Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders


The "moral victory" would be a win for Gillum at the polls. Accepting big donor money is effectively a loss when it comes to votes as it loses more progressives than it wins.

You've said before that the campaign with the largest spend wins 95% of the time. Why would you accept Gillum handicapping himself compared to his opponent? The only data we have shows more campaign spend correlates to higher success rates. There is nothing to back up your claim that returning the money would help him. All we have is information saying the opposite. I get that you believe you are right but like the tooth fairy, belief will only take you so far unless your parents slip you the money when you are asleep.

Gillum isn't returning the money. He's running ads to counter negative ones promoted by his Republican opponents. The poll numbers show him with a lead but too close to call. I believe he has a better chance if he's able to counter the lies and propaganda against him by spending money from big donors like Soros and Steyer. Unlike you, there is hard evidence to justify my belief. If he loses it won't be because he ran a weak and underfunded campaign. It also won't be because he accepted money from Soros and Steyer.
You bring up an interesting point; who is more conservative and who is more progressive?

I think that's pretty easy to figure out, based on the issues we support. So instead of simply making a claim that someone is more conservative than you, add evidence along with the claim. For instance, do you support universal healthcare? Universal college? Student loan forgiveness? A new green energy deal to advance clean energy technology? Campaign finance reform? Financial regulations? Etc. or not?

Based on the issues, I support the progressive position on all of them. Do you?

I also liked the post brah. That wasn't enough of a clue. Sigh.

Universal healcare is a right of every citizen. Healthy citizens are more productive. Who are willing to do so because they feel they're appreciated. Those who worry about their health tend to become synical and want to lash out. They give up, becoming bitter, which ends up feuling a never ending cycle of greed and hate relationships by both sides who consider each other as mutual enemies, rather than neither could survive without the other.

It's a hard work toiling your labor away for what you consider isn't appreciated. It's also hard to take a business risk. Both sides should respect each other, but the employer should have even more respect for their employee considering their potential for the ability to fuck over your life so hard.

The one with the most power has a duty to reassure the subordinate, but at the same time doesn't give the subordinate an excuse to take advantage by not trying the best to their ability if given proper respect.

College needs to be available for all, providing you have the talent. Anyone with the proper aptitude should be given the same opportunities. Making college so expensive makes that impossible. So students don't abuse such a wonderful gift, government, and employers.need to work out a plan which guarantees future employment. Otherwise everyone wastes their time, especially the student who has no clue what employers really want.

Which is why student loan forgiveness is a must for students who were tricked by predatory universities who give them false hopes what "education" they offer is going to pay off. If by after say four or five years after not being able to find a job which is enough to pay your loans and also live a life worth what you couldn't have without that education financial burden, the loan should be 100% forgiven

That way universities will have the incentive to prove an actual service for students by working together with government and business in the manner I described.

Green and clean energy is because we all live on the same planet and have a collective responsibility to preserve it through renewable resources for generations to come which we took for granted as a given before the industrial revolution proved was no longer true.

Money should be out of politics completely. Everyone should go to an event, they explain who they are, what accomplishments they've done, and what they plan to do. Then give like a month or two to decide. If they screw around while in office by not attending votes, not actively forcing other politicians do what they promised, and participate in consensus agreements with those who don't fully agree or even at all, they're removed from office immediately and replaced by the one who got second place.

The rich need to provide guarantees that they aren't gambling away money others have entrusted upon them when their risk is minimal, especially considering they can make up a ficticious entitity whom they call is a person who has minimum association with themselves, while having the ability to declare bankruptcy upon the fake person, with almost no consequences to themself personally. While any ordinary person doing the same ruins their life for years to come doing the same as a real person declaring bankruptcy.

So you tell me. Do I get a Yay or Nay for, "Am I a Trump supporter?"
I also liked the post brah. That wasn't enough of a clue. Sigh.

Universal healcare is a right of every citizen. Healthy citizens are more productive. Who are willing to do so because they feel they're appreciated. Those who worry about their health tend to become synical and want to lash out. They give up, becoming bitter, which ends up feuling a never ending cycle of greed and hate relationships by both sides who consider each other as mutual enemies, rather than neither could survive without the other.

It's a hard work toiling your labor away for what you consider isn't appreciated. It's also hard to take a business risk. Both sides should respect each other, but the employer should have even more respect for their employee considering their potential for the ability to fuck over your life so hard.

The one with the most power has a duty to reassure the subordinate, but at the same time doesn't give the subordinate an excuse to take advantage by not trying the best to their ability if given proper respect.

College needs to be available for all, providing you have the talent. Anyone with the proper aptitude should be given the same opportunities. Making college so expensive makes that impossible. So students don't abuse such a wonderful gift, government, and employers.need to work out a plan which guarantees future employment. Otherwise everyone wastes their time, especially the student who has no clue what employers really want.

Which is why student loan forgiveness is a must for students who were tricked by predatory universities who give them false hopes what "education" they offer is going to pay off. If by after say four or five years after not being able to find a job which is enough to pay your loans and also live a life worth what you couldn't have without that education financial burden, the loan should be 100% forgiven

That way universities will have the incentive to prove an actual service for students by working together with government and business in the manner I described.

Green and clean energy is because we all live on the same planet and have a collective responsibility to preserve it through renewable resources for generations to come which we took for granted as a given before the industrial revolution proved was no longer true.

Money should be out of politics completely. Everyone should go to an event, they explain who they are, what accomplishments they've done, and what they plan to do. Then give like a month or two to decide. If they screw around while in office by not attending votes, not actively forcing other politicians do what they promised, and participate in consensus agreements with those who don't fully agree or even at all, they're removed from office immediately and replaced by the one who got second place.

The rich need to provide guarantees that they aren't gambling away money others have entrusted upon them when their risk is minimal, especially considering they can make up a ficticious entitity whom they call is a person who has minimum association with themselves, while having the ability to declare bankruptcy upon the fake person, with almost no consequences to themself personally. While any ordinary person doing the same ruins their life fir years to come doing the same as a real person declaring bankruptcy.

So you tell me. Do I get a Yay or Nay for, "Am I a Trump supporter?"
No one is going to read all that.

The meth must be really good in your area.
I also liked the post brah. That wasn't enough of a clue. Sigh.

Universal healcare is a right of every citizen. Healthy citizens are more productive. Who are willing to do so because they feel they're appreciated. Those who worry about their health tend to become synical and want to lash out. They give up, becoming bitter, which ends up feuling a never ending cycle of greed and hate relationships by both sides who consider each other as mutual enemies, rather than neither could survive without the other.

It's a hard work toiling your labor away for what you consider isn't appreciated. It's also hard to take a business risk. Both sides should respect each other, but the employer should have even more respect for their employee considering their potential for the ability to fuck over your life so hard.

The one with the most power has a duty to reassure the subordinate, but at the same time doesn't give the subordinate an excuse to take advantage by not trying the best to their ability if given proper respect.

College needs to be available for all, providing you have the talent. Anyone with the proper aptitude should be given the same opportunities. Making college so expensive makes that impossible. So students don't abuse such a wonderful gift, government, and employers.need to work out a plan which guarantees future employment. Otherwise everyone wastes their time, especially the student who has no clue what employers really want.

Which is why student loan forgiveness is a must for students who were tricked by predatory universities who give them false hopes what "education" they offer is going to pay off. If by after say four or five years after not being able to find a job which is enough to pay your loans and also live a life worth what you couldn't have without that education financial burden, the loan should be 100% forgiven

That way universities will have the incentive to prove an actual service for students by working together with government and business in the manner I described.

Green and clean energy is because we all live on the same planet and have a collective responsibility to preserve it through renewable resources for generations to come which we took for granted as a given before the industrial revolution proved was no longer true.

Money should be out of politics completely. Everyone should go to an event, they explain who they are, what accomplishments they've done, and what they plan to do. Then give like a month or two to decide. If they screw around while in office by not attending votes, not actively forcing other politicians do what they promised, and participate in consensus agreements with those who don't fully agree or even at all, they're removed from office immediately and replaced by the one who got second place.

The rich need to provide guarantees that they aren't gambling away money others have entrusted upon them when their risk is minimal, especially considering they can make up a ficticious entitity whom they call is a person who has minimum association with themselves, while having the ability to declare bankruptcy upon the fake person, with almost no consequences to themself personally. While any ordinary person doing the same ruins their life for years to come doing the same as a real person declaring bankruptcy.

So you tell me. Do I get a Yay or Nay for, "Am I a Trump supporter?"
Bernie is OK
How did Buddha-dude go from “The Left are corrupt liars! Heil Trump!” to “Green Energy, Universal Health Care, and Accountability for Leadership?”
Russia doesn't have the money to mount a war against a worthy opponent, Putin and his buddies have sucked that all up for themselves
Clearly, they have enough money to build supersonic missiles and pay hackers and trolls to do their bidding. I think you’re underestimating them. They invaded Crimea and are participating in Syria. They are also allies with China, who are building atolls with bases in the South China Sea.
No one is going to read all that.

The meth must be really good in your area.

He asked for a detailed real perspective on all those issues. That's why we're in the shit mess we're in. We'd rather chant "build that wall! Lock her up!" While the only response back is just as unconstructive, "they're a bunch of deplorables! Don't vote for a racist mysoginist.."

But look what that got us. My amusement of you acting like that angry German kid smashing the shit out of his keyboard.

And all you can come back with is, "you gotz gud mef! *drool*"

Keep it up while I laugh at 5.25 more years of Trump!
Clearly, they have enough money to build supersonic missiles and pay hackers and trolls to do their bidding. I think you’re underestimating them. They invaded Crimea and are participating in Syria. They are also allies with China, who are building atolls with bases in the South China Sea.
Look at the invading done by America the last 30 years..
US has effectively surrounded China militarily and keeps making military threats against it, plus economic threats and actions. Current trade war for eg... You cannot blame them trying to strengthen their defence capability. America has givin them little choice. If you look at the countries China has invaded in its extremely long history and the countries America has invaded in its very short history it may tell you who is the aggressor.
Also, they had.. 13? Sleeper agents here in the country that got caught up in the Russia Investigation. By some accounts, the Russians had no accent and people initially believed they were Americans. I have to imagine they are definitely prepping for something, to put spies like that in our country.
Look at the invading done by America the last 30 years..
US has effectively surrounded China militarily and keeps making military threats against it, plus economic threats and actions. Current trade war for eg... You cannot blame them trying to strengthen their defence capability. America has givin them little choice. If you look at the countries China has invaded in its extremely long history and the countries America has invaded in its very short history it may tell you who is the aggressor.
They aren’t “strengthening their defense capabilities.” They are utilizing their surreptitious offensive capabilities, to include clandestine assassinations and aggressively interfering with our elections. I don’t condone the shit the US has done, our wrongs don’t justify Russia’s clandestine operations. And this is much more sinister.
Also, they had.. 13? Sleeper agents here in the country that got caught up in the Russia Investigation. By some accounts, the Russians had no accent and people initially believed they were Americans. I have to imagine they are definitely prepping for something, to put spies like that in our country.
and how mnay agents would America have in Moscow..come on spying is nothing new.
Russia has not the money, properly trained man power or the equipment to go to war with Britain, let alone the most expensive and well equipped army in the world. They cannot even win in the Ukraine as we speak.
Russia is doing extremely well financially, Have a look at some recent travel shows in Moscow. Expensive cars and clothes everywhere. Its now the women's fashion capital of Europe. The people are by and large very happy. Russia today is not the USSR even though they are led by a murderous bastard.
They even just hosted the World cup- in style.
They aren’t “strengthening their defense capabilities.” They are utilizing their surreptitious offensive capabilities, to include clandestine assassinations and aggressively interfering with our elections. I don’t condone the shit the US has done, our wrongs don’t justify Russia’s clandestine operations. And this is much more sinister.
China has done nothing of the sort.
and how mnay agents would America have in Moscow..come on spying is nothing new.
Russia has not the money, properly trained man power or the equipment to go to war with Britain, let alone the most expensive and well equipped army in the world. They cannot even win in the Ukraine as we speak.
Russia is doing extremely well financially, Have a look at some recent travel shows in Moscow. Expensive cars and clothes everywhere. Its now the women's fashion capital of Europe. The people are by and large very happy. Russia today is not the USSR even though they are led by a murderous bastard.
They even just hosted the World cup- in style.
I don’t want to argue with you, bro.