't seem to understand that your country is the aggressor and the facts of human nature and fail to grasp the big picture.

I never realized before joining how many people agree debate can only happen if both sides agree on everything. Which hasn't happened since my days on high school sports teams. I had no idea that was what they were teaching. My understanding it was all good fun.