Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

Russia, China, DPRK, and probably Iran vs. the West.

Russia has been conducting Psychological Operations in countries around the world, as well as Cyber Warfare Operations. Philippines, UK, Catalan Spain, France, Canada, etc. Then, the Flat Earth and Antivax bullshit was a test, to see how gullible/susceptible to brainwashing people were. Like, all of this stems from sanctions over Crimea. Probably much more.

However, the GOP has had connections to Russia since the beginning of the Cold War.

putin wants to get at that oil in the black sea and need's freaking him out he can't control this.
America does the same thing back. America has been controlling world leaders for decades..They even put them in place, Saddam for eg...and then took him down and grabbed the oil for yourselves.

You seem to thinks its OK if your the one doing it but if its another country then its just not on...Your a pot calling the Kettle black.

Countries have ALWAYS done what you state to each other, Always will. The economy is the only thing that counts. Hence why America recently started a Trade war.

'MBS aka Little Saddam' - The Peoples of Saudi Arabia
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The sheep believed the "deal maker" and voter for him. They got sold a story and a dream and Voted Trump. Sure Russia played a large part but when it comes out the sheep turn a blind eye. He is still President. Its fkn amazing really.

he won via perfect storm and hillary is to blame..that's what happens when you mess with democracy and screw with peoples choice because THERE WAS AN ALTERNATIVE to letting her become queen by inheriting the kingdom's base..the kingdom never came.
Know what else we’re top in the world regarding? Incarceration rate. Our government writes laws to subliminally imprison any potential malcontents, and then they make money off of for-profit prisons. Like, you have no idea what you’re even talking about. Believe me, we want fucking change, too.

plans were leaked for the many new tent cities that would house hundreds of thousands..exactly who would that be? people that cross the border?

none of this ever sees the light of day because it's trump teevee 24/7.

i find our browsers to now be suspect with their algorthms..can't find results on searches where they once existed.
China & Russia. Period. If we wanted war, you’d think with all of those bases, China would be long-decimated by now. Nice try, though, with your attempt at misleading false equivalence. We are in those countries as a deterrent. If we weren’t, China would be expanding into India and Southeast Asian countries.

Ask Taiwan what they think. Tibet, too. Don’t forget Vietnam and the kids at Tiananmen Square.

Also, the DPRK, Russia’s and China’s other major ally, has been building nukes with the help of Russia and China, and they still are. You must have forgotten that, though.

I have no doubt you’re a Chinese sock running a VPN through Australia.
In fact, if I recall correctly, you popped off at me out of nowhere a couple of months back, and at the time, even other people in the thread were surprised. I couldn’t think of a reason why you would do that at that time. Thinking back now, it was because I was vehemently and forcefully speaking out against Trump, Russia, and China and catching out other foreign troll socks such as yourself.

You are a Chinese sock. If not Chinese, probably Belarusian, as well. You joined in 2016 in preparations for the election. You probably route through a VPN in Australia, which is why you claim to be Australian. You only get paid if you’re keeping up appearances.
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China & Russia. Period. If we wanted war, you’d think with all of those bases, China would be long-decimated by now. Nice try, though, with your attempt at misleading false equivalence. We are in those countries as a deterrent. If we weren’t, China would be expanding into India and Southeast Asian countries.

Ask Taiwan what they think. Tibet, too. Don’t forget Vietnam and the kids at Tiananmen Square.

Also, the DPRK, Russia’s and China’s other major ally, has been building nukes with the help of Russia and China, and they still are. You must have forgotten that, though.

I have no doubt you’re a Chinese sock running a VPN through Australia.
You don't think that's aggressive and threatening..haha.
So you have nukes but nobody else can? Which country has used Nukes? Yep..81% and rising..

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Chairman Mao killed more of his own people than Stalin and Hitler combined. They have tried to kill the Dalai Lama. They are trying to oppress and control the REAL CHINESE GOVERNMENT in Taiwan. They have been caught building atolls and helping Korea with supplies for their nukes. These are all great reasons to have a strategy of deterrence by placing NATO bases nearby.

All you are doing is deflecting and distracting from the fact that I’m calling you out on not being who you say you are.

Chairman Mao killed more of his own people than Stalin and Hitler combined. They have tried to kill the Dalai Lama. They are trying to oppress and control the REAL CHINESE GOVERNMENT in Taiwan. They have been caught building atolls and helping Korea with supplies for their nukes. These are all great reasons to have a strategy of deterrence by placing NATO bases nearby. All you are doing is deflecting and distracting from the fact that I’m calling you out on not being who you say you are.

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America is up over will take the lead soon.
Exactly why we have bases in the South China Sea. I’m glad we can agree on something.
I was speaking politicly.

You have bases surrounding China to intimidate it. You want it to react so you have an excuse to attack it. Hence the start of the Trade wars. Trade wars and sanctions often lead to armed conflict. Im surprised you support it.